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That Was Great! Now What? (Supporting the Learning Process After Training)

That Was Great! Now What? (Supporting the Learning Process After Training).

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That Was Great! Now What? (Supporting the Learning Process After Training)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. That Was Great! Now What? (Supporting the Learning Process After Training) Facilitated byPaul SignorelliWriter/Trainer/ConsultantPaul Signorelli & Associatespaul@paulsignorelli.comTwitter: @paulsignorelliALA Learning Round Table Session At ALA Annual ConferenceLas VegasJune 29, 2014Session hashtags: #alaac14 #NowWhat

  2. Setting the Learning Space

  3. Setting the Learning Space

  4. Building Upon What We Already Know

  5. Building Upon What We Already Know Share, with those sitting near you, one thing that helped you apply what you learned after you left a memorable learning opportunity.

  6. Peter Senge: Learning Organizations

  7. Communities of Learning: A Definition • “A learning community is a group of people who share common emotions, values or beliefs, are actively engaged in learning together from each other…” • --Wikipedia

  8. Your Learning Communities?

  9. When I Leave a Learning Session…

  10. Six Months Later…

  11. Six Months Later…

  12. Where Much of Our Learning Goes…

  13. Breakthrough Learning

  14. What MOOCs Can Teach Us

  15. What MOOCs Can Teach Us

  16. What MOOCs Can Teach Us http://dmlhub.net/sites/default/files/ConnectedLearning_report.pdf

  17. Communities of Learning:Flipped Classrooms

  18. Communities of Learning:Makerspaces

  19. Communities of Learning:Idea Spaces

  20. Communities of Learning:Idea Spaces

  21. Larger Learning Communities:Joining What’s Available to Us

  22. Discussion:Working It What is one thing you can take from this session and begin applying in your own workplace within the next week?

  23. Discussion:Working It What is one thing you can take from this session and begin applying in your own workplace within the next week? What would your first steps be in implementing that idea?

  24. In Summary

  25. In Summary

  26. In Summary

  27. In Summary

  28. In Summary

  29. In Summary

  30. In Summary

  31. Resources

  32. Resources For more on innovations in training-teaching-learning, please visit my blog: http://buildingcreativebridges.wordpress.blog

  33. Questions & Comments

  34. For More Information Paul Signorelli & Associates 1032 Irving St., #514 San Francisco, CA 94122 415.681.5224 paul@paulsignorelli.com http://paulsignorelli.com Twitter: @paulsignorelli http://buildingcreativebridges.wordpress.com

  35. Credits & Acknowledgments (Images taken from flickr.com unless otherwise noted):Door Hanging From Hinges: From NickCummin’s photostream at http://tinyurl.com/ntsps3aCouch in the Middle of the Room: Photo by Paul SignorelliBuilding Blocks: From Denise Krebs’ photostream at http://tinyurl.com/qxofopxLearning Commons, Alden Library, Ohio University: From Ohio University Library’s photostream at http://tinyurl.com/qyutu5pCapped Fire Hydrant: From Modowds’s photostream at http://tinyurl.com/m3lvgdaLearners Helping Each Other From Ohio University Library’s photostream at http://tinyurl.com/l9wcxqg Book Discussion Group: From Lucius Beebe Memorial Library’s photostream at http://tinyurl.com/lcwnxazCommunity Group in Library: From 1 Book, 1 Valley’s photostream at http://tinyurl.com/lxjlf35Library Makerspace: From WLibrary‘s photostream at http://tinyurl.com/lsw7eexFlipped Classroom: From Ransomtech’s photostream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/ransomtech/7112676365/sizes/m/Idea Spaces: Images from Tom Haymes‘ Idea Spaces website at http://tech.nwc.hccs.edu/idea-spaces/

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