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Byzantine Empire Web quest

Byzantine Empire Web quest.

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Byzantine Empire Web quest

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  1. Byzantine Empire Web quest Your Task: Discover what happened to Rome. Everybody wants their shining moment; their 15 minutes of fame…but what happens when their time is up? Navigate your way through the following web pages to find out what happened after Rome fell from the top. As you read through the web pages, fill out the worksheet handed out to you by the fabulous Mrs. Williams!!!!

  2. Click on the webpage below to answer the first few questions on your handout. http://rome.mrdonn.org/fall.html A divided Rome was managed by two emperors. Unfortunately, the western empire was invaded and conquered by barbarians. To keep the eastern empire safe, Constantine moved the capital to a new city. His new city became the foundation for the Byzantine empire which outlasted the western half by a 1000 years. Scroll to the next page to learn more about the Byzantine Empire and Constantine

  3. Yeah…more info!!!! How exited are you? Open the word document below to read and answer questions about the creation of the Byzantine Empire http://mswilliamsancientworld.wikispaces.com/The+Byzantine+Empire Justinian was a famous emperor of the Byzantine Empire. Click on the link below to learn about his major accomplishments http://medievaleurope.mrdonn.org/justinian.html

  4. Example collage: Justinian LAWS Franks Now that you are an expert on the Byzantine Empire…it is time to show me how smart you are.. Mosaics were a common art form created during the Roman Empire. Mosaics, typically made of glass or tile, adorned wealthy home, churches and government buildings. Today in the United States, stained glass windows, replicate the ancient artistic designs. Your job is to create a mosaic, collage, of important features of the Byzantine Empire. Open up a PowerPoint presentation to make your collage. You can use pictures, words and anything else your imagination can come up with to create your collage….print one copy to turn into me today.

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