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Boolean Satisfiability. The most fundamental NP-complete problem, and now a powerful technology for solving many real world problems. Overview. CNF, SAT, 3SAT and 2SAT Resolution and Unit Propagation DPLL search Conflict-driven Nogood Learning Activity-based Search Modelling for SAT.
Boolean Satisfiability The most fundamental NP-complete problem, and now a powerful technology for solving many real world problems
Overview • CNF, SAT, 3SAT and 2SAT • Resolution and Unit Propagation • DPLL search • Conflict-driven Nogood Learning • Activity-based Search • Modelling for SAT
Conjunctive Normal Form • SAT solvers solve problems in • Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) • Boolean variable: b(true/false) or (0/1) • Literal: lvariable bor its negation –b • negating a literal: -l = -bifl = b, and -l = bif l = -b • Clause: C disjunction or set of literals • CNF: theory T set of clauses • Assignment: set of literals A with {b,-b} not subset: e.g. {-b1,b2} Assign b1=false, b2=true
Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) • This is the most basic NP-complete problem. • SAT: Given a set of clauses T, find an assignment A such that for each C in T • Each clause C in T is satisfied by A
3SAT • 3SAT: SAT with the restriction that each clause has length at most 3. • SAT -> 3SAT • {l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6} l1 ∨ l2 ∨ l3 ∨l4 ∨l5 ∨l6 becomes the set of clauses • {l1, l2, b1}, {-b1, l3, b2}, {-b2, l4, b3}, {-b3, l5, l6} where b1, b2, b3 are new Boolean variables • 3SAT is NP-complete (by the above reduction)
2SAT • 2SAT: SAT with the restriction that each clause has length at most 2. • 2SAT is decidable in polynomial time (n3) • 2SAT is NL-complete • which is a crazy complexity class • Nondeterministic Turing machine with log writeable memory!
Resolution • The fundamental inference for CNF • {l1, l2, l3, b} {-b, l4, l5, l6} implies • {l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6} • Or • (l1 ∨l2 ∨l3 ∨b) ∧ (-b∨l4 ∨l5 ∨l6) -> l1 ∨l2 ∨l3 ∨l4 ∨l5 ∨l6 • One can prove unsatisfiability of a CNF formula by repeatedly applying all possible resolutions • if this generates an empty clause then UNSAT • otherwise SAT • Exponential process!
Unit Propagation • Resolution = too expensive • Unit Propagation (=unit resolution) • Restricted form of resolution = finds unit clauses • {l1, l2, …, ln, l} where –liin A forall 1 ≤ i≤ n • Add lto assignment A • {-b1, b2, b} A = {b1, -b2} • {-b1, b2, b} A := {b1, -b2, b} • (-b1 ∨b2 ∨b) ∧b1 ∧ -b2 -> b
Unit Propagation • Repeatedly apply unit propagation, • until no new unit consequences can be found • or failure detected • A = {b1, -b2, b3, -b4} C = {-b1, -b3, b4} • {-b1, -b3, b4} • Failure detected
Unit Propagation Example • T = {{-e11,-e21}, {-e11,-e31},{-e11,-e41}, {e21,-b21}, {e31,-b31},{e41,-b41}, {b21,-b51},{b51,-b52,e52},{b41,-e52}, • A = {e11,b52} {-e11,-e21} {-e11,-e31} {b51,-b52,e52} {-e11,-e41} {-e21,-b21} {b21,-b51} {-e31,-b31} {b41,-e52} {-e41,-b41} A ={e11,b52,-e21,-e31} A ={e11,b52,-e21,-e31,-e41} A = false A ={e11,b52,-e21} A ={e11,b52,-e21,-e31,-e41,-b21,-b31} A ={e11,b52,-e21,-e31,-e41,-b21} A ={e11,b52,-e21,-e31,-e41,-b21,-b31,-b41,-b51} A ={e11,b52,-e21,-e31,-e41,-b21,-b31,-b41} A ={e11,b52,-e21,-e31,-e41,-b21,-b31,-b41,-b51,e52} -e21 -b21 -b51 e52 e11 -e31 -b31 b52 fail -e41 -b41
