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Water indicators Data collection, analysis, reporting - Serbian Experience. Milijana Ćeranić - Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Dejan Lekić - Serbian Environmental Protection Agency UNECE, Geneva 13 May 2014. Water supply / sanitation indicators.
Water indicatorsData collection, analysis, reporting- Serbian Experience Milijana Ćeranić - Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Dejan Lekić - Serbian Environmental Protection Agency UNECE, Geneva 13 May 2014
Water supply / sanitation indicators Bylaw on the National list of environmental indicators adopted in 2011 81 indicators in total / 11 water related indicators 5 indicators directly related to the water supply and waste water 3 additional indicators within sustainable use of natural resources
Indicators • Water indicators: • Drinking water quality • Population connected to public water supply • Population connected to public sanitation • Urban waste water treatment • Polluted (non-treated) wastewaters • Sustainable use indicators • Household water use per capita • Water losses • Renewable freshwater resources
Data Collection Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Public Health Institutes Water Directorate Local water supply and sewage public companies
Populatin connected to water supply Populatin connected to wastewater treatment Survey on Public water supply and Survey on urban wastewater as part of Water statistics - Environmental statistics. Conducted in line with Law on Official Statistics (“Official Gazette of RS”, No 104/2009), Official Statistics Strategy (establish for 5 year) and Annual Statistical Programme. Obligation to provide data The obligation to provide data is laid down in Article 26 and the penalty provisions relative to the refusal of providing data or providing incomplete and false data in Article 52 of the Law on Official Statistics (“Official Gazette of RS”, No 104/2009). Obligation to protect individual data Results of the survey are published as aggregates, taking into account the obligation to protect individual data according to the Law on Official Statistics. 7
Water statistics -abstracted -using -treated -wastewater Drinking water -housholds -industry -institutions Water use in INDUSTRY Water use in Agriculture Waste water treated Industrial processis Cooling water IRIGATION -LIVESTOCK’s USE 8 8
SURVEY ON DRINKING WATER SUPPLY Survey on drinking water supply provides data which are classified into three topics: Water abstraction (from rivers and underground water) included overtaken water from other networks and water provided to other systems; Water distributed to users: households, business entities dealing with the sections of Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing and Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, as well as to other consumers, water used for own consumption, and total water loss; Data on water treatment, water supply network and costs of drinking water production. 9
SURVEY ON URBAN WASTEWATER Objective of conducting the survey on urban wastewater is to provide the data on: Quantities of wastewater discharged in the recipient Quantities of discharged treated and untreated wastewater Devices for wastewater treatment Biological and chemical oxygen demand and quantity of heavy metals in wastewater Sewerage system/ network. www.stat.gov.rs 10
List and definitions of main items – indicators Public water supply is a system for drinking water supply, having arranged and protected source, abstraction, reservoir and water network and presents a set of connected hydro-technical components under singular management and control, used for water abstraction, collection, treatment and distribution to consumers. Water abstraction (sources) refers to all the places of public underground or surface waters from which water supply systems are supplied (underground, surface waters, spring waters, watercourses, accumulations and lakes). Distributed water relates to all directly abstracted and supplied water distributed by the water supply system during the reference year to its consumers. The quantities of distributed water are measured by water gauge or, where they are not available, quantities are calculated according to norms relative to a selected activity group. Drinking water is water used for drinking, processing and production of food and general use items, as well as for other people’s needs. Water used or intended for drinking must not contain elements harmful for human’s health above the determined limits and regarding physical, chemical, biological, bacteriological, virological and radiological features, it has to satisfy the established conditions. 11
DEFINITIONS– UNSD/UNEP QUESTIONNAIRE 2013 ON ENVIRONMENT STATISTICS • Total population supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36)- Percentage of the total resident population using water supplied by the water supply industry (ISIC 36). • Urban population supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36) - Percentage of the urban resident population using water supplied by the water supply industry (ISIC 36). • Rural population supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36) - Percentage of the rural resident population using water supplied by the water supply industry (ISIC 36). 12
