Price Matters? By Chase Buckman
The Test So for my test I am wanting to know if price matters for shotgun shells.So I got a expensive,medium, and cheap priced one. The prices were $17.89, $21.34 and, $35.90.And what I want to find out is if the pattern is really better if you spend more money or if the cheap one is better. The pattern is when you shoot there are BBs in the shell, and they spread out as they go but you don’t want that.
The Shells The shells im shooting are Estate 3 1/2 in. #2. Remington 3 1/2 in. #2.Then Hevi Shot 3 1/2 #2.
The Results The results were that the Estate shell had the best pattern witch was 7 in. across and it was the cheapest. Then at a close second was the Hevi Shot with 9 in. across. Then the Remington wasn’t close to the others with a 15 in. pattern.
Works Cited Shot Pattern." N.p., Web. 12 Feb. 11. "Pattern." Shot Pattern." N.p., Web. 12 Feb. 11.. N.p., Web. 12 Feb. 11 "Pattern Tips." http://www.gamebirdhunts.com/Resources/PheasantPhacts/ShotgunPatterns/tabid/73/Default.aspx. N.p., Web. 10 Feb. 11.