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CLOUD OF THINGS. Customer scenarios. Customers of the STORE CHAIN. Janne Paukku and Päivi Romppanen paivi.romppanen@tieto.com. Owela – ideointiin ja validointiin. http://owela.vtt.fi/cloudofthings
CLOUD OF THINGS Customer scenarios Customers of the STORE CHAIN Janne Paukku and Päivi Romppanen paivi.romppanen@tieto.com
Owela – ideointiin ja validointiin • http://owela.vtt.fi/cloudofthings • ympäristön pystyyn 4.5 mennessä (elintarvikepäivä -tilaisuudessa jaetaan osoitetta kaupan väelle tuolloin) • Eri kyselysaitit kuluttajille ja kaupan puolelle. • Molemmilla saiteilla on 2 eri tarkoitusta: • 1) Vapaamuotoinen kysely, jolla tarjoitus saada lisää kehitysideoita • 2) Erikseen skenaariokohta kiinnostuineille, jossa voisi validoida tehtyjä skenaarioita. • Kummastakin saitista pääsisi toiseen (vaihtaa roolia, jos kiinnostaa). CLOUD OF THINGS
Customers Target group for this service are aware of environmental and climate change issues. Otherwise the users can be very different, as different as the population in Finland. CLOUD OF THINGS
General customer needs • What variables of her/his shopping behavior store chain customer wants to optimize or follow? • Emissions • Origin • Distance? • Country/Place? • Calories? • Prize campaigns? • Else? • Internet application with rich information design and interaction activities • User does not use the internet or anyway wants also monthly summering with the customer letter: She/he gets monthly the information she/he has ordered with the customer letter of the store chain • Family member, shopping by different customercards (side-cards): possibility to see as a whole • Safe environment, customer can trust • Does not cost much CLOUD OF THINGS CLOUD OF THINGS
Example: Maarit Laine, 35 years CLOUD OF THINGS
User needs • As a customer Maarit wants to buy goods that create low GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions • She wants to know her current and earlier emissions caused by her shopping in the STORE CHAIN • She wants to be proactive and reduce her GHG emissions by her choices: she wants to cut 20% of her GHG emissions that are produced by goods at the end of the year She wants guidance for her shopping • She wants to check how she has been progressing • She wants to know where her goods came from and how • By her choices she wants to have also ethical influences • She wants to know that the product was made in an ethically accepted way • As a citizen she wants to challenge her friendsto pay attention to environmental issues CLOUD OF THINGS CLOUD OF THINGS
Customer scenario Motivation, inspiration Maarit has read an article from news paper that told about the STORE CHAIN’s new service portal where regular customers can monitor environmental metrics and origin information about their shopping. All that is promised to be available via internet page after service activation. Maarit thinks that this would be the tool for her to find out how she generates emissions and how to reduce or even avoid them. CLOUD OF THINGS CLOUD OF THINGS
Maarit activates the service using her identification data (internet banking credentials) Maarit finds out that how easy it is to compare earlier emissions levels. She finds out that her buying’s from this month is available. As a test she checks her currents emissions levels. She notices that last month emission level was lower, why. User need CLOUD OF THINGS
Maarit is confused about this, organic should mean good for environment. She selects now to the honey item to see more, the reasons. This honey has come from Argentina and the long shipping has produced lots of emissions. She drills down to the report to find out which items produce high emissions. She really doesn’t want to look all the items she has bought during this month but those that might be reasons for high emission. It finds out that organic honey has produced much emission. Customer finds item information CLOUD OF THINGS
6a Maarit and Helena are using honey at tea and with corn flakes because it sweetens without added sugar. So buying honey is a must. But she has to find a honey with less emission. <Mitä tapahtuu sitten> User need 6b <Mitä tapahtuu sitten> Maarit uses Simulation tool to list and compare other honey items in this shop. The tool proposes local honey brand that is produced at nearby by farm. The product information is not available from every item because yet only a part of the producers have inputted their origin and environmental data into the system. 6c <Mitä tapahtuu sitten> 5 Customer compares different items and reduces emissions by her choices CLOUD OF THINGS
User need There is also ‘Generate weekly shopping list and receive by mail/sms’ option available at the target setting site. With this option system will automatically generate shopping list from Maarit’s shopping history according to the season. It optimizes GHG emissions so that she will achieve the goals she had set for herself. Maarit wants to be proactive and reduce her GHG emissions by her choices. She sets emission reduction targets so that she would cut 20% of her GHG emissions that are produced by goods at the end of the year. Customer gets shopping assistance: weekly shopping list Customer sets emission targets Maarit gets the list as an email/sms-message from the service once in a week. The list is more like guidance for Maarit, but it is reminding her about the targets which she has set. CLOUD OF THINGS
