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V. Microbiology of water. A. Waterborne microbial pathogens B. Indicator bacteria for drinking water C. Other indicators for drinking and recreational water. A.W aterborne microbial pathogens Microbiology review:. Microbes in water include: Bacteria Virus Protozoa
V. Microbiology of water A. Waterborne microbial pathogens B. Indicator bacteria for drinking water C. Other indicators for drinking and recreational water
A.Waterborne microbial pathogensMicrobiology review: • Microbes in water include: • Bacteria • Virus • Protozoa • A few microbes (pathogens) are capable of causing disease, and may be transmitted by water.
Waterborne pathogens: • Some common pathogens: • Salmonella typhi • Escherichia coli • Vibrio cholera • Pseudomonas aeruginosa • Shigella spp. • Cryptosporidium • Giardia lamblia • Norwalkvirus
Cryptosporidum and cryptosporidiosis Crypto “Oocysts Cryptosporidium parvum
Giardia lamblia(giardiasis) Original image by Arturo Gonzalez, CINVESTAV, Mexico. Used with permission of Javier Ambrosio, UNAM, Mexico
Giardia lamblia • Giardia lamblia trophozoites live in the small intestine of the host. • The trophozoites average about 15 µm in length, have a distinct "tear-drop" shape and two nuclei at the anterior end Giardia lamblia troph. The two nuclei are easy to see in this image. (Original image from a Japanese language site tentatively titled "Internet Atlas of Human Parasitology."
B. Indicator bacteria for Drinking Water: • Indicator microorganisms are used to indicate an increased risk of pathogen contamination due to fecal contamination. • Indicator microbes should be: • Always present when feces/sewage is present • Always absent when feces/sewage is absent • Survives longer in water than any of the pathogenic species • Easily isolated and identified.
Indicator bacteria: • Coliform bacteria (E. coli-like) are the most often used indicator bacteria for water quality assessment in the U.S.
Characteristics of coliforms: • Aerobic or facultative, • Gram-negative, • Non-spore forming, • Bacilli, • which ferment lactose to form acid and/or gas within 48 hours at 35 oC.
More specific coliforms: • Coliforms are often found naturally in soil, water, plants, etc. • Fecal coliforms are a more specific coliforms that usually come from feces. • E. coli is the most specific indicator
Guidelines and methods for enumerating coliforms: • EPA guidelines for coliforms in drinking water are < 1 CFU/100 ml. • Tests used to isolate and enumerate coliforms in water include: • m-Endo media • m-FC media • MUG media
C. Other indicators for drinking and recreational water • Limitation of Total coliform as drinking water microbial indicator • Ubiquitous. • Less resistant to traditional disinfection. • Proliferate in the biofilms of water distribution systems
Limitation of Fecal coliforms • Klebsiella pneumoniae • Less resistant to traditional disinfection. • Limitation of E. coli • Less resistant to traditional disinfection.
Microbial Indicators for Recreational Water • Total coliform? • Fecal coliform? • Average 200 MPN/100 ml • E. Coli (fresh water)? • Average 126 MPN/100 ml. • Enterococci (salt water) • Average 35 MPN/100 ml.