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Adolygu Nadolig Blwyddyn 8 Christmas Revision Year 8 2012

YSGOL STANWELL SCHOOL ADRAN Y GYMRAEG. Adolygu Nadolig Blwyddyn 8 Christmas Revision Year 8 2012. Enw : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dosbarth : 8 . . . Athrawes :. Cyfieithwch y canlynol : Translate the following words:. ?. ?.

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Adolygu Nadolig Blwyddyn 8 Christmas Revision Year 8 2012

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  1. YSGOL STANWELLSCHOOL ADRAN Y GYMRAEG AdolyguNadoligBlwyddyn 8Christmas Revision Year 82012 Enw: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dosbarth: 8 . . . Athrawes: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  2. Cyfieithwch y canlynol:Translate the following words:

  3. ? ? Cyfieithwch y cwetiynau ac ynaatebwch y cwestiynauynGymraeg:Translate the questions and then answer the questions in Welsh: 1. Beth wnesttiynystodgwyliau’rhaf? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Bleestti? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Sutteithiaistti? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.Gyda pwyestti? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Blearhosaistti? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Am faint arhosaistti? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7.Sut roedd y tywydd? ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Fwynheuaistti? ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Beth wnestti? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

  4. ? ? Cyfieithwch y cwetiynau ac ynaatebwch y cwestiynauynGymraeg:Translate the questions and then answer the questions in Welsh: 10. Blehoffettifynd? ___________________________________________________________________________ 12. Blehoffettiaros? ___________________________________________________________________________ 12. Suthoffettideithio? ___________________________________________________________________________ 13. Gydapwyhoffettifynd? ___________________________________________________________________________ 14. Bleaeth Jack? ___________________________________________________________________________ 15. Sutteithiodd Jack? ___________________________________________________________________________ 16. Gydapwyaeth Jack? ___________________________________________________________________________ 17. Blearhosodd Jack? ___________________________________________________________________________ 18. Beth wnaeth Jack? ___________________________________________________________________________ 19. Blehoffai Jack fynd? ___________________________________________________________________________

  5. Llenwch y proffil:Complete the profile about yourself:

  6. Ymarferysgrifennu Write a paragraph about your holiday n WELSH. You should include 12 facts, use your profile and booklet to help. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Help Es idramorynystodgwyliau’rhaf I went abroad during the summer holidays Es ii’rEidal I went to Italy Teithiaisi ar long I travelled on a ship Es igyda’rysgol I went with school Arhosaisi am wythnosmewnpabell I stayed for a week in a tent Roedd y tywyddyngrasboeth The weather was scorching Mwynheuaisi y gwyliauachosroedd y boblynhyfryd I enjoyed the holiday because the people were lovely Nofiaisiyn y môr I swam in the sea Hoffwnifyndi’r Alban I would like to go to Scotland

  7. Ymarferysgrifennu Write a paragraph about a friend’s holiday in WELSH. You must include 12 facts ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Help Enwfyffrindydy Lucy Lucy is the name of my friend Aeth Lucy iWladGroeg Lucy went to Greece Aeth Lucy gyda’rteulu Lucy went with the family Arhosodd Lucy am bythefnosmewn tŷ haf Lucy stayed for a fortnight in a summer house Teithiodd Lucy mewnawyren Lucy travelled in a plane Fwyneuodd Lucy ddim y gwyliauachosroedd y lleynddiflas Lucy did not enjoy the holiday because the place was boring Aeth Lucy i’r tŷ bwyta Lucy went to the restuarnt Dydy Lucy dim ynhoffinofioyn y môr Lucy does not like swimming in the sea

  8. Gwnewchfrawddegyncynnwys y geiriaucanlynol:Create a sentence including the following words: pabell = Arhosaisimewnpabell Gwyliau_______________________________________________________ Dramor_______________________________________________________ Es i __________________________________________________________ Aeth_________________________________________________________ Traeth________________________________________________________ Tywydd_______________________________________________________ Ar long________________________________________________________ Gwesty_______________________________________________________ Benwythnos___________________________________________________ Chwarae______________________________________________________ Darllen________________________________________________________ Bwyta________________________________________________________

  9. YmarferdarllenRead the following paragraph and answer the questions in Welsh: Gethinydwi. Ynystod y gwyliauhaf,esiiffwrdd. Es iiFfrainc. Es igydafyrhieni. Teithiaisi ar long. Arhosaisi am fismewncarafan. Fwynheuaisiddimachosroedd y lle’nsbwriel. Es iiBaris ac esiisiopa, ondroeddhi’nbwrwglaw. Aeth Dad ibysgota a darllenaisilyfr. Mae MamynhoffiFfraincachos y bwyd. 1. BleaethGethin? [1] ___________________________________ 2. GydapwyaethGethin? [1] ___________________________________ 3. SutteithioddGethin? [1] ___________________________________ 5. BlearhosoddGethin? [1] ___________________________________ 6. Am faint arhosodd e [1] ___________________________________ 7. Fwynheuodd e? Pam? [2] ___________________________________ 8. Beth wnaethGethin? [2] ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 10. Beth mae mamynhoffi? [1] ___________________________________

  10. YmarferdarllenRead the following paragraph and answer the questions in Welsh: Sian ydwi. Ynystod y gwyliauhaf, esi iffwrdd. Es idramor. Es igydafy ffrindiau. Es ii’rEidal. Teithiaisimewnawyren. Arhosaisi am wythnos. Mwynheuaisiachosroedd y gwestyynffantastig. Bwytaisibitsa a chwaraeaisibêlfoli ar y traeth. Roeddhi’ngrasboeth. Rydwi’ncaru’rEidalachosmae’rbwydyngret.Aethfyffrind Gareth isiopaym Milan. Mwyheuodd Gareth ynfawr iawn. Hoffai Gareth fyndiBarisflwyddynnesa. 1. Bleaeth Sian? [1] ___________________________________ 2. Gydapwyaeth Sian? [1] ___________________________________ 3. Sutteithiodd Sian? [1] ___________________________________ 5. Blearhosodd Sian? [1] ___________________________________ 6. Am faint arhosodd Sian? [1] ___________________________________ 7. Fwynheuodd Sian? Pam? [2] ___________________________________ 8. Bleaeth Gareth? [1] ___________________________________ 9. Beth wnaeth Sian? [2] ___________________________________ 10. Blehoffai Gareth fynd? [1] ___________________________________

  11. Tynnwchlun y canlynol: Draw the following: Adolygu Gwesty Pabell Dramor Gwyliau Bythefnos Benwythnos Bwrweira Tywydd Awyren Ar long BwydEidalaidd Heulog Cestylltywod Traeth Môr

  12. Greece 3. Swim 4. Sea 5. America 6. Scotland 8. Sunny 9. Snowing 11. Germany 12. Day trips 13. Bike 15. Beach 17. Dance 20. Plane 21. Tent 24. Relatives 25.Swimming pool 28. Ireland 30. Family 32. On a farm 33. Car Adolygu 2. Restaurant 5. School 7. What 9. Raining 10. England 14. Train 15. Turkey 16. Hotel 18. Holiday 19. Caravan 22. Ship 23. Spain 26. Scorching 27. Parents 29. Cottage 31. Sand Castles 34. Wales 35. Cafe 36. Friends 37. France 38. Fine

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