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LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION. Measles Training for LCIF Coordinators. 2012. Today’s Agenda. The Problem: Why Target Measles? Lions: Measles Initiative Champions Current Activities Coordinator Role and Tools Dicussion. Why Target Measles?. Why Target Measles?.
LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION Measles Training for LCIF Coordinators 2012
Today’s Agenda The Problem: Why Target Measles? Lions: Measles Initiative Champions Current Activities Coordinator Role and Tools Dicussion
Why Target Measles? • In 2000, about 45.5% of vaccine preventable deaths among children were caused by measles • Serious side effects cause potentially life-long adverse health conditions for 30% of children who contract the disease • Measles infection has a significant impact on families, e.g. childcare, hospitalization, loss of work, etc. • Primary health care and routine immunization strengthened by investment in measles vaccination campaigns. • Eradication is within reach • 450 children still die each day from measles complications We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Since 2001 and the establishment of the Measles Initiative: Success to Date
Measles is still the most contagious vaccine preventable disease: www.cfr.org/vaccinemap Why Target Measles? 2011 Outbreaks
Recent headlines illustrate how measles can be imported and spread even in areas where indigenous measles has been eliminated. • In addition, infection can spread from unvaccinated people in developed countries who travel to areas where the impact of an outbreak creates dire consequences for the neediest in those communities. • Measles outbreak after Super Bowl ignites vaccine debate (Washington Post – Lifestyle Online, Feb. 24, 2012) • Quebec battling major measles outbreak (CBC News, Oct. 27, 2011) Why Target Measles?
The Measles Initiative Since 2001, this partnership of international organizations has been committed to reducing measles deaths worldwide through mass vaccination campaigns and by strengthening routine immunization. US$750 million has been invested to date. • The Measles Initiative is one of the greatest success stories in public health – a child’s life can be saved for less than US$1! • Measles immunization carries the highest health return for the money spent, saving more lives per unit cost • Measles vaccinations provide lifelong immunity We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Anne Ray Charitable Trust Measles Initiative Partners * * LCIF is the only service club organization among the partners
Lions Growing Commitment • This funding was used for several key areas of activity in each country: • Advocacy • Campaign Planning • Promotion and social mobilization In 2010, the Gates Foundation provided LCIF with a grant of US$400,000. Lions matched these funds with US$300,000, for a total of US$700,000 A portion of these funds were awarded to Lions in four pilot countries: Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mali and Nigeria
Lions Growing Commitment • Lions in each country participated in local, regional and national level planning and implementation. They: • Formed coordination committees and opened offices dedicated to Measles Initiative activities • Met with WHO and local public health representatives to identify gaps in campaign plans • Strategized solutions to fill gaps and ensured that the most vulnerable people were reached
Lions Growing Commitment • One critical component of any mass vaccination campaign is ensuring that families participate and have their children vaccinated. Lions played a key role in getting the word out and bringing families in during the days of the campaigns through: • TV and radio ads • Posting and distributing fliers • Mobile PA messages in targeted neighborhoods • Creating and distributing promotional items (e.g. T-shirts)
Lions Growing Commitment • As a result, more than 41 million children were vaccinated in the four pilot countries! • Also, healthcare infrastructure improvements included: • Health workers trained • Vaccine storage improved • Safe injection practices promoted • Surveillance systems implemented
Measles Initiative Feasibility Study • Nearly 150 Personal Interviews with Lions Leaders, as well as 1,500 survey respondents • 88% approved of expanding Lions’ involvement with the Measles Initiative • 82% were confident that Lions could mobilize $10 - $15 million in support of measles control • 90% said that they would support a measles campaign with a personal gift Lions Growing Commitment
US$5 million Challenge Grant awarded to LCIF in October 2011 • -for every US$2 raised by Lions, Gates will match with US$1 • Deepening the relationship with Gates started last year (more on Measles pilot projects above) • Lions chosen because of: • global reach • commitment to improving health in their communities • serving the underserved • proven track record to change lives for those in greatest need One Shot, One Life
Goal: Vaccinate 157 million children in 2012 together with our Measles Initiative partners. • How will this be achieved? • Raise and provide US$10 Million for the Measles Initiative • Combine with US$5 Million matching challenge grant from Gates Foundation • Mobilize and educate community members in measles priority countries about the importance of vaccinations • Advocate for investment in routine immunization programs at the highest levels One Shot, One Life
Current Measles Activities Nepal 11,200 Lions from 455 clubs in Nepal are aiding in Nepal’s measles-rubella vaccination campaign Launched on February 26, the campaign’s goal is to vaccinate 9.9 million children – all those between 9 months and 15 years Lions have been going door-to-door to announce the campaign to parents The campaign will continue later this year, when Nepal’s highland areas will be targeted