Implication Graph • Records the reason why each Boolean literal became true • Decision • Propagation(and why) • Used for nogood reasoning! -e21 -b21 -b51 e52 e11 -e31 -b31 b52 fail -e41 -b41
Unit Propagation Exercise • T = {{-b1,-b2,b3},{-b4,b5},{b2,-b5}, {b2,b7}, {b5,-b11,b9},{b4,-b9},{-b1,-b8,b10}, {-b5,-b10},{b5,b6,-b10} ,{-b8,b11}} • A = {b1,-b3,b8} • Perform unit propagation and draw the implication graph
DPLL search • Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland algorithm • interleave decisions + unit propagation • dpll(A) A' = unitprop(A) if A' == false return false else if exists Boolean variable bnot appearing in A if dpll(A' union {b}) return true else if dpll(A' union {-b}) return true else return false else return true
DPLL search with nogood learning • dpll(A) A' = unitprop(A) if A' == false Add a clause C explaining the failure to T Backjump to the first place C can give new information else if exists Boolean variable bnot appearing in A if dpll(A' union {b}) return true else if dpll(A' union {-b}) return true else return false else return true
Nogood Learning • The implication graph shows a reason for failure • Any cut separating the fail node from decisions • explains the failure b52∧ -b51 ∧-e41false b52∧ -b51 ∧-b41false b52∧e11false e52∧ -b41false {b41,b51,-b52} {e41,b51,-b52} {-e11,-b52} {b41,-e52} b52 -e21 -b21 -b51 e52 e11 -e31 -b31 fail -e41 -b41
Which Nogood? • SAT solvers almost universally use the • First Unique Implication Point (1UIP) Nogood • Closest nogood to failure • only one literal from the last decision level • Asserting: on backjump it will unit propagate • General: more general than many other choices • Fast: doesn’t require too much computation • replace last literal in nogood until only one at last level
1UIP Nogood Creation e11 -e21 -b21 -b21 b22 e22 e22 -e31 -b31 -b31 -e32 -e32 -b32 -b32 b33 b33 e33 e33 fail -e41 -b41 -b41 -e42 -e42 -b42 -b42 b43 b43 e43 e43 -b51 b52 e52 1 UIP Nogood {-b21,-b31,-b41,e22,-e32}false {-b21,-b31,-b41,-e32,-e42}false {-b21,-b31,-b41,e22}false {-b21,-b41,-e42,-b32}false {-b21,-b32,-b42}false {-b21,-b32,-b42,b33}false {-b32,-b42,b33,b43}false -b42 ∧ b43 ∧e33 false e33 ∧e43 false {-e33,-e43} {b32,b42,-b33,-b43} {b21,b41,e42,b32} {b42,-b43,-e33} {b21,b32,b42} {b21,b31,b41,-e22} {b21,b31,b41,-e22,e32} {b21,b31,b41,e32,e42} {b21,b32,b42,-b33}
Backjumping e11 • Backtrack to second last level in nogood • Nogood will propagate • e.g. {b21,b31,b41,-e22} -e21 -b21 -e22 -b22 -e31 -b31 -e41 -b41 {b21,b31,b41,-e22} -b52 -b51 Continue unit propagation then make next choice
Why Add Nogoods • We will not make the same choices again • {e11,b52} leads to failure • After choosing e11 we infer –b52 • Better yet, any choice that leads to b21,b31,b41 prevents the choice b52 • Drastic reduction in search space • Faster solving
1UIP Exercise • T = {{-b1,-b2,b3},{-b4,b5},{b2,-b5}, {b2,b7}, {b5,-b11,b9},{b4,-b9},{-b1,-b8,b10}, {-b5,-b10},{b5,b6,-b10},{-b8,b11}} • A = {b1,-b3,b8} • Assume the order of the decisions was b8, -b3, b1 Determine the 1UIP nogood Where does execution backjump to?
