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Dennis Hancock. Tenure/Promotion Evaluation. Dennis Hancock. Appointment: December 1, 2006 75% Extension, 25% Research Statewide Extension/Applied research responsibilities for forage-based livestock systems (beef, dairy, horse, small ruminants) 4 million acres of forages
Dennis Hancock Tenure/Promotion Evaluation
Dennis Hancock • Appointment: December 1, 2006 • 75% Extension, 25% Research • Statewide Extension/Applied research responsibilities for forage-based livestock systems (beef, dairy, horse, small ruminants) • 4 million acres of forages • Gross value of industry ~ $1.2 Billion
Major Achievements - Extension • Areas of Emphasis • Pasture-based dairy industry • Sustainability with grazing management • Commercial hay production • Mitigating drought effects on forage-based enterprises
Grazing Management • Evaluations for Grazing Schools
Commercial Hay Production • Evaluations for Hay Convention
Drought Mitigation • Two Severe Droughts – 2007 and 2011 Organized Team (CRSS, ADS, Applied Econ) Organized 8 regional meetings around the state Focus: Avoid livestock selloff and preserve pasture resource Means: Nitrate poisoning Prussic acid “Sacrifice” areas Alternative pasture/feed resources Results: 430 producers – 78% said they would change production practices because of training program
Forages Website • Centerpiece for Extension Activities • All forage production recommendations (60 species) • Current news • “Hot topics” • Industry news • Podcasts • Webinars • “Sister sites” – MiG, Switchgrass, PowerPoint presentations for County Agent delivery
Major Achievements - Research • Areas of Emphasis • Enhanced Efficiency N Fertilizers • Summer Annual Systems for Supplementation • Bermudagrass management Research Publications • 7 since coming to Georgia (peer reviewed) • Senior author on 4
Graduate Education • Nathan Eason* – Crop and Soil Sciences • Jeremy Connell* – Crop and Soil Sciences (Major Prof) • Josh Egenolf** – Ecology • Jarrod Barlow* – Animal and Dairy Sciences • Jeff Bellflower* – Engineering • Mark Freeman* – Crop and Soil Sciences • Lisa Baxter* - Crop and Soil Sciences (Major Prof) • Katie Payne* - Crop and Soil Sciences (Major Prof) * MS ** PhD
Grants • Competitive – $192,000 (PI), $754,000 (CI) • Agreements - $67,000 (PI), $300,000 (CI) • Industry - $127,000
Extemporaneous Comments • Monte Roquette – Texas A&M • Impressed by 2 things: 1) new wave forage agronomist in that his communication abilities combine traditional with electronic media. “I have admired his forages webpage and the fact that he not only puts traditional bulletin-type links on the page, but the podcasts and webinars are useful to a broader clientele than that of just Georgia. Dennis’ on-site grazing school is the best I have ever seen. I thought y’all were in trouble when Dennis’ predecessor left, but Dennis has raised the bar to an entirely new level.” 2) “Dennis is tireless and persistent. He is very productive compared to his peers, regardless of the stage of their career and animal/plant discipline.” (Nick’s assessment, We can compare Dennis to anybody in forage/pasture/animal sciences and he will be as good as them? Monte: Yes!!) • “Dennis engages both the traditional and conventional clientele.” Monte was aware of Dennis’ work with pasture-based dairies, and thought “Dennis was mature beyond his years when he embraced and provided relevant extension efforts to support their system. That will be a much stronger political force down the road than the beef cattle industry.”
Extemporaneous Comments • Rob Kallenbach – University of MO • Interacted with Dennis at AFGC, ASA, and MO Grazing Conference Meetings. Presentations are very logical, right amount and type of information so producers understand the message. • VERY credible. Doesn’t make things better or worse than the reality of the situation. Producers trust and respect Dennis. They obviously have a comfort level with him when in their presence. • Diplomatic. Saw Dennis working with a contentious producer who was obviously making big mistakes. Dennis provided some relevant information to correct the problem and it turned into a situation where the farmer expressed gratitude. • Grant application (NIFA) joint with MO/GA. Grant did not get funded but was impressed with the thought process put forth, getting his portion turned in on time. • Considered Dennis multi-talented and well-rounded.