Current Measles Activities Lions in the four pilot countries (Mali, Madagascar, Ethiopia and Nigeria) are continuing to advocate for routine immunization. They will hold special events during World Immunization Week (April 21 – 28, 2012) Lions are active in planning the upcoming measles vaccination campaign in Zambia, Kenya and Uganda Lions in Haiti will be helping to plan a measles vaccination campaign, which is scheduled to take place later this year
Measles Donations as of March 12, 2012 We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Measles Donations as of March 12, 2012 We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
CA I and II Measles Donations as of March 12, 2012 We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Updates on Worldwide Donations • In CA I, the United States, currently has the largest donations for measles. The Estate of Harold B. Vaughn has donated the most with $127,395. • Once CA II completes setting up the Lions of Canada Fund for LCIF, there will be a $10,000 donation from District 19A. Also in District 19A, the Vancouver West Leo Club will donate $1,000 to Measles and the Leo conference is donating $1,000 to measles. • In CA III, Latin America, US$2,000 was donated by the Lions of Guatemala and US$17,000 by the Lions of Uruguay. In addition, District B7 in Mexico, raised US$8,000. • In CA IV, Europe, Ireland had a very successful district convention on March 1-2. The Lions of Ireland are confident they will be able to raise US$25,000 ($10 per member) by the end of this year. • In CA V, OSEAL, the Lions of Japan have raised over US$100,000 in their commitment to help fight measles infections worldwide. Multiple District 300, Taiwan, has donated US$250,000. • In CA VI, there has been a large increase in ISAAME giving to One Shot, One Life: The Lions Measles Initiative, including a US$5,000 gift from Lion Kanaksihn Babla. • And lastly, in CA VII, the Sydney Chinese Lions Club pledged an additional US$6,000 towards measles vaccinations on top of their current US$50,000 anticipated donation. We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
One Shot, One Life Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/lionsmeaslesinitiative We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
One Shot, One Life Twitter Account https://twitter.com/#!/LionsMeasles We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Social Media Update • Since February 20, dozens of status updates have been posted to Facebook and two albums of photos from the Nepal measles-rubella vaccination campaign. • Since February 20, there have been 146 tweets on the One Shot, One Life Twitter account. Daily Tweets focus on the work of Lions with the Measles Initiative, news on measles outbreaks, facts about measles, and relevant news from the Measles Initiative and its founding partners. • Pinterest account will be established for the One Shot, One Life Lions Measles Initiative • Measles Blog is in development. Twice to three times weekly blog posts will begin by the end of March • Facebook Statistics: We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Measles Webinars in March Thursday, March 8 - 3pm Monday, March 12 - noon (Europe focused) Tuesday, March 13 - 8am (US and Canada focused) Friday, March 16 - 7:30am (ISAAME focused) Monday, March 19 - 8pm Tuesday, March 20 - 3pm We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Promotion and Fundraising One Shot, One Life is the LCIF priority for the remainder of the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Tell Lions about: Our global leadership role in the Measles Initiative Our deepening relationship with the Gates Foundation The importance of supporting measles control globally How many lives are saved and how health care is improved, especially for children How important each Lion’s contribution to One Shot, One Life is today.
Promotional Packets Packets with the following One Shot, One Life materials are being mailed to Multiple District Coordinators who will forward supplies to District Coordinators: Meeting the Challenge brochure Pocket fact cards Lapel pins Promotional brochures Celebrating our Pilot Year DVD
Four Steps To Success Step 1 – Educate Yourself Review this presentation and browse the LCIF and Measles Initiative websites for more information; when questions come up, contact LCIF staff for assistance Step 2 – Prioritize Your Time Work with LCIF donation reports and district governor team input to prioritize club visits Step 3 – Promote, Publicize, Present Club visits, district events, local newsletters and press, email lists, letter to clubs Step 4 – Make the Request Use every opportunity to directly ask Lions to contribute to One Shot, One Life
Consider setting a goal based on $10 (or even $30!) per member in your district. Then ask yourself: • 1. Will these funds be in addition to your original district goal? • 2. Do you plan to direct some clubs or donors to make their regular annual gift to One Shot, One Life? • 3. Will you try some combination of the above? • What you decide will determine your One Shot, One Life outreach strategy. For example: • If looking for “new” funds, ask the top LCIF supporting clubs in your district to hold a special event or collection to raise funds to combat measles, the “quiet disaster.” Let them know about the banner patches available. • If you know of several clubs that give one or more MJFs each year, ask a portion of them to designate this year’s MJFs to measles. Set a Goal to Guide Your Outreach
Recognition Programs • Club Banner Patches • • US$50 per member • • US$100 per member • • US$250 per member • US$100 per member and higher clubs listed • on donor wall at International Convention • US$10,000+ individuals and clubs listed on • LCIF Web site and at International Convention At an LCIF Steering Committee meeting on January 28, these recognition programs were recommended for clubs and major gifts:
Measles Donor Recognition SAMPLE We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Promotional Tools Power Points – (Coordinator Center @ www.LCIF.org) DVD and Video online One Shot, One Life Brochure Sample Ads The Lion article Pocket Fact Cards Measles Pins Twitter and Facebook accounts
Questions? LCIF Coordinators Measles Training