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The Networking Lab in the School of Computing (and how we are helping to evolve broadband access technology). There are no more /8 TCP/IP V4 Addresses!!. Dr. Jim Martin Associate Professor School of Computing Clemson University jim.martin@cs.clemson.edu http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~jmarty.
The Networking Lab in the School of Computing(and how we are helping to evolve broadband access technology) There are no more /8 TCP/IP V4 Addresses!! Dr. Jim Martin Associate Professor School of Computing Clemson University jim.martin@cs.clemson.edu http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~jmarty Don’t worry Homer, the guys/girls in the Networking Lab will fix things!! WooHoo….I don’t know what this means Networking Lab’s Website: http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~jmarty/netlab/
Research Group’s Mission • Vision Statement: • Computing and the Internet are converging • Traditional broadcast video (Cable/Satellite) is converging with the Internet • Networks are becoming more and more ‘heterogeneous’ • The scope of the lab’s interests is more than networking, it includes operating systems, distributed systems, secure and trustworthy systems, and next generation Internet. • Collectively these define the term ‘cybersystems’ • The networking group focuses on a range of problems that are at the heart of developing and analyzing emerging cybersystems. The mission of the lab is to support cutting edge research in cybersystems AND to train researchers to address the needs of the changing world. . Now that’s what I’m talking about!
Brief Introduction • The Networking Group focuses on a range of problems in the area of computer networking. The focus the last several years has been on broadband Internet access. • Web site: http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~jmarty/netlab/ • The CyberInfrastructure Group focuses on cloud computing, cluster systems, virtualization, high-throughput computing, high performance computing, and grid computing systems. • Web site: http://www.ciresearchgroup.org/ • Funding • NSF, Cisco, CableLabs, Department of Justice/National Institute of Justice, NASA, IBM • Team • Faculty: Jim Martin, Mike Westall, Sebastien Goesguen, Brian Dean, Juan Gilbert, KC Wang, Harlan Russel, Richard Brooks • Students: Rahul Amin, Yunhui Fu, Gongbing Hong, and many MS and undergrad students
NETLAB Activities Research Pedagogy Outreach Networking and Systems Course Development Emerging Scholars Wireless Systems CyberTiger Broadband Service Website Broadband Access VM-based labs Statewide Broadband Wireless Initiatives Internet Protocols and Issues CyberTiger Creative Inquiry Networking Seminar Testbeds and Experimental Deployments
CyberSystems Research • CyberInfrastructure: The hardware/software systems that operate harmoniously to meet the requirements of domain specific applications and systems. CI includes operating systems, networks, distributed systems, secure and trustworthy systems, HPC. Application Domain (e.g., connected vehicle) System Performance CyberInfrastructure Trustworthy computing Algorithms Software Engineering Computational Theory
Common Theme For All Lab Research • Cooperative Wireless Hetnets • Supporting Video Multicasting in Wireless Crowd Spot Locations • Internet Video Streaming (IPTV??) using Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) • CyberTiger Broadband Mapping • Resource Allocation: The process by which network elements try to meet the competing demands that applications have for network resources • Broadband access: • FCC: "Internet access that is always on and faster than the traditional dial-up access“ • The edges of the Internet
Building Cooperative Heterogeneous Wireless Networks With Re-Configurable Devices • Future handhelds will contain multiple radios that can be used concurrently AND that are reconfigurable. • Future wireless networks will be heterogeneous with cooperative mechanisms in place (early examples are femtocells and WiFi off loading) Autonomous Wireless Systems Internet Access Network Exit Open Spectrum • Research: • Problem today is wireless systems are operated independently • Our work is finding practical methods for building heterogeneous wireless systems based on cooperative AWSs • Research has been primarily analysis driven (analytic and simulation) although we are moving towards a prototype Global Resource Controller SmartPhone
Introducing…crowd spots • A crowd spot involves hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of people (and wireless devices) temporarily grouped together in dense formation. • Drivers: deployment of smartphones, move towards multi-modal devices, availability of infrastructure • Of particular interest are sports and entertainment venues • 802.11 has supported large events since the early 1990’s. • Many studies point out the deficiencies of 802.11b – it does not scale. • Several works found many handoffs cause service interruption without ever moving the user (the device connects back to the same AP >50% of the time in one study) • Crowd spots supported on managed networks – society is evolving…. • Satellite to mobile devices – early form of the concept • NASCAR events provide handheld device video using Sprint’s licensed spectrum (now considered ‘outdated’ • Wireless carriers recognize the need to support crowd spots – one way is to offload application data onto WiFi. • Economic models are being invented….. • Another approach to support crowd spots – multicast!!
