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The Spanish Conquest of the Americas

The Spanish Conquest of the Americas. God, Gold and Glory The Spanish in Mexico The Biological Exchange. REASONS FOR COLONIZATION AND EXPLORING THE NEW WORLD. Countries are searching for a trade route to Asia for spices and silk

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The Spanish Conquest of the Americas

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  1. The Spanish Conquest of the Americas God, Gold and Glory The Spanish in Mexico The Biological Exchange

  2. REASONS FOR COLONIZATION AND EXPLORING THE NEW WORLD • Countries are searching for a trade route to Asia for spices and silk • Christopher Columbus reaches the West Indies, a chain of islands near the Americas on October 12, 1492

  3. THE SPANISH:GOD • The Spanish defeat the Moors after they convert to Christianity in 1492 • The Spanish believe that it is their duty to spread Christianity to the world • When the Spanish conqueror Native Americans they must be converted because to be Spanish means that you must be a Christian

  4. THE SPANISH: GOLD • Gold will be discovered in Mexico • The Spanish will desire gold because it will help pay for the expansion of their empire • Countries will practice mercantilism, the belief that nations can become wealthy by finding gold and exporting large amounts of goods

  5. THE SPANISH:GLORY • During the Reconquista, the Spanish will defeat the Moors after being under their control for 500 years • After the Reconquista, Spanish conquistadors will look for adventure and glory in the New World • Conquistadors will mine the mountains, forests and Native Americans for wealth

  6. SPANISH EXPLORERS HERNAN CORTES • In 1519, Hernando Cortes lands at Vera Cruz, Mexico with 600 soldiers • Cortes will encounter the Aztecs and destroy their empire in 1521 • The Spanish beat the Aztecs because they have guns, armor, horses and disease

  7. The Spanish in Mexico • After Cortes’ victory, the Spanish will force Indians to become Christians • Indians will also be forced to work the fields, clear the forest, and work in the gold mines • If the Indians do not submit they are punished and killed • Some Spaniards will take Indian women as wives, their children will be known as mestizos (birth of Mexicans)

  8. Europeans Introduced rice, wheat, lettuce and sugar Cattle, pigs, goats, chickens and sheep Horses changed travel, warfare and hunting for Indians Diseases like smallpox and measles Indians Introduced corn, potato and pumpkins which increased the world food supply Llamas, dogs, and various types of birds Milder forms of tobacco The Biological Exchange

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