Activity • Each time a Boolean variable is seen during nogood creation, i.e. • appears in final nogood, or • is eliminated in the reverse propagation • Increase activity by one • These variables are helping cause failure • Periodically divide all activities by some amount • activity reflects helping cause recent failure
Activity-based Search • Select the unfixed variable with highest activity • MiniSat: set to false • RSAT: set to the last value it took • works with backjumping to recreate the same path • e.g. -b1, b3, -b11, b4, -b5, b7, fail • backjump to -b1, b3, -b11 • If b4 is now highest activity variable set it true [b4] • If b5 is next highest activity variable set it false [-b5] • Activity-based search • concentrates on the variables causing failure • learns shorter nogoods by failing earlier
Activity-based Search • Works well with restart • On restart we concentrate on the now most active variables • a new part of the search space • learn new nogoods about this
Modern SAT Solvers • Modern SAT solvers can handled problems with • (low) millions of clauses • millions of variables assuming the input has structure • Random CNF is much harder (but uninteresting) • Before the advent of nogood learning • (low) thousands of clauses • hundreds of variables
Modelling for SAT • Boolean constructs can all be converted to clauses • b1 = b2∨b3 • {-b2,b1}, {-b3,b1}, {b2,b3,-b1} • b1 = b2∧b3 • {-b1,b2}, {-b1,b3}, {b1,-b2,-b3} • b1 = (b2b3) • {-b2,b3,b1}, {b2,-b3,b1}, {b2,b3,-b1}, {-b2,-b3,-b1} • etc.
Modelling Integers in SAT • Two main representations: iin 0..m (m= 2k-1 – 1) • Binary: i= 2k-1ik-1+ 2k-2ik-2+ … + 2i1+ i0 • Unary: i= im + im-1 + … + i1 • where ikik-1 • Example representations
Pseudo-Boolean Constraints • Psuedo-Boolean constraints: bi Boolean • Cardinality constraints: • Note that is b1∨ … ∨bm • Straight clausal definitions are exponential • Encode: Binary Decision Diagram, Binary or Unary arithmetic • Examine cardinality constraint encodings
Cardinality Constraints (BDD) if then else a if b then c else d {-a,-b,c}, {-a,b,d}, {a,-b,-c}, {a,b,-d}
Cardinality Constraints (BDD) ∨ if then else ∨ if then else ∨ if then else ∨ if then else
Cardinality Constraints (BDD) x1 = 0 x1 = 1 x1 • Dashed arc: xi= 0 • Full arc: xi= 1 • Number of intermediate • states is (n – k) ×k x2 x3 x4 x5 true
BDD Exercise • Draw the BDD for the cardinality constraint
Cardinality Constraints (binary) Sum(n) s2 s1 s0 bi 1 2 3bi=(sk-1,…,s0)
Cardinality Constraints (binary) Sum(n) Sum(n/2) 1 Binary adder 3 Binary adder 3 s2 s1 s0 bi Sum(n/2) 2 1 2 3bi=(sk-1,…,s0)
Binary Adder a2 b2 a1 b1 C2 FA C1 FA Cin y3 y2 y1 {y2,-a2,-b2,-c1}, {y2,-a2,b2,c1},{y2,a2,-b2,c1}, {y2,a2,b2,-c1}, {-y2,a2,b2,c1}, {-y2,a2,-b2,-c1}, {-y2,-a2,b2,-c1}, {-y2,-a2,-b2,c1},{y3,-a2,-b2}, {y3,-a2,-c1}, {y3,-b2,-c1}, {-y3,a2,b2}, {-y3,a2,c1}, {-y3,b2,c1}
Cardinality Constraints (binary) bi≤4 Sum(n) s2 s1 s0 bi (s2,s1,s0) ≤4 s2 s1 ∧s0 {-s2,-s1}, {-s2,-s0} How do you encode bi≤5
Sorting Networks A Comparator is a device with two inputs, a and b, and two outputs, c and d a c=max(a,b) comparator b d=min(a,b) a1 b1 A Sorting network is a composition of wires and comparators that sorts its inputs a2 b2 a3 b3 a4 b4 CNF of comparator {-a,c}, {-b,c}, {-a,-b,d}, {a,-d}, {b,-d}, {a,b,-c}
Sorting Networks x1 y1 x2 y2 There are “handcrafted” sorting networks x3 y3 y4 x4 x5 y5 x6 y6 x7 y7 x8 y8 x9 y9 Custom sorting network, n=9 x1 y1 163245 613245 631245 632145 632415 654321 And there are sorting networks based on your favorite sorting algorithm x2 y2 x3 y3 y4 x4 x5 y5 x6 y6 “Bubble sort” network