Hancock – updates since March Graduate Education Lisa Baxter* - Crop and Soil Sciences (Major Prof) Katie Payne* - Crop and Soil Sciences (Major Prof) Popular Press – 16 Slide Presentations (for Agents) – 10 Podcasts/Videos – 3 Television Programs – 4 Presentations at Statewide Programs – 13 Grants/Contracts - $73,000
Hancock – Letters of Recommendation Monte Rouquette, Regents Professor, Texas A&M, ASA/ CSSA Fellow Mark Sulc, Dept. Chair, Ohio State Univ., ASA/CSSA Fellow Don Ball, Professor Emeritus, Auburn Univ., ASA/CSSA Fellow John Jennings, Professor, Univ. Arkansas Rob Kallenbach, Professor, Univ. Missouri, ASA Fellow Craig Roberts, Professor, Univ. Missouri, ASA Fellow
Monte Rouquette, Regents Professor, Texas A&M “His overall total of 258 various forms of publications are proof positive of the untiring efforts to plan, coordinate, implement, and publish research and extension information.” “A timely component of Dr. Hancock’s contributions is that of comparing enhanced efficiency of N fertilizers for bermudagrass production.” “His cooperative projects … to renovate endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures and weed control during legume establishment are high quality and often cited publications by other forage and animal scientists.” “Dr. Hancock’s diligence, efforts, persistence, hard-work and dedication have earned him and the University of Georgia an outstanding professional reputation.” “…He is in high demand at both in-state and out-of-state forage and pasture management seminars.” Conclusion: Support promotion and tenure w/o reservation.
Mark Sulc, Dept. Chair, Ohio State Univ. “Dr. Hancock’s published research addresses very practical and applied issues regarding forage management” “That research answers a practical question regarding the efficiency of various enhanced-efficiency N fertilizer formulations and sheds light on the cost v. benefit … of the products.” (plant, animal, and environment) “I was extremely impressed with Dr. Hancock’s extension program and extension publication record, both in terms of quantity and quality. The Georgia Forages website he developed is just outstanding, among the very best forage information sites in the country…. as evidenced by the winning the 2011 ASA Educational Materials Contest. The breadth and depth of coverage of each topic is excellent and right on the mark.” “Dr. Hancock’s reputation is excellent and growing rapidly relative to others in his field and same stage of development.”
Mark Sulc (Cont.) “Also significant is the degree to which is is publishing and being quoted in national farm press publications such as Progressive Forage Grower, Hay and Forage Grower, AFGC Forage Leader, eHay Weekly,and Progressive Farmer .” “The out-of-state invitations to speak also demonstrate a strong reputation among his peers and the industry.” “In my opinion Dr. Hancock has and continues to produce and excellent and prolific body of high quality educational resources.” Conclusion: He is doing an outstanding job as an Extension Specialist, and the educational resources are having a positive impact of the forage industry.
