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Parametric Modeling

Parametric Modeling. Fundamental s of Autodesk Inventor. Sketches. The basic unit of design is the sketch They are not required to be precise, but it will make your life easier if you follow the basic rules below Create a sketch that is proportional to the desired shape

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Parametric Modeling

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Parametric Modeling Fundamentals of Autodesk Inventor

  2. Sketches • The basic unit of design is the sketch • They are not required to be precise, but it will make your life easier if you follow the basic rules below • Create a sketch that is proportional to the desired shape • Think about how you want your design to relate to the origin and other work planes • Keep the sketches simple • Sketched geometric entities should form a closed region

  3. Constraints and Dimensions • Constraints describe how two shapes relate to each other • Dimensions tell something about a particular shape • We can get dimensions of length, angle, diameter, radius, etc.

  4. Constraints

  5. Do 1 • Make a new standard.ipt • Turn on visibility • Save your work as d2.adjuster, save often • Make a new sketch on the XZ plan • Use the line tool to make a basic sketch in the lower left center of the graphics window • As you draw the shape look at the constraints that are implemented as you draw

  6. Do 2 • Use the dimension tool to add the Dimensions as shown • Click Finish Sketch • If we want to go back and edit this sketch, double click on Sketch1 on the browser

  7. Do 3 • Extrude the shape 2.5 inches, as shown

  8. Do 4 • Now we will add another extruded feature. Based on the top face of the solid model we just extruded. • Click New 2D sketch • Then choose the top face • This will make a workplane based off of the top face. Anything we draw will be matched up to that surface.

  9. Do 5 • Draw an L in similar orientation to the original object

  10. Do 6 • Add the basic dimensions

  11. Do 7 • Add Some special dimensions • These describe the position of the sketch relative to the top corner of the solid model • These are really important to get right, ask for help if needed • Between the two vertical lines • Between the two ‘tops’

  12. Do 8 • Set both of those new dimensions to 0

  13. Do 9 • Finish the Sketch, then Extrude it down 2.5 • Make sure you extrude in the correct direction, use the arrows under the distance to change the direction

  14. Do 10 • We will now add a Cut Feature • Add a new sketch • Choose the face shown

  15. Do 11 • Draw a circle of arbitrary size on the face

  16. Do 12 • Add the dimensions shown • These show • The Size of the circle • Its position of the center relative to two edges

  17. Do 13 • Finish the Sketch • Click Extrude • This time we are going to do a Cut • Click the Cut Icon • Set the extents to All so it goes all the way through the shape • Click Finish

  18. You’re Done with This One • Save your work as d2.adjuster • Two more exercises to go

  19. Exercises d2.notched plate d3.slider

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