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Methods Summary. Methods Summary Revision Change List Barcode Top Side DEK PreReflow Top Top Side Oven Bottom Side DEK Pressfit bottom station 1(Power Module) Bottom Side Oven Top AOI Breakaway Station Radsok Pressfit Bottom Station 2 Page 1 Pressfit Top Station 2 Page 2
Methods Summary Methods Summary Revision Change List Barcode Top Side DEK PreReflow Top Top Side Oven Bottom Side DEK Pressfit bottom station 1(Power Module) Bottom Side Oven Top AOI Breakaway Station Radsok Pressfit Bottom Station 2 Page 1 Pressfit Top Station 2 Page 2 Second Assembly Genrad Functional Test Functional Test Contd. FBT Test 1-8 Final Assembly QC 1-2 Pack Out Methods Return Log Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 1
Revision Change List Summary Issue # Date Engineer Rev Created New package 001 11-20-08 IVY X5 Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 2
Barcode • Verify label has correct Assembly, Barcode, Spare Part, and Diagram Part numbers. See following label: • Note: WI0267 OSP Board Handling Procedure dose not Apply scene there is no Wave solder. • Apply barcode with tweezers. See figure below. Note: All boards must have a barcode label before running. • Place board top side up into the DEK board loader. See figure below for correct orientation. BARCODE Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 3
Approx. 1” away from bottom stencil aperture Top Side DEK Setup And Tools: Safety Guidelines: 1. Always wear latex gloves for handling hazardous material. 2. A non-metal spatula must be used for removing paste off stencil. This is to prevent damage to the squeegees and stencils. 3. Always check date and time of the solder paste jar being used. Paste must be placed at room temperature for at least 4 hrs before opening. Stencil life of paste is a maximum of 20 hrs. • Procedure: • 1. Install tool plate or support pins. Refer to Work Instructions for further details. See above table for PN • 2. Install stencil and squeegees. See above table for PN and length • 3. Stir solder paste vigorously for 2-3 minutes • 4. Apply paste approximately 1“ away from the bottom stencil aperture. See example below: • 5. Set batch limit on the DEK to 30 • 6. Load product: 12688ET • 7. Run DEK machine while continuously verifying that the solder bead width is no less than ¼ “. If less than ¼”, re-apply paste. • Note: When measuring solder paste at the LSM use ref des RN16, J32, J33, J30, U1. Check solder paste measurement every 20 boards. solder paste Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 4
Pre-Reflow Top 1. Inspect PCA for the following defects before sending PCAs into reflow oven: - If non leaded devices are placed greater than 50% off the pads. Contact mfg engineers if 2 consecutive boards have placements defects as described. - If leaded devices are placed more than 25% off the pads. Contact mfg engineers if 2 consecutive boards have placement defects as described. - If any BGA is suspected as misaligned (not lined up with silkscreen), contact Manufacturing Engineers. Do not attempt to tweak BGAs. Mfg Engineers will verify placement. 2. Hand place any parts that come in bulk 3. Keep a distance of at least one pallet length between boards on the oven conveyor Visually inspect J30-33 for polarity Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 5
Top Side Oven Setup Instructions SM 3 P2 & P1 Machine: 1900EXL Belt speed: 27”/min Program : 12686-502 Top LF PLT Use carrier for oven MP012688 Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 6
Press Fit Station 1( Power Module) Note: Inspect all holes for foreign material such as solder before pressing in the connector. If Solder is found send board to rework to be removed. Inspect all connectors before and after installation for bent pins. *CAUTION: Please Check Insertion Tools, Break-away Fixture, and Arbor Press before using* • 1. Inspect all boards for defects. • 2. Use Press fit tool plate PFB12688C • 3. Use Press fit program PFB12686D • 4. Use Press fit support block BB01 • J2-J9 Key goes to pin 1. • Use alignment tool PM001 to align connectors • Use insertion tool T9037B to press in connectors. Remove alignment tool PM001 after the reflow oven. Do NOT install screws into current 351168-516 power module if there is solder paste on the leads. DO NOT REMOVE ALIGNMENT TOOL UNTIL THE REST OF BOTTOM SIDE IS PRESSED IN. OK TO MIX VENDERS Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 7
