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Chapter 13: Buoyancy and Bernoulli’s Principle, viscosity

Chapter 13: Buoyancy and Bernoulli’s Principle, viscosity. Metro Community College 12/5/2010. Review of Prior Material. Density Pressure Absolute Pressure Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Pressure variation with height

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Chapter 13: Buoyancy and Bernoulli’s Principle, viscosity

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  1. Chapter 13: Buoyancy and Bernoulli’s Principle, viscosity Metro Community College 12/5/2010

  2. Review of Prior Material • Density • Pressure • Absolute Pressure • Atmospheric Pressure • Gauge Pressure • Pressure variation with height • Pascal’s Law – pressure on an enclosed liquid is transferred undiminished in all directions. • ` Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  3. Application of Pressure Equations Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  4. Application of Pascal’s Law Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  5. Bernoulli’s Equation Bernoulli’s Equation provides valuable insights into fluid flow related to: Aerodynamics Circulatory Systems in the body Engineering of buildings, bridges, machines Design of engines Skip derivation Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  6. Bernoulli’s Equation Conservation of energy Work Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  7. Bernoulli’s Equation Conservation of energy Potential Energy Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  8. Bernoulli’s Equation Conservation of energy Kinetic Energy Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  9. Bernoulli’s Equation • Total Energy Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  10. Bernoulli’s Equation Continuity Equation:Begin with flow rate. Conservation of Energy:Use continuity and conservation of energy. Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  11. Applications of Bernoulli’s Equation Speed of Efflux: Torricelli’s Theorem Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  12. Applications of Bernoulli’s Equation Collapse of Blood Vessel Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  13. Applications of Bernoulli’s Equation Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  14. Applications of Bernoulli’s Equation Airplane lift The Continuity Equation implies that since the air in a flow tube above the wing is force to flow through a smaller cross-sectional area, it must travel faster. Bernoulli's Equation implies that if the air travels faster the pressure drops, thus the airplane has less pressure above the wing and has lift. Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  15. Curveball Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  16. Real Fluids: Viscosity and Turbulence Fluid in a Pipe Laminar Flow Viscosity – Fluids cling to the sides of the pipe. Thus, the fluid flows slowest next to the side of the pipe and fastest at the center of the pipe. Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  17. Rain Drops Droplets falling in a fluid Laminar Flow • Stokes’s Law – Force on a sphere moving through a fluid.Stokes’s Law determines terminal velocity. The viscosity of the fluid that the drop is falling is . Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

  18. Summary • Pressure and density • Absolute • Gauge • Atmosphere • Pascal’s Law • Buoyancy • Surface Tension • Capillarity • Bernoulli’s Equation • Continuity Equation • Laminar Flow Physics 110B Lyle A Sass

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