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UBC SIS to CDM Data Migration

UBC SIS to CDM Data Migration. Overview. Ruby Dynamic language well suited for integration work Ruby on Rails (ROR) application Plugins used: activerecord - oracle_enhanced -adapter – to connect to UBC SIS (Student Information System) Oracle database

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UBC SIS to CDM Data Migration

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  1. UBC SIS to CDM Data Migration

  2. Overview Ruby Dynamic language well suited for integration work Ruby on Rails (ROR) application Plugins used: activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter – to connect to UBC SIS (Student Information System) Oracle database composite_primary_keys – composite primary keys for ROR Savon – Ruby SOAP client to access LU Service CourseAdapter class handles mapping of UBC SIS legacy data to Kuali Student

  3. Approach soapUI used to validate LU Service SOAP message structure Converted SOAP message structure to a hash for Savon client Benefits: Handles data conversion i.e. dates Easier to read – name/value pairs

  4. SOAP Message (RAW) <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <lu:createClu> <luTypeKey>?</luTypeKey> <cluInfo type="?" state="?" id="?"> <officialIdentifier type="?" state="?" id="?"> <code>?</code> <shortName>?</shortName> <longName>?</longName> …

  5. Hash of SOAP Data soap.body = { :luTypeKey => "kuali.lu.type.CreditCourse", :cluInfo => { :officialIdentifier => { :code => @code, :shortName => @short_name, :longName => @long_name, :level => @level, :division => @division, …

  6. Summary Performance 405 courses in 439 seconds 3321 courses / hour Todo: update tool to utilize Course Business Service

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