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微系統製造實驗室 (Microsystem fabrication lab.) 實驗室名稱 ( 中英文名稱 ). * 備註 : 以上為參考 Mode 格式 可自行調整擺放位置及頁數. 主要研究方向. 微感測元件的研究. 鐵電薄膜微感測元件設計分析與製造 從事機械薄膜微感測元件的微結構系統設計、模擬、元件製作及測試,採用 Sol-Gel 鍍製 PZT 壓電薄膜 應用的載具包括 三軸壓電式加速度感測器 聲波( SAW/FPW )感測元件 應用於機械與液體感測如壓力計、加速度計與質量檢測 應用於生化感測元件的開發。 依三個階段進行研究
微系統製造實驗室(Microsystem fabrication lab.) 實驗室名稱(中英文名稱) * 備註 : 以上為參考 Mode 格式 可自行調整擺放位置及頁數
微感測元件的研究 • 鐵電薄膜微感測元件設計分析與製造 • 從事機械薄膜微感測元件的微結構系統設計、模擬、元件製作及測試,採用Sol-Gel鍍製PZT壓電薄膜 • 應用的載具包括 • 三軸壓電式加速度感測器 • 聲波(SAW/FPW)感測元件 • 應用於機械與液體感測如壓力計、加速度計與質量檢測 • 應用於生化感測元件的開發。 • 依三個階段進行研究 • 微感測器之系統模擬與設計分析 • 壓電薄膜感測元件設計與製造,包括鍍膜、微細加工與系統整合 • 微感測器設計之最佳化與穩健化 聲波感測元件 壓電加速度計
導光板的設計與製造 • 結合矽基蝕刻與LIGA-like製程電鑄,製作微射出與熱壓印之薄板取代(Stamper),應用於模仁製作。 • 結合光學模擬分析軟體(TracePro),分析微特徵設計與分佈,使其具有軸向集光的特性,可免除增亮膜的使用 • 應用於LCD整合式導光板設計與製作,以期達到超薄、均齊與高輝度的背光模組開發。 電鑄後之梯形長溝薄板模仁SEM圖 電鑄後之截頂角錐薄板模仁SEM圖
旋鍍機(Spin-coater) • 以離心力塗佈光阻於玻璃或矽基板上
雙面對準曝光機(Double Aligner) • 紫外光曝光機用於光蝕刻製程中之光罩圖形轉移
表面輪廓儀(Alpha-Step IQ) • 表面粗糙度量測 • 表面輪廓量測
光學顯微鏡(Option Microscopy) • 利用光學原理到放大的像並可由CCD呈現在螢幕上
電鑄設備(Electroform) • 屬於精密電鑄之範疇(母模的精度到微米(um)以下);也就是利用電鍍的原理將金屬或合金沈積在特殊設計的母模上,等累積到需要的厚度時即予取出脫離母模而成為一電鑄工件。其沈積過程為原子的堆積,故可完整複製母模所有精密訊號。
接觸角量測儀(First Ten Angstroms) • 可直接"量測"接觸角(Contact Angle) • 可直接"量測"表面張力(Surface Tension) • 經"計算"可得表面自由能(Surface Energy)
網路分析儀和高頻探針台 • 可以量測各種被動與主動元件的線性和非線性特性。它們可藉由量測元件對掃描頻率及掃描功率測試信號的大小與相位的影響,來準確分析這些元件的特性。
導光板的設計與製造 1. Huang, M.-S., Li, C.-J., Yu, J.(余志成), Huang, Y.-M. and Hsieh, L.-C. (2009/8), “Robust parameter design of micro-injection molded gears using a LIGA-like fabricated mold insert”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 209, Issues 15-16, pp. 5690-5701. (SCI/EI, I.F.:1.143, Engineering, Manufacturing Rank Factor: 10/38) 2. Yu, J.(余志成)and Hsu, P.-K. (2009) “Integration of Stamper Fabrication and Design Optimization of LCD Light Guides Using Silicon-based Microfeatures”, Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 16, Issue 7 (2010), pp. 1193-1200. (SCI/EI, I.F.:1.229, Material Science, Multidisciplinary Rank Factor: 89/192) 3. Huang, M.-S., Yu, J.(余志成), Lin, Y.-C.(2010) “Effect of Rapid Mold Surface Inducting Heating on the Replication Ability of Microinjection Molding Light-guided Plates with V-grooved Microfeatures”, J. of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 118, Issue 5, December 2010, pp. 3058-3065 (SCIEI, I.F.:1.187, Polymer Science Rank Factor: 34/73) 4. Yu, J. (余志成) and Lan, C. (1999), “System Modeling and Robust Design of Microaccelerometer Using Piezoelectric Thin Film”, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Taipei, ROC., pp. 99-104. (NSC 88-2216-E-011-013) 5. J. Yu(余志成), S.-T. Zhangjian, and Zong-Nan Chen (2009), “Design of Integrated Light Guiding Plates Using Silicon-based Micro-Features,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automation Technology, June 27-29, 2009, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. 6. J. Yu(余志成), Y.-C. Fang, J.S. Huang, W.-C. Lai, B.-W. Wu, B.-R. Hsueh, “LED Backlight Module of Ultra-thin High Brightness System Design and Analysis”, The 15th Microoptics Conference, Oct. 25-28, 2009, Japan. 7. Yu, J.(余志成), Fang, Y.-C., Huang, J.S., Wu, B.-W., Hsueh, B.-R., Lai, W.C., Wang, S.F., “A Study of Design and Optimization of Ultra Light LED Back Light Module”, 7th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrication, Apr. 19-21, 2010, Yokohama, Japan. 8. Fang, Yi-Chin; Yu, Jyh-Cheng; Tsai, Cheng-Mu; Huang, Cheng-Hsien; Hsueh, Bo-Ren; Chen, Chia-An, (2010) “A study of light guide film with external illuminance backlight module”, IDW'10 - Proceedings of the 17th International Display Workshops, v 2, p 1597-1598, 2010. 9. Fang, Yi-Chin; Yu, Jyh-Cheng; Tsai, Cheng-Mu; Huang, Cheng-Hsien, “A study of power saving LED back light module”, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7852, 2010, LED and Display Technologies
