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EMS Competencies and the ARCP

EMS Competencies and the ARCP. Mary Corcoran 24 th April 2013. Session objectives. Clarity on the importance of EMS Learning outcomes Consideration of EMS learning outcomes for all tasks Shared expectations for achievement of EMS learning outcomes. Welcome to the East Midlands.

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EMS Competencies and the ARCP

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  1. EMS Competencies and the ARCP Mary Corcoran 24th April 2013

  2. Session objectives • Clarity on the importance of EMS Learning outcomes • Consideration of EMS learning outcomes for all tasks • Shared expectations for achievement of EMS learning outcomes

  3. Welcome to the East Midlands Mary Corcoran Faculty Adviser And Consultant in Public Health, NHS Nottinghamshire County

  4. Good Public Health Practice • Adaptation of GMC Guidance: ‘Good Medical Practice • Applicable to staff in ALL grades, including training grades • Reflected in ‘Ethical management of self’ Learning Outcomes • Full document available on FPH website: http://www.fph.org.uk/uploads/Good%20Public%20Health%20Practice%20-%20(Jan12)%20-%20DRAFT.pdf

  5. Recent ARCP issues • Tendency to complete and sign off all EMS competencies only at end of phase • 2nd year trainees with no evidence in 6 or more EMS competencies, including confidentiality (EMS8) • MPH items included with no indication of the outcome of the assessment

  6. Suggestions • Every task has 1 or more EMS competency • Talk through issues after key meetings, e.g. IFR Panels, for relevant EMS learning outcomes • Aim to have something in all EMS competencies by 2nd ARCP • Some SpRs have adopted excellent, innovative approaches to EMS learning outcomes, e.g. 360 – ask them to share this

  7. Brief Groupwork • See list of EMS learning outcomes • Which do you find easiest to obtain evidence for? • Which is the hardest? Why? • Share your ideas with your neighbour (5 minutes) • Write the best ideas on flip charts Thank you

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