Top AOI • Use Program 12686_502K for inspection on the SJ50. • Remove Kapton dots on all connectors prior to AOI inspection • Pull off all tape and plastic tabs from processor sockets before inserting board into the AOI • If board passes, then scan the board into the SFC system as “PASS”. Apply AOI stamp on the bottom side of the board (see figure below). Send board to Press Fit Bottom. • If board fails, then scan the board into the SFC system as “FAIL” and log all defects. Send board to rework station. • - Visually inspect J30-33 for polarity by verifying that the key feature on the connector is on the same side as the polarity marking on the board. See example below: Key feature on the connector is on the same side as the polarity marking on the board Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 8
Breakaway Station Note: Inspect all holes for foreign material such as solder before pressing in the connector. If Solder is found send board to rework to be removed. Inspect all connectors before and after installation for bent pins. *CAUTION: Please Check Insertion Tools, Break-away Fixture, and Arbor Press before using* 1. Inspect all boards for defects. 2. Use Breakaway fixture 12688 with handle HDL12688D Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 9
RADSOK *CAUTION: Please Check Insertion Tools, Break-away Fixture, and Arbor Press before using* RADSOK Installation: Use PMT 12686X6 and NZL 12686 Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 10
Press Fit Bottom Station 2 Page 1 Note: Inspect all holes for foreign material such as solder before pressing in the connector. If Solder is found send board to rework to be removed. Inspect all connectors before and after installation for bent pins. *CAUTION: Please Check Insertion Tools, Break-away Fixture, and Arbor Press before using* • 1. Inspect all boards for defects. • 2. Use Press fit tool plate PFB12688x6 • 4. Use Press fit support block get with Dan F • J2-J9 Key goes to pin 1. • Inspect for the following when opening trays: • Missing pins. • Missing shields. • Missing guide pins. • Missing plastic. Inspect for bent pins before pressing connector on board. Remove insertion tool locating plate when using 012686-502 012686-002 012686-502 Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 11
Press Fit Top Station 2Page 2 *CAUTION: Please Check Insertion Tools, Break-away Fixture, and Arbor Press before using* After boards have been pressed they must be scanned out of Press Fit 2. Note:Inspect all holes for foreign material such as solder before pressing in the connector. If Solder is found send board to rework to be removed. Inspect all connectors before and after installation for bent pins. 1. Inspect all boards for defects. 2. Use Press fit tool plate PFT12688x6 4. Use Press fit support block. See Dan Flores 5. J2-J9 Key goes to pin 1. 6. J10-J27 stand alone guide pins go on outer edge. 7. Use tool number 694-3141-000 to check pins on J10-J25. 7. J18-J25 stand alone guide pins go on inside of board (Not on outer edge) • Inspect for the following when opening trays: • Missing pins. • Missing shields. • Missing guide pins. • Missing plastic. Inspect for bent pins before pressing connector on board. Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 12
Second Assembly • Tools/Materials: • tweezers • solder iron/tip, set @ 750F +/- 30 F • solder wick • brush • cloth lint free • methanol • Material Needed for Lead Free • Solder core = PF606-R • Rework flux = SMF-2 Procedure: 1. Inspect all boards for defects. 2. Use PFB12688B to support board and use adjustable wrench to remove breakaways 3. Check J30-J33 solder joints for solder defects (cold solder, insufficient, bridging) 4. Use 2 DX to inspect for bent pins on all press-fit connectors at a rate of 2 boards per hour. Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 13
Genrad • Log all boards in data collection from Genrad Results Pass / Fail. • Send all pass boards to Functional test. • Send all failed boards to Analyzer. • Apply Pass ICT sticker on T/S of board after passing Genrad. Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 14
Functional Test TEST PROCEDURE FOR AIRBORNE MIDPLANE FBT TEST, 012686-001 ASSEMBLY Titus Stauffer 15 May 2006 Note: Inspect both UUT and the test equipment blade and check for bent pin and misaligned connector. If UUT or test equipment is damaged, then contact test engineer immediately. 1) Make sure that the spring-loaded barrel bolts are pulled away from the middle of the tester where the UUT is to be positioned (bolts, qty 4). 2) Place the 012686-001 midplane UUT (Unit Under Test) into the middle of the tester. Place it carefully and use the tooling pins that are provided. Also, 4 male pins on the power plates must mate to 4 holes in the UUT. 3) Allow the 4 spring-loaded barrel bolts to be pushed (by their springs) towards the middle of the UUT (from top and from bottom). These 4 pins hold the UUT in place while test / load blades are inserted and withdrawn. 