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The Euronet-PBL Project: Overview of the Work Plan. Pekka Kämäräinen University of Bremen, ITB, Presented at the 1st International Meeting of the Euronet-PBL Project, Bremen, 17.11.2008. Contents. Introduction: Outline of the Euronet-PBL project WP 1: Coordination and management
The Euronet-PBL Project:Overview of the Work Plan Pekka Kämäräinen University of Bremen, ITB, Presented at the 1st International Meeting of the Euronet-PBL Project, Bremen, 17.11.2008
Contents Introduction: Outline of the Euronet-PBL project WP 1: Coordination and management WP 2: Background analyses (univ. & ent. partners) WP 3: Evaluation of PBL models (univ. & ent. partners) WP 4: Comparative analyses & common framework WP 5: Joint toolbox (pedagogic tools; R&D tools) WP 6: Valorisation of PBL models (associate partners) WP 7: Dissemination of the framework & other results WP 8: Development & networking of web resources WP 9: Monitoring and project evaluation The role of the international meetings Time Frame Discussion www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Introduction: Outline of the Euronet-PBL project • Erasmus Multilateral project under the priority ” Co-operation between Universities and Enterprises” • 6 University partners, technical support and evaluator • 6 Enterprise partners (with a contract) • 14 Associate partners (without a contract) • Expected results: Background analyses, Evaluation of PBL models, Comparative analyses, Common framework, Common toolbox, Roadmap for further development • Joint web platform and networked web resources • Support and feedback from the accompanying evaluation www.itb.uni-bremen.de
WP 1: Coordination and management • Contracts: grant agreement & partner contracts • International meetings: internal agreements • E-Communication (Skype, Flashmeetings) • Web platform (Group blogs, Internal areas) • Completion of the work packages; Production of the deliverables • Interim report • Final report • Time frame: Month 1 – 24 www.itb.uni-bremen.de
WP 2: Background analyses (university and enterprise partners) • Analyses of student projects (4 cases pro country) • Interviews with enterprise partners • Analyses of process cycles and key features • Development of joint criteria (main criteria, sub criteria) for the evaluation of current PBL models • Development of a joint evaluation tool • Time frame: Month 2 - 6 www.itb.uni-bremen.de
WP 3: Evaluation of PBL models (u & e partners) • Six evaluation workshops (Based on questionnaire) • Workshop consists of three phases: • the self-assessment of the university representatives and enterprise representatives (their own view on the functioning of the PBL activities they are implementing); • the contrastive analysis by Euronet-PBL research partners (who are not immediately responsible of implementing the PBL activities) and • integrative processing of the results of the evaluation workshops in the six participating countries • Identification of relative strengths and weaknesses • Time frame: Month 7 - 10 www.itb.uni-bremen.de
WP 4: Comparative analyses andthe common framework • Comparative interpretation of the evaluation results • Reflection on the results with the help of visualisations • Use of results and conclusions as a basis for a common European framework: • Common core principles • Domain-specific guidelines for developing the quality of PBL arrangements. • Time frame: Month 10 - 13 (- 21) www.itb.uni-bremen.de
WP 5: Joint toolbox (pedagogic tools and R&D tools) • Development of a web-based resource environment for joint tools (toolbox) • Pedagogic tools: Facilitation of learning in different PBL arrangements • R&D tools: Tools for students’ inquiries and projects in the context of PBL arrangements • Analysis of the usability, transferability and connectivity of the tools • Agreements on joint tools (spcific status in the project) • Time frame: Month 10 - 13 (- 21) www.itb.uni-bremen.de
WP 6: Valorisation of PBL models (associate partners) • Validation of the PBL framework and of the toolbox with a wider set of partners • Valorisation plan • 6 Valorisation events with specific workshops that provide feedback on the framework and on the toolbox • Valorisation reports • Enrichment of the framework • Enrichment of the toolbox • Time frame: Month 18 – 21 www.itb.uni-bremen.de
WP 7: Dissemination of the framework & other results • Dissemination of the framework • European policies, European stakeholders • Dissemination of domain-specific PBL approaches • Domain-specific stakeholders, partner regions • Dissemination of tools and findings • Regional partner enterprises, twinning institutes • Time frame: Month 5 – 24 www.itb.uni-bremen.de
WP 8: Development and networking of web resources • Joint web resources (platform, specific resource areas, communication facilities) • Use of web as support for project (coordination, work packages, dissemination) • Use of web as means of networking (partners’ web resources; external web resources) • Time frame: Month 1 – 24 www.itb.uni-bremen.de
WP 9: Monitoring and project evaluation • Development of an accompanying evaluation concept that supports the project • Combination of self-eluation and contrastive evaluation • Briefing of the project during the work of the project • Evaluation tools & reports • Self-evaluation tools (partnerships) • First evaluation report (interim) • Second evaluation report (final) • Time frame: Month 1 – 24 www.itb.uni-bremen.de
The role of the international meetings • 1st meeting (Bremen): Project start • 2nd meeting (Istanbul): Results of the background analyses; Preparation of the evaluation workshops • 3rd meeting (Maribor): Development of the joint framework; Preparation of the toolbox • 4th meeting (Limerick): Valorisation activities • 5th meeting (Oslo/Lilleström): Conclusions and dissemination activities www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Time frame WP 1: Coordination and management Month 1 - 24 WP 2: Background analyses Month 2 - 6 WP 3: Evaluation of PBL models Month 7 - 10 WP 4: Comparative analyses & framework Month 10 - 13 - 21 WP 5: Joint toolbox Month 10 - 13 - 21 WP 6: Valorisation of PBL models Month 18 - 21 WP 7: Dissemination Month 5 - 24 WP 8: Development of web resources Month 1 - 24 WP 9: Monitoring and project evaluation Month 1 - 24 www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Discussion • Work packages 1 – 5: • Coordination, • Background analyses, • Evaluation of PBL models, • Comparisons & Framework, • The joint toolbox • Specific activities (WP6 - WP9): • Monitoring & Project Evaluation, • Web resources and Web-support, • Valorisation of the PBL models with associate partners, • Dissemination of the joint framework and of specific results www.itb.uni-bremen.de
The Euronet-PBL Project is funded by Erasmus/ Multilateral projects www.itb.uni-bremen.de