Application FEC Model (Crowd Spots …) FEC Send Side CBR traffic generator Stream including redundant information Stream of UDP packets 5 4 3 2 1 APFEC - coder Video streaming encoder r1 5 4 3 2 1 Video content (avi, mp4) Network FEC Rx Side CBR traffic generator Performance assessment (loss rate, latency, jitter) APFEC -decoder 1 3 4 5 r1 1 2 3 4 5 Stream – possibly lost packets Video quality assessment (PSNR, mean time between artifacts) Video streaming decoder
Introducing…crowd spots • Research: • Problem today is wireless systems are operated independently – crowd spots break all engineering assumptions • Cisco funded us to explore video streaming based on multicast and Application Forward Error Correction ….. (APFEC defined on next slide) • Research issue with APFEC: • APFEC works well if tuned to match network conditions • Lots of work that adapts APFEC parameters to track changing conditions in a single network • No one has considered crowd spots OR wireless hetnets
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming with HTTP • Today the majority of US internet bandwidth during prime time is video, and the majority of that is adaptively streamed long form content such as TV and movies • Cisco projects video will be over 90% of internet bandwidth by 2014 – the Internet will mainly become a video network • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) make this possible by “edge caching” frequently viewed content • Adaptive streaming has been engineered for efficient edge caching, and to withstand network congestion and unreliable network bandwidth and latency • DASH is a standard application protocol that allows one content provider to support Internet streaming on all devices
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming with HTTP • A segment is an independent, viewable period of video/audio/timing data.. • Segment sizes of 2 seconds or 10 seconds are reasonable. • Segments are uniquely identified by an HTTP URL. • A client requests the segment, the bit rate, and optionally a specific byte range in the segment. • Clients can issue requests and receive segments over any number of concurrent TCP connections. • The video segment is sent back by the HTTP server in a ‘burst’. • The implementation of the client determines how frequently segments are requested, when bit rate adaptation occurs.
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming with HTTP • The figure shows the throughput consumed by a Netflix stream. • We see several levels of video quality • The input to the plotting program is dataset1.dat • Write a program that reads an input file of throughput samples. Devise a method by which the program is able to identify the transitions
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming with HTTP http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~jmarty/courses/matlabTutorial/procDASHStates.m State Changes: 125.000000 STATE CHANGE TO 1 325.000000 STATE CHANGE TO 0 375.000000 STATE CHANGE TO 1 425.000000 STATE CHANGE TO 0 525.000000 STATE CHANGE TO 1 775.000000 STATE CHANGE TO 0 825.000000 STATE CHANGE TO 1 875.000000 STATE CHANGE TO 0 0 % Artificial Loss 0 % Artificial Loss 3% Artificial Loss Steady State 1 Steady State 4 Steady State 2 Steady State 3 b. Trace 1-4 (Roku Wireless)
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming with HTTP Xbox Wireless Roku Wireless Xbox Wired WiFi Android Droid Razr Netflix Server Linux Traffic Generator 3 Linux Router CentOS+ Netem Internet Clemson’s Network Netflix Trace Point (tcpdump) Client Devices Xbox Wired Windows Wired Xbox WiFi RokuWiFi Android WiFi Linux Traffic Generator 1 Windows Wired Linux Traffic Generator 2
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming with HTTP Xbox Wireless Roku Wireless Xbox Wired WiFi Android Droid Razr Netflix Server Linux Traffic Generator 3 Linux Router CentOS+ Netem Internet Clemson’s Network Netflix Trace Point (tcpdump) Client Devices Xbox Wired Windows Wired Xbox WiFi RokuWiFi Android WiFi Linux Traffic Generator 1 Windows Wired Linux Traffic Generator 2
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming with HTTP Xbox Wireless Roku Wireless Xbox Wired WiFi Android Droid Razr Netflix Server Linux Traffic Generator 3 Linux Router CentOS+ Netem Internet Clemson’s Network Netflix Trace Point (tcpdump) Client Devices Xbox Wired Windows Wired Xbox WiFi RokuWiFi Android WiFi Linux Traffic Generator 1 Windows Wired Linux Traffic Generator 2