微感測器設計與製造 1. Yu, J. (余志成)and Lin, H.Y. (2007) “The Design of a FPW Resonator using the Composite Membrane of PZT Layer and SiNx for Liquid Sensing”, Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, No 2, pp. 163-166.(EI) 3. Yu, J. (余志成)and Lin, H.Y. (2008/7) “Sensing Liquid Density Using Resonant Flexural Plate Wave Devices with Sol-Gel PZT Thin Films”, Microsystem Technologies. Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 1073-1079. (SCI/EI, I.F.:1.229, Material Science, Multidisciplinary Rank Factor: 89/192) 4. Yu, J.(余志成), Wu, J., Yeh, T., and Chou, C. -C. (2009/1)“Compatibility of Material Processing and Fabrication of PZT Based Devices”, Ferroelectrics, 383:1,127-132. (SCI/EI, I.F.:0.562, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Rank Factor: 144/192) 5. Yu, J.(余志成), Lee, C., and Chang, C. (2009/1)“Design and System Modeling of a Tri-Axial Microaccelerometer Using Piezoelectric Thin Films”, Ferroelectrics, 385:1,69 – 74. (SCI/EI, I.F.:0.562, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Rank Factor: 144/192) 6. Yeh, T., Shen, J., Yu, J.(余志成), and Chou, C. -C. (2009/1)“Chemical Reactions during Wet-Etching Process of LSMO/PZT/LSMO-Structured Device Fabrication”, Ferroelectrics, 380:1,97 – 101. (SCI/EI, I.F.:0.562, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Rank Factor: 144/192) 7. Huang, M.-S., Li, C.-J., Yu, J.(余志成), Huang, Y.-M. and Hsieh, L.-C. (2009/8), “Robust parameter design of micro-injection molded gears using a LIGA-like fabricated mold insert”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 209, Issues 15-16, pp. 5690-5701. (SCI/EI, I.F.:1.143, Engineering, Manufacturing Rank Factor: 10/38) 11. Yu, J.(余志成), Lee, C., Chang, C., and Kuo, W. (2011) “Modeling Analysis of a Triaxial Microaccelerometer with Piezoelectric Thin-Film Sensing Using Energy Method”, Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 483–493. (SCI/EI, I.F.:1.229, Material Science, Multidisciplinary Rank Factor: 89/192) 6. J. Yu(余志成)(2008) “Design and Fabrication of Flexure Plate Wave Micro- Sensors Using Lead Zirconium Titanate Thin Films ,” Third Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Future Frequency Control Devices, Dec. 1-5, 2008, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 7. J. Yu(余志成)and J.-X. Wu (2009) “Analysis of Material Processing of Sol-Gel Derived PZT to the Performance of Microaccelerometer Applications” Proceedings of the Symposium of Design Test Integration and Packaging (DTIP) of MEMS and MOEMS, Rome, Italy, 1-3 April 2009. 13. Yu, J.(余志成)(2011) “Convex Corner Compensation for a Compact Seismic Mass with High Aspect Ratio Using Anisotropic Wet Etching of (100) Silicon”, Proceedings of the Symposium of Design Test Integration and Packaging (DTIP) of MEMS and MOEMS, pp. 197– 199, May 11-13, 2011, Aix-en-Provence, France. 14. Yu, J.(余志成), Lee, C., Chang, C., and Kuo, W. (2011) “Parameter Design of Triaxial Microaccelerometers with Piezoelectric Thin-Film”, Proceedings of the CMP, pp. 90– 96, May 11-13, 2011, Aix-en-Provence, France.
特殊榮譽與獲獎事蹟 • 99年榮獲第三屆全國專利加值創新競賽自選組第三名 • 96年第一屆奇美獎─影像顯示科技產學合作競賽第二名 • 96年獲得經濟部工業局舉辦的「機器人產品創意競賽」佳作 • 高科大機械系92、94、95、96年最佳專題獎,工學院93、95最佳專題獎 • 台灣科技大學最佳專題獎,民國86、87、88、89年