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Scheduling of Flexible manufacturing systems: an ant colony optimization approach. By: R Kumar, M K Tiwari, and R Shankar Tom Willes 19 November 2008 ME 482. Paper Function. FMS systems consist of numerous CNC machines able to perform many different functions on different parts.
Scheduling of Flexible manufacturing systems: an antcolony optimization approach By: R Kumar, M K Tiwari, and R Shankar Tom Willes 19 November 2008 ME 482
Paper Function • FMS systems consist of numerous CNC machines able to perform many different functions on different parts. • Due to this flexibility, a given operation could be performed on a number of different machines, allowing for many different routings. • Among the many available routings, the best available machine for the process should be selected. • This creates a very difficult scheduling problem. • This paper attempts to use an ant colony optimization (ACO) approach to selecting the best route for each part.
Importance In a high production flexible manufacturing system, minor changes in the routing of a part can greatly affect the production of the system. It is important that this scheduling and routing be optimized for the best throughput possible.
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Parameters • c small positive constant • G set of arcs connecting all possible combinations of nodes • Gk set of all nodes still to be visited by ant k • j a job • j’ maximum number of jobs available from time 0 onwards • J set of jobs • k an ant • m a machine • m’ maximum number of machines • M set of machines • n a node • N total number of operations • NC counter for number of iterations • N_max maximum number of iterations • o an operation • oj an operation of job j • o’j maximum number of operations for job j • Oj operation set of job j • O’ set of all operations • p randomly generated quantity • p+best best makespan • p+iter optimal makespan for an iteration iter • pj,o,m processing time of operation o of job j on machine m • p0 parameter used to attain quick convergence of the algorithm • Pk makespan by the kth ant • Pkil (t) transition probability of moving from node I to node l for ant k • q random number • Q positive constant • Sk set of nodes allowed at the next step by ant k • t time • tabuk list of nodes travelled by ant k • Tk tabu list of ant k • α factor that controls the importance of the trail • β factor that controls the importance of visibility • ηkl visibility from node k to node l • ρ coefficient that represents the evaporation of the trail between time t and t + number of iterations • τkl trail level from node k to node l • Τil(0)initial pheromone trail on edge il • Δtkil quantity per unit time of pheromone trail laid on the edge (i, l) by the kth ant between time t and t + number of iterations
The Work of an Ant Colony • Each time an ant goes from point A to point B, it lays a chemical on the ground called pheromone along its path. • Future ants needing to get from point A to point B then follow this pheromone trail. • Occasionally, an ant will stray just a bit from the original pheromone trail. • Each ant follows the path with the most pheromone. • As more and more ants follow this trail, it may shift as the pheromone of lesser traveled paths evaporate. • Eventually, the trail of ants follows the optimal path between point A and point B.
Ants find shortest path video • http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4748362485426843791&hl=en
The Math • ρ is an evaporation coefficient (0 < ρ < 1) • Δτil is the quantity per unit time of the pheromone trail laid by ant k • pkil(t) is the probability that ant k goes from node i to node l • Sk is the set of nodes to which and k can go • ηil is the visibility from node i to node l, a heuristic value • αand β are parameters to control the relative importance of the trail versus visibility
More Math • This term is the probability of finding new paths • It prevents a very quick convergence of the algorithm • At lower iterations, the probability that an ant will stray from a previous path to find a new one is greater. • At higher iterations, the ant is more likely to follow the most traveled path, the best path.
Program Summary • Step 1: Initialize Program • Step 2: Breaks iteration counting loop (2-7) • Step 3: Breaks ant counting loop (3-6) • Step 4: Breaks node selection loop (4-5) • Step 5: Node Selection (random) • Step 6: Ant counter • Step 7: Updating pheromone trail, probability value, and best makespan thus far • Step 8: Output result
Step 1: Initialization • 1. Represent the problem using a weighted directed graph. • 2. Randomly distribute ants on the nodes. • 3. Set t = 0; /*{time counter}*/ • 4. Set NC = 1; /*(number of iterations/number of cycles counter)*/ • 5. Set τil(0) = c; on each node /* τil(0) is the initial pheromone trail on the edge il and c is a small positive constant*/ • 6. Set Δτil = 0; on each node /* Δτilis the increase in the trail level on edge il */ • 7. Set tabuk = 0; /* tabukgives the list of nodes traversed by ant k */ • 8. Set p0 = 0;
Steps 2-4 • Step 2. If NC > N_max go to Step 8, else go to Step 3 /*N_max is the maximum number of iterations*/ • Step 3. If m > m_max go to Step 7 else go to Step 4 /*m gives the ant number and m_max stands for the maximum number of ants*/ • Step 4. If tabuk> tabukmax go to Step 6 else go to Step 5 /*tabukmax gives the maximum number of nodes to be visited by ant k*/
Step 5: Node Selection • 1. Generate random number p (0 ≤ p ≤1). • 2. If p ≤ p0 then go to Step 5(3) else go to Step 5(4). • 3. Generate random number q (q E Sk), select =q, go to Step 5(10). • 4. Compare probabilities of possible outgoing nodes. • 5. Choose the node having the highest probability (pkil). • 6. Generate a random number q (0 ≤ q ≤1). • 7. If q ≥ pkilthen go to Step 5(8) else go to Step 5(9). • 8. Generate a random number q (q E Sk), select =q, go to Step 5(10). • 9. Choose the node with the highest pkilvalue, select = 1. • 10. Choose the node select as the next node to move to. • 11. Add select to tabuk, delete it from Gkand Skand go to Step 4.
Steps 6-7 • Step 6. m =m + 1, go to Step 3. • Step 7: updating • 1. Find p+iter ; /* p+iter is the optimal makespan for iteration*/ • 2. If p+iter < p+best then p+best = p+iter; /* p+best is the best makespan*/ • 3. Update τil(t). • 4. Empty all tabu lists (i.e. tabuk). • 5. NC = NC + 1. • 6. p0 = loge(NC) / loge(N_max), go to Step 2.
Step 8 • Output p+best • This is the best makespan found in all the iterations of the algorithm.
Simple Numerical Illustration • Setup times ignored • 5 jobs • 4 operations on each job • 3 machines • Traditional method gives a throughput time of 439 • This ACO method gives a throughput time of 420
Another Example • Setup times included • 2 jobs • 2 operations on each job • 3 machines • 4 tools for each machine
CPU time • The parameter ρ doesn’t seem to have a strong effect on CPU time, but starts to have some effect at very high iterations. • The effect of the number of iterations appears to be nearly linear, as we would anticipate.
Iterations and best makespan • It appears as though the algorithm is able to converge on the best makespan at higher iterations.
Conclusions • “The value of the makespan for the problem with 400 iterations comes out to be 439 by the method proposed by Lee and Dicesari [36] and Yim and Lee [37], whereas for the same problem the present method gives 420, which is lower than the value obtained by Lee and Dicesari [36]. Thus the superiority of the present method is proved over the PN-based method proposed by Lee and Dicesari [36].” • (bottom of page 1447)
Conclusions (continued) • I think… • The authors failed to prove their method better than others in use. • They failed to prove the value of this model. • The authors were creative in their attempt to apply an ant model to a FMS.
Conclusions (continued) • All they did was find a lower makespan. • Is it attainable in a real FMS? • What adjustments would make this more practical for industrial use? • It would be more valuable if the output was a matrix showing the trail of the best makespan, the final ant trail.