Don Ball, Professor Emeritus, Auburn Univ. “On several occasions he has amazed me by displaying knowledge and insights that one would not expect from someone of his length of experience.” “In the area of writing practical publications and disseminating information he has truly done an outstanding job. Evidence of this is that he has been recognized on three occasions by the ASA for excellence in preparation of Extension Education Materials. Additional evidence is readily available on his web site (www.georgiaforages.com)” “He has identified educational needs and provided the leadership to do something about them. For example, he organized the Georgia Grazing School and even held a special Grazing School for Dairy Producersin 2010. Even more impressive is the Southeast Hay Convention he initiated, which is an in-depth school for hay producers…. It has attracted producers from throughout the SE. ..’only such event in US’”
Don Ball (Cont.) “Dennis is an excellent speaker and has been invited to be on programs at meetings and conferences in many states, including several in Alabama.” “He is highly visible and has an excellent reputation as a scholar among his peers in universities across the nation.” “Frankly, I have never seen a young Extension Specialist develop an effective extension program as quickly as he.” Conclusion: “There is no doubt he is deserving of tenure and promotion to Associate Professor”
John Jennings, Professor, Univ. Arkansas “I have been very impressed with the program and reputation that Dr. Hancock has developed while at the University of Georgia. He has already established himself as an authority on forages and is gaining respect quickly among his peers as evidenced by his awards.” “His work is addressing applied issues in forage agriculture. Other forage specialists around the country are making good use of his results. I have been in discussions at national meetings and comments were made about ‘Did you seed Dennis Hancock’s work on that’.” “Recently there was an incident in Texas of prussic acid poisoning of cattle while grazing Tifton 85 bermudagrass. Dennis took a leadership role in providing facts of the case, correcting mis-information from media outlets, and providing a discussion forum for other forage specialists to keep updated on the issue.”
John Jennings, (Cont.) “His service record is remarkable for a young faculty member. He has organized symposia for CSSA and AFGC, and has been co-organizer for SPFCIC, and was chair for that group.” Conclusion: “I have evaluated faculty applying for the rank of professor wth lesser records than that accomplished by Dr. Hancock. The University of Georgia is indeed fortunate to have Dennis as a faculty member and he is very deserving of promotion to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure.”
Rob Kallenbach, Professor, Univ. Missouri “ All of his publications … provide comprehensive, accurate , and pertinent information. I would rate Extension bulletins BN1392 Forage systems for stocker cattleand B1371 Cutting costs, not corners: Managing cattle in tough times as … the best forage-livestock oriented publications in the nation. The national publication awards that Dr. Hancock received from the American Society of Agronomy show the respect that his peers have for his work.” “From a national perspective, Dr. Hancock has been innovative using these types of media (web-based videos and podcasts) for extension education. I found these works to be well done, especially the video Harvesting drought stressed corn for silage.” “Dr. Hancock clearly sees the value in agent education. Of particular note are the Pasture-based Dairy Summit and Regional Beef Cattle Drought Management agent training events.”
Rob Kallenbach (Cont.) “ As far as service, Dr. Hancock has been a solid leader. Of particular note is his service on editorial boards of Forage and Grazinglands and Crop Science. These are two of the leading scholarly publications in our field. Dr. Hancock’s involvement with the Forage and Grassland Foundation (President), the International Crop Advisors Board of Directors, the International Plant Nutrition Institute, and the National Forage Testing Assoc. should not go unnoticed. “What, are you kidding?” (Phone response to the question as to whether Dennis deserves tenure)
Craig Roberts, Professor, Univ. Missouri Referring to one of Dennis’ publications:“This paper was cited last week at a multi-state task for meeting, a meeting that I (Roberts) called. It offers a quick replanting option for southern states and may be vetted for Missouri.” “Equally impressive has been Dr. Hancock’s reactive education. His program (on drought mitigation) practically modeled each farm with inputs being the forage supply and the demands begin the livestock. His program offered both marketing and management options that helped producers avoid a business disaster and allowed them to continue farming.” “Dr. Hancock has produced a solid body of work, one that has been more than educational. Because it has caused so much change, it is not an overstatement to consider (his) work as revolutionary within the context of Georgia’s grassland agriculture. Nearly everyone taught by Dr. Hancock has changed farming practices to incorporate his advice.”
Craig Roberts (Cont.) “The quantity (and quality) of the publicatons would be considered more than adequate for an Assistant Professor applying for promotion to Associate at the University of Missouri.” Conclusion: “In summary, Dr. Hancock has shown to be a productive and scholarly faculty member. His research is conducted correctly, has been christened by his peers, and will likely end up in real-life applications. His extension work is excellent and his reputation is equally excellent. I hear good things about him throughout the US. I expect him to sail through the promotion process.” Phone interview: “I had to stop writing, his accomplishments wore me out”