Motivation, user need Maarit has got shopping lists at her email/mobile phone for a month – and now those suggestions are a bit annoying. On the portal she stops the shopping list to be send to her. But she finds good to have some kind of a list of the usual items she buys according to the season or the month to be send to her. She selects a list of her usual shop items to be sent to her by email/sms once a month . This is made according to Maarit’s shopping history. This list optimizes GHG emissions to her target level, too. Customer gets shopping assistance: her usual shop items according to the season CLOUD OF THINGS
User need Few weeks pass and Maarit wants to check how she has been progressing without automated shopping list. Customer checks her emissions She goes to the portal to check her emission levels from last few weeks. The overall emission level has been increasing during this period. Customer changes her usual general and monthly specific shopping items to reduce emissions She starts to simulate changes. After a few iterations the levels are acceptable. Maarit uses the simulation tool to optimize her general shopping list of different items she buys during a month in this time of the year. She saves the list to her mobile phone to be checked easily in the shop. CLOUD OF THINGS
6a Now Maarit has used her regular customer card nearly a year. She wants to know where her goods came from. <Mitä tapahtuu sitten> User need Customer creates product origin report from all bought groceries during last year 6b <Mitä tapahtuu sitten> Maarit login to the reporting using her internet banking credentials. 6c Maarit is interested in the product origin, so she selects it. <Mitä tapahtuu sitten> She decides that the whole last year will be time period under examination and that the goods should be grouped in four sections: items that came under <50, <100, <500 and >500 km radius from the shop. 5 On the product origin report she can see the count of items she has bought belonging to each distance category during the selected time period. CLOUD OF THINGS
6a User need Maarit wants also know how much GHG emissions different distance groups created. <Mitä tapahtuu sitten> Customer creates a more detailed product origin report 6b <Mitä tapahtuu sitten> Maarit selects ‘>2000 km’-group for closer examination. 6c The mobile phone that she bought for her daughter as birthday present at last summer gets Maarit’s attention. It is told and shown on map that this phone was made in Beijing, China. It was shipped by cargo ship and that ship was unloaded at harbor of Helsinki. From Helsinki a phone was shipped to Tampere by train and from train it was delivered to retailer by a truck. <Mitä tapahtuu sitten> 5 CLOUD OF THINGS
User need Maarit is dedicated eco-activist and she wants to challenge her friends to pay attention to environmental issues. Most of her friends are already using Eco-reporting service and they have been competing who will cut most emissions during a year. Citizen uses social media as a driver for change Now Maarit and her friends have founded Facebook group (or joined to an existing YourEmissions-group) where they publish their status reports for benchmarking. In few weeks the FB group have more than 4000 registered users – of course competition is rough for ’fame and glory’. CLOUD OF THINGS
Value of the service from customer-user point of view • Ecological and ethical consumption increace • Eco-friendly consumption • Products made in an ethically accepted way • Paying for the feeling of safety (insurance for future generations) • Paying for the peace of mind:consumer is happy • when the laborer has been happy and • when the chickens have been happy • Open: Where is the limet, what people are ready to share about their shopping datawith others? • Based on voluntary • From Cloud UX Security-group: Person who’s data is on the cloud, has to have the final word: she/he can delete her/his data CLOUD OF THINGS CLOUD OF THINGS
Price of this service?Attitudes for different kind of payment models? • What customers are willing pay for this service? • Different kind of stages of the service could have different price • Is something free and extra will cost? • Could the price be taken from shopping points? • Else? CLOUD OF THINGS CLOUD OF THINGS
Muutoshistoria • 0.06 2010-04-19 Päivi Romppanen From word document to power point. Changes to scenario details, user need more promenet, added 2 wireframes made by visio • 0.04ja 05, draft 2010-03-23 Päivi Romppanen General matters, other than scenarios • 0.03, draft 2010-03-10 Janne Paukku Further working with scenarios • 0.02, draft 2010-03-080/9 Päivi Romppanen- New template headlines, editing of the word template • 0.01, draft 2010-03-05 Janne Paukku Draft CLOUD OF THINGS