4) Push the qty 4, double-wide I/O test blades (S155) into the UUT from the rear. These should occupy the top 4 of the 5 double-wide slots in the rear. The bottom one is reserved for EMMs (Enclosure Management Modules), not yet used. Use moderate force to mate the test blades to the UUT; a need for excessive force will indicate a damaged connector. 5) Push the qty 16, server test blades (S156) into the UUT from the front. Start from the lower left and work towards the lower right. Then engage the 8 top blades, again from left to right. Have a second test operator guide the mating action to insure no connectors are damaged. Use moderate force to mate the test blades to the UUT; a need for excessive force will indicate a damaged connector. 6) Insure that all 20 test blades are connected via 20-pin ribbon cables, to the TED 2744 “unifier” board. There are 22 connectors on the 2744 v/s only 20 test blades, and so 2 of the ribbon cables will need to connect to TWO (not just one) header on the 2744. 7) Turn on tester power. 8) Push the momentary switch on the TED 2744 test board to start the test. Be sure to hold the button for a few seconds (long enough for the blade “test in progress” LEDs to light, see below). 9) Observe the tester… Test time will be 1.5 minutes. Any RED, FAIL LED on any one or more blades should light the red FAIL LED on the 2744 unifier board. The green PASS LED should light only when all 20 green PASS LEDs on all 20 test blades are lit up. The “RIGHT” LED on all test blades will indicate “test in progress” during the 1.5 minutes. If this “test in progress” LED does not light, in means, bad cable or bad test blade, or the operator did not hold the “test start” button for long enough. Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 15
Functional Test Contd. • 10) Observe the RIGHT ORANGE LEDs on the 16 server blades to the front of the tester. They should each turn ON for the 1.5-minute test, except each one should briefly blink OFF for 1 second, in a pattern walking across the front of the tester, from blade 1 to blade 16. If this patter is not working properly, then RN1 to RN16 (slot ID pull-downs) are probably not soldered or installed properly, on the midplane UUT. This is a temporary visual test until improved test coverage (a “ping test”) is implemented. Here is proper sequencing of the server blades as viewed from the front of the tester: • 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 • 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 – 15 – 16 • 11) Observe the RIGHT ORANGE LEDs on the 4 double-wide I/O blades to the rear of the tester. They should each turn ON for the 1.5-minute test, except each one should briefly blink OFF for 1 second, twice for each double-wide I/O blade, in a pattern walking down the front of the tester, from blades 1 - 2 to blades 7 - 8. If this patter is not working properly, then RN17 to RN23 (slot ID pull-downs) are probably not soldered or installed properly, on the midplane UUT. This is a temporary visual test until improved test coverage (a “ping test”) is implemented. Here is proper sequencing of the server blades as viewed from the front of the tester: • 1 - 2 • 3 - 4 • 5 - 6 • 7 - 8 • When the green PASS LED lights on the 2744 unifier board, the UUT has passed • Power down the tester • Pull all test blades out far enough to access the UUT • Pull back the 4 spring-loaded barrel bolts • Pull out the UUT • Repeat the test process with the next UUT • FYI notes: Above test procedure is only for site pilot. Later versions of the test will be more complicated, with the use of a test host, EMMs (Enclosure Management Modules), more fans and power supplies, and diagnostics. • The red FAIL LED on the 2744 unifier will light if any blade has no power directly from the UUT (or power plates in the case of the server blades) or other power malfunction (such as a failed E-fuse), but DOES have power from other test blades, via the ribbon cables. • Log all boards in data collection from Functional Test Results Pass / Fail. • Send all failed boards to Debug Technician. • Do not tale board off tester until it says Pass Apply sticker after passing Functional Test Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 16
FBT Test Procedure 1 1/ Turn on the computer 2/ Make sure operator do the visual inspection of that there is no bent pin on any of connectors of UUT for prevention of shortage 3/ Place the UUT to the tester, and lock 4 locks down Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 17
FBT Test Procedure 2 4/ Plug Green Fan Connector board (2839B0A) to UUT Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 18
FBT Test Procedure 3 5/ Plug Red Fan Controller Board (2849B0B) to left side of UUT Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 19
FBT Test Procedure 4 6/ Plug 16 server blades to front of UUT 7/ Plug 4 double wide I/O blades and 1 sleeve for 2 EMM to the rear of tester Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 20
