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The ARCP. An Overview. A Trained ARCP Panel?. Purpose of the ARCP. Normally at least annually A review and record of the trainee’s progress Allows judgement to be made about the competences acquired by a trainee and their suitability to progress to the next stage of training

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  1. The ARCP An Overview

  2. A Trained ARCP Panel?

  3. Purpose of the ARCP Normally at least annually • A review and record of the trainee’s progress • Allows judgement to be made about the competences acquired by a trainee and their suitability to progress to the next stage of training • Provides final statement of trainee’s successful attainment of the competences and thereby completion of the training programme

  4. ARCPs Applicable To: • All specialty trainees and core trainees • Academic trainees • Trainees OOP • LTFT trainees • FTSTAs • LATs

  5. Documentation Required • Educational supervisors report • Updated CV • Form R (updated demographic details) • If a trainee is ‘in difficulty’ it may be necessary for the TPD to submit an additional report (which must be shared with the trainee before the ARCP)

  6. Panel Composition A minimum of 3 people appointed by the RTC • A Deanery representative such as a Deputy or Associate Dean or the TPD • Two other panel members who may include the Chair of the RTC, the TPD, an associate TPD or educational supervisors. • Local policy is to aim to have an academic representative present for ST3+ ARCPs

  7. Panel Composition (2) Externality – 10% of outcomes should be reviewed by an external representative Lay Representation - 10% of outcomes should also be reviewed by a lay representative GIM – Specialties involving GIM should usually have their representative on the GIM RTC present All panel members must have up-to-date equal opportunities training

  8. Preparation for the Day of the ARCPs • Identifying the trainees that need to attend is the joint responsibility of the specialty coordinator and the TPD. • Advantageous to review eportfolios before the day of the ARCPs • If a trainee is likely to have an adverse outcome which requires a period of additional training, then warn the Deanery in advance as a senior Deanery representative may attend

  9. The Invitation to the Trainee • Must be sent at least 6 weeks before the ARCP • Reminds them that they need to get an educational supervisors report • Reminds them to update their CV • Reminds them about the relevant JRCPTB Decision Aid(s) and sends them the link(s)

  10. Reminder to Trainees • A reminder about the ARCP is sent if they do not reply within 10 days • The Deanery does not check the eportfolios for Educational Supervisors reports or send reminders about these (not recommended in the Gold Guide)

  11. The Day of the ARCPs The panel should convene 15-30 minutes before the first ARCP and agree: • Who will chair the panel • Who will complete the electronic and the handwritten records • Who will feedback to the trainee, including their training needs

  12. The Day of the ARCPs (2) • Two computers allow the ARCP form to be completed while reviewing aspects of the eportfolio • Trainee presentations are optional • If your trainee is due for ARCP, you should withdraw for that trainee’s ARCP

  13. ARCPs – The Procedure The eportfolio should be reviewed before inviting the trainee into the room: • Previous ARCP(s) • The educational supervisors report • The specialty curriculum, the GIM curriculum if appropriate (‘plenty of yellow, green and brown’) • Assessments, especially MSF.

  14. Assessments • Generally formative • Try to ensure that they are done by appropriate people • The MSF can be valuable

  15. ARCPs – The Procedure (2) • The JRCPTB decision aid(s) should be consulted • The outcome should be decided before seeing the trainee

  16. ARCPs – The Procedure (3) The trainee is then invited into the room • Welcomed, panel members introduced • Purpose of ARCP explained • Outcome discussed (aim to be positive, supportive) • CCT date reviewed and if appropriate, Period of Grace discussed (entered in comments section on ARCP proforma in eportfolio) • Training to date and training needs discussed

  17. Handwritten Notes Please record: • The outcome • The planned CCT date • Any maternity leave details • For senior trainees whether they plan to take up their Period of Grace • Comprehensive notes if the trainee is deemed to be ‘in difficulty’ or is to be given an adverse outcome (2,3 or 4)

  18. Additional Records Some RTCs keep separate folders/records • This is acceptable • In the event of an adverse outcome the trainee would be entitled to a copy • Be very careful about what is written (even in emails between panel members that may be kept on file)