DEFINITIONS– UNSD/UNEP QUESTIONNAIRE 2013 ON ENVIRONMENT STATISTICS • Population connected to wastewater collecting system - Percentage of the resident population connected to the wastewater collecting systems (sewerage). Wastewater collecting systems may deliver wastewater to treatment plants or may discharge it without treatment to the environment. • Population connected to wastewater treatment - Percentage of the resident population whose wastewater is treated at wastewater treatment plants. • Population with independent wastewater treatment (e.g., septic tanks) - Percentage of the resident population whose wastewater is treated in individual, often private facilities such as septic tanks. • Population not connected to wastewater treatment - Percentage of the resident population whose wastewater is neither treated in treatment plants nor in independent treatment facilities. 13
Reporting units, statistical units Data on water use in settlements are collected from all business entities that collect, distribute water and/or manage the systems for water use and data on wastewater and treated water are collected from the reporting units managing the sewerage systems. Activity of these reporting units is, according to the Classification of Activities, defined in the division 36 – Water collection, treatment and supply and division 84 – Public administration and defense, compulsory social security (local communities’ authorities managing water supply systems). (ISIC and NACE Rev.2) Survey coverage The survey covers all business entities that perform their activity on the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia. 14
Method, time and sources for data collection Data collection is done by the reporting method, meaning that the reporting unit uses its available documentation and records to fill in the questionnaires. The competent person enters the requested (existed or estimated data) for the previous year. The reporting unit forwards the questionnaire to the relevant statistical authority on which territory its head office is located within the deadline set up in the annual plan. 15
Level of data representatives (territorial) The data are representative for the territory of the Republic of Serbia Regions Divisions Municipalities As well by river basins: Danube Sava Morava 16
Harmonization with international recommendations, standards and practice The methodology relative to this survey is harmonized with international recommendations and standards: Water Framework Directive, WFD - 2000/60/EC; JQ OECD/Eurostat – Inland water; Questionnaire REQ12 – Regional Environmental Data Collection - Inland water; JQ UNSD/UNEP – Environmental Statistics. 17
SURVEY TOOLS Questionnaire and instructions for filling the questionnaire For conducting the survey on drinking water supply, used is the Questionnaire “Annual survey on drinking water supply, (VOD – 2v)” and “Annual survey on urban wastewater (VOD-2k), with the instructions for completing it. Electronic form of the questionnaire with the instructions is also available on SORS website: www.stat.gov.rs Methodologies (www.stat.gov.rs) List of nomenclatures and classifications used in the survey • Code list of watercourses • Classification of Activities (CA – 2010, “Official Gazette of RS”, No 54/10) • Regulation on Nomenclature of Statistical territorial Units (“Official Gazette of RS”, No 109/09 and 46/10). All documents are available on SORS website: www.stat.gov.rs 18
Table 3 Water treatment, water supply network, users and costs for the production of drinking water 20
Table6 -List of all settlements covered by the public water supply and urban wastewater collecting systems 22
Key issues and challenges - statistics • Data sources • All Public water supply and sewerage systems are included; • Data availability • Some data is not available. • Time series • Survey has been conducted more than 50 years. • Problems existing with data collection: • Lack of educated people responsible to fulfilling questionnaires. • Unpaid (from users) distributed water, often has been presented as losses. 26 26
Key issues and challenges Losses presented as total (by transport and by leakage) Number of households identified as Number of pipe (water) connections Measurement units often wrong Estimations depend of experts. Comparability and validation data Across countries, Region Reporting to Eurostat and UNSD 27
Challenges – EPA Better data collection procedures Improved quality assurance Increased monitoring frequency Integration of local, regional and national information systems – SEIS concept applied Building capacity on all levels Better financial instruments
Outputs Percentage of population connected to public water supply Water losses
Outputs Percentage of population connected to public sewage systems Water Treatment Index