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Egocentric Ego (I) + centri (center) =. Adj. Self-centered The egocentric snob did not notice that she had hurt a classmate. Tangible tang (touch) =. Adj. Touchable. A paycheck is one of the tangible rewards of a job. Demagogue. Demos (people) + agog (leader) =. n.
Egocentric Ego (I) + centri (center) =
Adj. Self-centered The egocentric snob did not notice that she had hurt a classmate.
Tangible tang (touch) =
Adj. Touchable A paycheck is one of the tangible rewards of a job.
Demagogue Demos (people) + agog (leader) =
n. Corrupt politician Huey Long was accused of being a demagogue in the 1930’s. He was assassinated as a result.
Preclude Pre (before) + clud (close) =
v. foreclose The young athlete suffered an injury that will preclude him from participating In the tournament.
Cryptologist crypt (hidden) + log (study of, science) + ist (one who) =
n. Code breaker British cryptologists broke the German Enigma code during World War II.
ethnocentrism ethno (race or culture) + centri (center) + ism (doctrine or philosophy) =
n. Racial or cultural prejudice Ethnocentrism can lead to many problems when people do not appreciate the differences in others.
pedagogue Ped (child) + agog (leader) =
n. teacher Middle school students do not like pedagogues who do not have a sense of humor.
recant Re (back, again) + cant (sing) =
v. Retract When the witness was under oath, he had to recant an earlier false statement.
Revoke Re (back, again) + voc (voice) =
v. Cancel If you do not keep your grades up, your driver’s license will be revoked.
Pugnacious Pugn (fight) + ous (full of) =
Adj. Combative The pugnacious bully was sent home for fighting.
Incisive In (in) + cise (cut) =
Adj. Sharp Her incisive questions cut deeply into the issue.
Diatribe Dia (across) + trib (pay) = This reallycomes from Greek for a leaned discussion
n. Abusive criticism Hitler often delivered diatribes against the Jews.
anomaly A (not) + homo (same) =
n. abnormality Because the point falls outside of the normal range on the graph, it is thought to be an anomaly.
Enumerate E (out) + numer (number) + (cause)
v. To list Beginning with the most important one, please enumerate your reasons.
Circumscribed Circum (around) + scrib (write) =
Adj. Limited You may only select from one of the circumscribed choices.
Intercede Inter (between) + cede (go) =
v. mediate The United States has tried to intercede to help develop a plan for peace in the Middle East.
Disputatious Dis (away) + put (think) + ous (full of) =
Adj. Argumentative The disputatious player angered the referee.
Loquacious Loqu (talk) + ous (full of) =
Adj. Talkative The loquacious students were asked to leave the media center.
Abrogate Ab (away) + rogat (ask) =
v. Annul Outdated laws need to be abrogated.
Prescience Pre (before) + sci (know) =
n. Foreknowledge Prescience about Hurricane Sandy did not make the clean-up any easier.
Sacrosanct Sacro (holy) + sanct (holy) =
Adj. Sacred Turkey at Thanksgiving is a sacrosanct tradition that most people enjoy and will not change.
Androgynous andro (man) + gyn (woman) + ous (full of) =
Adj. Masculine and feminine Many women in the 1920’s had an androgynous appearance—they wore skirts, had short hair, and smoked.
Acronym Acro (high) + nym (name) =
n. Initials-name: This is a word that is formed from the first letter of a series of words. NASA is the acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Congenital con (together) + gen (origin) =
Adj At birth . The baby was born with a congenital heart defect that could be repaired with surgery.
Cacophony Caco (bad) + phon (sound) =
n. Bad noise The cacophony of the horns of cars at the traffic jam hurt our ears.