  19. Outcome 1 Satisfactory progress Fulfils all of the criteria on the JRCPTB decision aid

  20. Outcome 2 Development of specific competences required – additional training time not required • Acceptable progress • Some competences not achieved • Not expected that overall progress (and therefore the CCT date) will be delayed • The trainee can ask for this outcome to be reviewed but cannot appeal

  21. Outcome 3 Inadequate progress by the trainee – additional training time required • The panel considers that a period of additional training is required which will extend the duration of training • If this outcome is likely the trainee must be present. • The panel gives recommendations about the additional training. The Deanery decides the details, based on the panel’s recommendations • Usual maximum 1 year • The trainee can appeal

  22. Outcome 4 Released from training programme with or without specified competences • Insufficient and sustained lack of progress, despite additional training • Panel should ensure that competences that have been achieved are documented • Trainee required to give up their NTN • The trainee can appeal

  23. Outcome 5 Incomplete evidence presented – additional training time may be required • Examples include absent educational supervisor’s report, insufficient assessments, insufficient competences signed off • The trainee should submit a written explanation to the panel within 5 working days • The panel can require trainee to submit the necessary documentation by a designated date • Once documentation received, the panel can issue an assessment outcome (they don’t have to meet)

  24. Outcome 6 Gained all required competences – will be recommended as having completed the training programme and for award of a CCT (or CESR)

  25. Outcome 7 FTSTAs or LATs • The panel should give this outcome to FTSTAs and LATs, documenting the competences achieved

  26. Outcome 8 Out of programme for research, approved clinical training or a career break • If the trainee is on a clinical placement, which has been prospectively approved by the GMC/PMETB, the usual documents for a clinical placement should be reviewed • If the trainee is in research the panel should receive a research supervisors report

  27. Outcome 9 Doctors undertaking top-up training in a training post • Applies to doctors applying for a CESR where the GMC has recommended top-up training and they have been appointed competitively to a gap in a training programme. • The panel consider evidence including assessments to decide whether the objectives set by the GMC have been met

  28. Trainees with an Adverse Outcome (2,3,4) Supplementary documentation should be completed by the ARCP panel and made available to: • The trainee • TPD • Educational supervisor • Medical director and Trust HR department • JRCPTB

  29. Fitness to Practice Issues • Any concerns about the trainee’s fitness to practice arising out of the ARCP process must be reported to the Postgraduate Dean for further advice and guidance.

  30. After the ARCPs • Make plans to review additional documentation from trainees with Outcome 5 • If a trainee is given Outcome 2, the panel ‘should identify in writing the further development…. required’. • If a trainee is given Outcome 3, liase with the Deanery about remedial training. The details need to be shared with the employer. • If a trainee is given an unsatisfactory outcome, the TPD and educational supervisor should arrange to meet with the trainee

  31. Additional or Remedial Training The panel must recommend the ARCP outcome on the basis of the evidence presented, however • Consider mitigating factors (eg ill health or maternity leave) • When determining recommendations for additional training, consider the training environment (eg level of supervision available) • The outcome of this training will be reviewed by the ARCP panel which may take further and external advice from senior clinicians in the specialty

  32. Out of Programme - Research Documentation required: • OOPR return • Report from research supervisor This should indicate whether appropriate progress has been made with the research and ‘that the planned date of completion.. has not changed’

  33. Out of Programme - Research Duration of research: • Should not normally exceed 3 years • A request to exceed 3 years must be made by the research supervisor to the Dean at least a year in advance Outcome: • The panel should issue an OOP outcome, recommending continuation of the OOPR or it’s termination, with a date

  34. Less Than Full Time Training • LTFT trainees should still have ARCPs annually • Important to review CCT date carefully taking into account LTFT training

  35. PYAs • An external advisor must always be present • Separate PYAs for Specialty and GIM • The external advisor’s report will list mandatory and desirable requirements for the trainee to complete their training

  36. Final ARCP The panel will: • Review progress against the decision aid(s) • Check that all of the external advisors’ mandatory requirements have been completed (Specialty and GIM, if appropriate) Before issuing an…..

  37. Outcome 6

  38. Question Time

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