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7 th Grade Texas History Chapter 10-11

7 th Grade Texas History Chapter 10-11. #1 Fannin did not aid the defenders at the Alamo because ______. He had a shortage of food. His troops had cholera. A:. B:. He had a shortage of wagons. He had a shortage of men. C:. D:. C. He had a shortage of wagons. #2

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7 th Grade Texas History Chapter 10-11

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  1. 7th Grade Texas History Chapter 10-11

  2. #1 Fannin did not aid the defenders at the Alamo because ______. He had a shortage of food His troops had cholera A: B: He had a shortage of wagons He had a shortage of men C: D:

  3. C. He had a shortage of wagons

  4. #2 At San Jacinto, Santa Anna believed Houston’s troops would ____ Surrender Attack at dawn A: B: Fight only on the defensive Retreat to Galveston C: D:

  5. D. Fight only on defensive

  6. #3 The Alamo events inspired most Texans to ______. Carry on the struggle for freedom Join Santa Anna’s forces A: B: Give in to Mexico Flee to the U.S. C: D:

  7. B. Carry on the struggle for freedom

  8. #4 In the secret treaty, Texas pledged to Santa Anna that it would _____. Recognize his dictatorship Give him the Invincible A: B: Escort him back to Mexico Send him to France C: D:

  9. D. Escort him back to Mexico

  10. #5 What happened near Coleto Creek? Fannin surrendered to Mexican troops General Cos surrendered A: B: Fannin’s men were executed A cannon was buried, then dug up later by Texans C: D:

  11. A. Fannin surrendered to Mexican troops

  12. #6 Santa Anna feared that any survivors at Goliad would ___. Return to their homes Rejoin the rebellion A: B: Flee to the U.S. Join the Mexican army C: D:

  13. B. Rejoin the rebellion

  14. #7 Why was the Battle of San Jacinto important? Texas won its independence Santa Anna ran away A: B: Houston killed Santa Anna Mexico won its independence C: D:

  15. A. Texas won its independence

  16. #8 Which was a weakness in the Alamo defense? Lack of food Lack of spirit among the troops A: B: A lack of cannons A gap in the wall C: D:

  17. D. A gap in the wall

  18. #9 Houston’s troops defeated Santa Anna’s easily because the Mexicans _______. Were hungry and tired • Were retreating A: B: Did not expect an attack Were ill with cholera C: D:

  19. C. Did not expect an attack

  20. #10 What did Colonel Neill say he needed at the Alamo? Food supplies Medical supplies A: B: Cannons Guns and troops C: D:

  21. C. Guns and troops

  22. #11 The flight of Texas families that was Plagued by lack of food, bad weather, and sickness Runaway Scrape Texas Scramble A: B: Underground Railroad Mass Exodus C: D:

  23. A. Runaway Scrape

  24. #12 What happened after the Treaty of Velasco was signed? Sam Houston let Santa Anna keep San Antonio Texas became an independent country A: B: Texas became part of the U.S. Texans killed Santa Anna C: D:

  25. B. Texas became an independent country

  26. #13 Most of the Texans captured at Goliad believed ______. They would be tortured They would be treated fairly A: B: They would be executed They would be released C: D:

  27. B. They would be treated fairly

  28. #14 Hendrick Arnold reported to Houston about _____. Whereabouts of Santa Anna Sources of drinking water A: B: Location of Native Americans Whereabouts of reinforcements C: D:

  29. A. The whereabouts of Santa Anna

  30. #15 Two famous battle cries were “Remember the Alamo” and ________. “Give me liberty or give me death!” “Remember Goliad!” A: B: “No safe quarter!” “Cruel necessity!” C: D:

  31. B. “Remember Goliad!”

  32. #16 After the battle of San Jacinto, the capital of Texas was moved to _____. New Washington Velasco A: B: San Antonio Houston C: D:

  33. A. Velasco

  34. #17 Who carried the news of the Alamo to Gonzales? Deaf Smith Juan Seguin A: B: Suzanna Dickinson Hendrick Arnold C: D:

  35. C. Suzanna Dickinson

  36. #18 David Crockett was a former state legislator and U.S. congressman from ______. Tennessee Arkansas A: B: Kentucky Virginia C: D:

  37. A. Tennessee

  38. #19 Who said “Victory or Death!” ? David Crockett William B. Travis A: B: Santa Anna Sam Houston C: D:

  39. B. William B. Travis

  40. #20 After the battle, the bodies of the Alamo defenders were _____. Hung Buried A: B: Burned Left at the Alamo C: D:

  41. C. Burned

  42. #21 Who was found hiding in tall grass after the Battle of San Jacinto? General Filisola Jose Urrea A: B: General Cos Santa Anna C: D:

  43. C. Santa Anna

  44. #22 During the Battle of the Alamo, Santa Anna was headquartered at the _____. San Fernando Church San Bexar Church A: B: San Antonio town hall The Alamo C: D:

  45. A. San Fernando Church

  46. #23 The soldiers were told that remaining in the Alamo meant _______. Victory Certain death A: B: Defeat Starvation C: D:

  47. B. Certain death

  48. #24 Travis thought that Santa Anna would enter Texas in 1836 in _______. Early January or February Early September or October A: B: Late June or July Late March, April, or May C: D:

  49. D. Late March, April, or May

  50. #25 What was the reason for the Texans’ defeat at Goliad? Fannin’s indecision Lack of food A: B: Lack of rifles Lack of spirit C: D:

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