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming with HTTP • Research: • Problem is there are large deployments of high bandwidth, adaptive applications…. • Research Issues include: • Optimal DASH control decisions • Predicting future available bandwidth allocations • Size of the playback buffer • Sensitivity of the adaptation • Impacts on Internet fairness Roku Wireless, Downstream TCP
CyberTiger: Broadband Mapping • Use various metrics to evaluate the broadband wireless coverage of locations ‘out in the wild’ • Examples: • EkahauHeatMapper • Creates heat map of Wifi coverage in an area • OpenSignalMaps • Crowdsourced data via Android app • Heat map, signal strength only • Root Metrics • Phone app to perform tests and plot data • Limited in metrics and no Wifi network support • Does not provide user with a personal map • MobiPerf • University of Michigan researchers • Many metrics consolidated in to a single test • Mobile networks, plotted as a heat map • Does not provide user with a personal map • FCC’s Broadband Mapping project is soon to start a broadband wireless effort (Wired Access work is http://www.broadbandmap.gov/)
CyberTiger: Broadband Mapping • Outreach for our research program • Audit the claims of broadband providers • Use user-collected or “Crowdsourced” data to generate a publicly available universal wireless coverage map • Our perspective is unique: • Application (End User) oriented assessment • Focus is on wireless hetnets
CyberTiger: Broadband Mapping • Research: • How to ‘normalize’ the results over a range of Radio Access Technologies? • ‘Big Data’ problem : how to visualize the data, mining the data for technical or human oriented insights • How to sample the system in an accurate yet efficient manner? • As wireless systems become more cooperative, what metrics can be used to assess system operation? • Broader Impacts: • provide broadband wireless users the ability to assess system they are getting what they paid for • Provides technology that can be used by grass roots initiatives to improve broadband coverage to all demographics
Wrap Up…..Final Message • The Internet is evolving because of technology but also because of economic and societal change • The evolution of broadband access is happening quickly • Convergence of cable/over-the-air broadcasting, the Internet, and Mobile devices • Convergence of applications, operating systems, and the Internet • Human Centered Computing is very evident in the Internet…. As networks connect humans, the effects of HCC are social interactions, social-systems effects, and the subsequent economics that attempt to capitalize on how things play out. • Final thoughts: • Our broad focus is to develop theoretical yes practical frameworks for developing and analyzing future broadband access networks. • Preparation for research in networking might include • required: CPSC851,852,854, • helpful: math classes on optimization, random processes, ECE 848. • Please contact me if you would like to discuss our group’s direction
Building Cooperative Heterogeneous Wireless Networks With Re-Configurable Devices Carrier 1: EVDO Carrier 2: HSPA Carrier 2: WiFi Carrier 1: WiFi Carrier 1: WiFi Carrier 1: WiFi Carrier 2: WiFi Carrier 2: WiFi Carrier 2: LTE Carrier 1: WiMAX
Building Cooperative Heterogeneous Wireless Networks With Re-Configurable Devices • Which user should connect to which technology? • Letting the user decide leads to sub-optimal performance • because the user is unaware of current network conditions • Even letting the access technologies independently decide • on how they should distribute their own resources to each • user leads to sub-optimal performance • Solution: A centralized Global Resource Controller (GRC) • should co-ordinate with all access technologies to • come up with this decision. GRC can optimize • network-wide metrics of interest such as overall • system throughput and user fairness
Introducing…crowd spots • Estimate the level of correlated loss using the Mean Burst Loss Length Metric • The MBL estimates the 1/r parameter assuming the loss process can be modeled by a two-state GE model. Given a loss event • Given that a loss event occurs, the MBL describes the average number of consecutive packets that are dropped • APFEC Effectiveness • Channel Zapping Time: the amount of time it takes to fill the playback buffer.
Introducing…crowd spots a. Bernoulli loss model c. Channel Zapping Time (seconds) b. GE loss model (1/r = 25 packets)
CyberTiger: Broadband Mapping • Clients: C++, Android • Server: C++ & MySQL • Visualizer: Python & Javascript