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The Human Jigsaw

The human body is currently investigated as if it is a jigsaw puzzle made of a trillion pieces We are trying to understand the whole picture by looking at a single piece, or at a few closely interconnected pieces

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The Human Jigsaw

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The human body is currently investigated as if it is a jigsaw puzzle made of a trillion pieces We are trying to understand the whole picture by looking at a single piece, or at a few closely interconnected pieces We do need a frame, within which we can finally start to place the pieces all together, and the glue that connects them The frame is not the whole picture, but is the only way we might hope to see it one day The Human Jigsaw

  2. Integrative research • The Integrative Research approach requires a radical transformation on the way biomedical research is conducted • That is why it is necessary to create a framework made of technology and methods • This framework is called • Virtual Physiological Human

  3. What is the VPH? Capture knowledge Reusable Integrable Predictive models Subject Specific Digital Artefacts

  4. Vision : Your own digital avatar A virtual replica of your anatomy and physiology … Virtual Physiological Human What If? Use your avatar to - Test out clinical interventions (surgery) and your response - Test the efficacy of medicines in relation to unique physiology

  5. Engineering Physics Biology Clinical Care VPH Chemistry Mathematics Computer Science Organism Organ System Organ Tissue Cell Molecule

  6. The traditional view … Subdivide by • Scientific discipline • cell biology, physiology, biophysics, bioengineering… • Anatomical sub-system • cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal … • Dimensional scale • body, organ, tissue, cell, molecule …

  7. The VPH approach …Integration • One single complex multi-organ system

  8. The VPH approach …Personalise and Predict • Your input data • age, sex, weight, height, ++++

  9. INSIGNEO Institute: mission and vision • Vision: INSIGNEO will realise the scientific ambition behind the Virtual Physiological Human, producing a transformational impact on healthcare. • Mission: INSIGNEO performs cutting edge research in areas of fundamental and applied biomedical modelling, imaging and informatics. It will pursue the research agenda of the Virtual Physiological Human initiative; in particular, in the first five years it will focus on the Digital Patient, In Silico Clinical Trials, and Personal Health Forecasting. It will achieve transformational impact on healthcare through multidisciplinary collaboration in strategic areas, which initially will include personalised treatments and independent, active and healthy ageing.

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