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Proposal Baseline. You can find the topics in the agenda (info-folder). Anything to be added ?. Overall Goal of the Project. my suggestion. Develop full functionality of CMS Tier-2 centers Embed the Tier-2 centers in the LHC-GRID Provide well documented and usable user interfaces
Proposal Baseline You can find the topics in the agenda (info-folder) Anything to be added ?
Overall Goal of the Project my suggestion • Develop full functionality of CMS Tier-2 centers • Embed the Tier-2 centers in the LHC-GRID • Provide well documented and usable user interfaces • Demonstrate commercial usability of the GRID your ideas The EGEE has no hierarchy, this is new in our project. How will EGEE change with EGEE2? …. ….
Title – Acronym – Logo my suggestion CMS – European GRID Tier-2 Consortium CMS-GRID-T2 no suggestion for a logo yet
Consortium Names okay ? Acronyms ? Belgium: Université Catholique de Louvain BEL Vincent Lemaitre Finland: Helsinki Insititute of Physics HIP Jorma Tuominiemi Germany: Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen AC Achim Stahl Hungary: KFKI Research Institute for Particle & Nuclear Physics RMKI Gyorgy Vesztergombi Poland: Warsaw University ICM Richard Gokieli Tier-1: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe FZK Holger Marten plus commercial application
Duration of Project STREP: … the duration might be expected to be 2 – 3 years. Only exceptionally and in duly justified cases will the duration exceed 3 years. my suggestion • 2 years: April 2006 -- April 2008 • the GRID has to be fully operational by end of 2007 anyhow • a longer duration might interfere with an infrastructure proposal in FP7 Discussion ?
Management Structure okay ? anything to add ? Institution Board 1 Representative per participating institute (including coordinator) can decide to invite additional people meets regularly at least 3 times during the project? board can decide to meet via video/phone conf ? representative can delegate the seat • To keep the board small: • coordinator must represent his institute • work-package coordinators should be representing their institute The coordinator invites the board, chairs and documents the sessions The work-package coordinators organize their working group. They ensure sufficient exchange of information between the members of the working group and organize meetings
technical board work-package coordinator + project coordinator can invite additional people at least once per quarter year could be phone or video meeting chaired + conviened by project coordinator
Commercial Application STREP, Purpose: a demonstration project designed to prove the viability of new technologies offering potential economic advantage, but which cannot be commercialized directly. my conclusion: We need a commercial application in the project
Commercial Application How many applications to include ? Which applications to include ? 4 applications persued for the next 2 weeks. We‘ll decide on the basis of project outlines in 2 weeks Brussels small animal PET scanners GEANT Louvain IBA irradiation planing GEANT Budapest orthopedics (see web-page) image-reco Aachen irradiation planing GEANT