FBT Test Procedure 5 8/ There is a Green Triangle Start button located on middle of the monitor 9/ Double click this Green button to start up the test 10/ There are 3 Windows will show up, and start to run the test Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 21
FBT Test Procedure 6 11/ Switch power switch to ON position to start the test 12/ Follow up the test on the computer screen 13/ Test will prompt to press buttons on the LCD screen (Up -> Down -> OK (Return) -> Left -> Right Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 22
FBT Test Procedure 7 14/ Locate the LCD controller on the side of the tester, and press those buttons as indicated 15/ Then keep continue follow up the test on monitor until it indicate Pass or Fail 16/ If the UUT pass, then click CLOSE button on the left bottom to shut down all the tests Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 23
FBT Test Procedure 8 17/ Turn off the power from power supply 18/ Disengage all 16 server blades, 4 double wide I/O and 1 EMM 19/ Remove all connectors saver card off the UUT 20/ Remove the UUT off the tester 21/ Double check and make sure to inspect there is no bent pin on any of connectors of UUT after remove the UUT 22/ If everything look normal, then stick a PASS FBT sticker to the UUT, scan it out and move to next process 23/ If the UUT fail, then scan out and move to Debug station Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 24
Final Assembly Procedure: 1. Inspect all boards for defects and missing hardware. 2. Log boards out of data collection to ship. • Check for missing labels. Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 25
QC 1 Note: If you log the board in and Data collection say it is in another area you must take it back to that area and it must go back through all normal processes. You can not just take a board back to scan out. • Check all boards for missing components,missing hardware and missing labels. • Check barcode for current assembly revision and correct barcode information. • Check J30-J33 solder joints for solder defects (cold solder, insufficient, bridging) • 4. Check for missing labels. • 5. Log boards out of data collection to ship. Cut out Cut out The key feature of these 4 connectors (30-J33) should face the edge of the PCB as shown below. Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 26
QC 2 Note: If you log the board in and Data collection say it is in another area you must take it back to that area and it must go back through all normal processes. You can not just take a board back to scan out. Please check pins for coplanarity issue. If pins are high please fail board. Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 27
Pack Out Check the recycled boxes for the following before placing boards in the box: Refer to Work instruction WI0100 **Any of the above violations need to be reported to quality or manufacturing engineer • Note: If the box partitions are not covered in a black coating, then the board must be inserted in a static shielding bag. Seal the bag with only one SSD label. • Verify that one piece of foam pad (PN FM1-012686) has been placed in the bottom of the box. • Remove each board from the box and scan the board into the SFC system. After scanned, place board back into its box partition.Place one piece of foam pad (PN FM1-0127) on top of the boards. • Close and tape box shut with packaging tape. • Apply box ID label on the black outline located at the upper right hand corner of the box. • Place finished box on pallet and verify all boxes on the pallet have the same assembly number. Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 28
Methods Return Log Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 29
Backup for page 8 Press Fit Station (Power Module) 8. After pressing in J2-9, J26-J27 you now have to insert a screw (P/N 351168-517) from B/S of board. Remove alignment tool after pressing power module. Place board on support plate. (SPTFX12688G) power module down and sits in support blocks. Inspect the screw MAKE SURE there is a washer on the screw before installation. While installing screw make sure the screw is stright. After screw is installed perform a visial inspection on the power module to insure the housing is not cracked. The Torque driver must be a trigger driver. NO snap drivers can be used. Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 30
Backup for page 13, 2nd assembly Verify all power module screws to make sure that they are flush. If the screw is not flush send back to Power Module station for reinsertion. BAD GOOD Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 31
Backup for QC2 Verify all power module screws to make sure that they are flush. If the screw is not flush send back to Power Module station for reinsertion. BAD GOOD Foxconn Confidential Issue #001 Ken Ivy Page 32