Odd-Even (OE) Sorting Networks x1 y1 Sorter(n/2) Sorter(n/4) x2 y2 OE-Merger(n/2) x3 y3 Sorter(n/4) Sorter(n) x4 y4 OE-Merger(n) x5 y5 Sorter(n/2) Sorter(n/4) x6 y6 OE-Merger(n/2) Sorter(n/4) x7 y7 x8 y8
Odd-Even Merger Given two sorted input sequences x1 y1 x2 y2 sorted OE Merger(8) x3 y3 Merge the odd input sequences OE-Merger(4) OE-Merger(4) x4 y4 x5 y5 x6 y6 sorted Merge the even input sequences x7 y7 x8 y8
Odd-Even Merger Given two sorted input sequences x1 y1 x2 y2 sorted x3 y3 Merge the odd input sequences OE-Merger(4) OE-Merger(4) x4 y4 x5 y5 x6 y6 sorted Merge the even input sequences x7 y7 x8 y8 Combine the outputs into a sorted output
Sorting Networks • Draw the best sorting network you can for 5 inputs! Minimize levels and/or comparators
Cardinality Constraints (unary) • Sorting Network encodes unary sum • Cardinality by setting output bits y1 x1 x2 y2 x3 y3 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 y4 Sorter(8) x4 x5 0 0 x6 x7 0 0 x8
Cardinality Constraints • BDD • quadratic size construction • Unit propagation on CNF enforces domain consistency • Binary • Linear size construction • Unit Propagation on CNF does not enforce domain consistency • Unary • nlog2nsize construction • unit propagation enforces domain consistency
Psuedo-Boolean Constraints • Similar to Cardinality Constraints • BDD • exponential in size, strong propagation • Binary • O(nlog n)in size, weak propagation • Unary • O(nlog2 n) in size, medium propagation • interesting problem to find base for representation
Integer Constraints • BDD • can handle arbitrary formula but exponential • Unary • addition, subtraction, multiplication by constant • multiplication is impractical • Binary • addition, subtraction • multiplication is quadratic
Boolean Solving in MiniZinc • mzn –b sat invokes a SAT solver • all constraints and variables must be Boolean • Without recursion it’s a bit hard to model interesting problems with just MiniZinc
Example: Latin Squares 5 7 4 6 8 2 1 3 9 12 10 11 13 8 2 1 7 6 4 11 10 3 9 5 13 12 6 8 7 1 2 3 10 9 4 5 13 12 11 7 6 5 3 4 1 9 11 2 13 12 10 8 3 5 8 4 7 13 2 1 12 6 11 9 10 1 3 2 8 5 12 13 4 11 10 6 7 9 2 1 6 5 3 10 4 12 13 11 9 8 7 4 9 3 2 1 11 12 13 10 7 8 5 6 12 4 10 11 13 9 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 10 11 9 13 12 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 9 10 13 12 11 6 5 8 7 2 1 4 3 11 13 12 9 10 7 8 5 6 3 4 1 2 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 size 13 int: n; % size array[1..n,1..n,1..n] of varbool: b; predicate atmostone(array[int] of varbool:x) = forall(i,j in index_set(x) where i < j)( (not x[i]) \/ (not x[j])); predicate exactlyone(array[int] of varbool:x) = atmostone(x) /\ exists(x); constraint forall(i,j in 1..n)( exactlyone([ b[i,j,k] | k in 1..n]) /\ exactlyone([ b[i,k,j] | k in 1..n]) /\ exactlyone([ b[k,i,j] | k in 1..n])); solve satisfy; output [ if fix(b[i,j,k]) then show(k) ++ if j == n then "\n" else " " endif else "" endif | i,j,k in 1..n];
Summary • Modern SAT solvers are powerful solvers • nogood learning • activity based search • restart • State of the art solutions to Boolean problems • Many CP problems which focus on alldifferent and ≠ can be mapped to Boolean problems • quasi-group completion (latin squares) • graph coloring
Exercise 1: atmostone • There is a linear encoding of atmostone(x) • introduce a new array of sum variables s encoding s[i] = exists(jin 1..i)(x[i]) • s[1] = x[1] • if s[i] is true then x[i+1] must be false • s[i+1] can be defined in terms of s[i] and x[i+1] • its actually the sorting network circuit simplified • Write a new predicate defn of atmostone(x) • Compare the execution speed on latin squares