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Self-Control, A Forgotten Skill. Temperance, Temperate [Noun]
Self-Control, A Forgotten Skill Temperance, Temperate [Noun] enkrateia from kratos, "strength," occurs in Acts 24: 25; Gal. 5: 23; 2 Pet. 1: 6 (twice), in all of which it is rendered "temperance;" the RV marg., "self-control" is the preferable rendering, as "temperance" is now limited to one form of self-control; the various powers bestowed by God upon man are capable of abuse; the right use demands the controlling power of the will under the operation of the Spirit of God; in Acts 24: 25 the word follows "righteousness," which represents God's claims, self-control being man's response thereto; in 2 Pet. 1: 6, it follows "knowledge," suggesting that what is learned requires to be put into practice.
Self-Control, A Forgotten Skill B1. Temperance, Temperate [Adjective] enkrates akin to enkrateia, denotes "exercising self control," rendered "temperate" in Tit. 1: 8. B2. Temperance, Temperate [Adjective]nephalios for which see SOBER, is translated "temperate" in I Tim. 3: 2, RV (AV, "vigilant"); in I Tim. 3: 11; Tit. 2: 2, RV (AV, "sober"). Note: In Tit. 2: 2, AV, sophron, "sober," is rendered "temperate" (RV, "soberminded"). C1. Temperance, Temperate [Verb]enkrateuomai akin to enkrateia and enkrates, rendered "is temperate" in I Cor. 9: 25, is used figuratively of the rigid self-control practiced by athletes with a view to gaining the prize. (W. E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.)
Self-Control, A Forgotten Skill The art of self-control can be seen in many areas in the life of the Christian: Thoughts (Phili. 4: 8). Speech (Jas. 1: 19, 3: 2-12, Prov. 10: 19). Doctrine (Jas. 3: 1f.). Temper (Jas. 1: 19, cp. Prov. 14: 17). Hearing (Jas. 1: 19, Matt. 13: 9, Luke 8: 18).
Self-Control, A Forgotten Skill The art of self-control can be seen in many areas in the life of the Christian: Vision (cp. Matt. 5: 28). Taking care of our bodies (Rom. 12: 1, 2). Organizational matters (cp. Eph. 5: 16). “…for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage” (2 Pet. 2).