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TURNING POINTS. War on the Eastern Front Ends. The Brest-Litovsk Treaty:After the Russian Revolution, Russia signs this treaty with Germany in 1918. It takes Russia out of the war.With Russia's surrender, Germany has what it wants: A one-front war. However, this would not swing the tide as Germ
1. The Great War Ends: The Paris Peace Talks Old Empires Crumble & Prelude to a ‘Greater’ war
3. War on the Eastern Front Ends The Brest-Litovsk Treaty:
After the Russian Revolution, Russia signs this treaty with Germany in 1918. It takes Russia out of the war.
With Russia’s surrender, Germany has what it wants: A one-front war.
However, this would not swing the tide as Germany had hoped. Years of two-front war had exhausted the Germans and their resources, as they had begun sending soldiers as young as 15 into battle.
4. U.S… To enter or no? Beginning in the early 20th century, the United States govt. and their citizens agreed that international neutrality was the best course for the U.S, and therefore did not join the fighting in 1914.
However, after years of war, pressure mounted on the govt. to get involved, with the U.S. finally joining the Allied Powers b/c…
The U.S. sympathized with the democracies of France and England.
Felt threatened by militaristic Germany.
British Propaganda reinforced Anti-German attitudes.
The 3 historical breaking points were…
5. Zimmerman Note Germany offers Mexico the S.E. section of the U.S. if they will promise to go to war with us.
The letter is intercepted by the U.S.
6. Undeclared Submarine Warfare Submarines hit U.S. ships trading with Europe (sometimes they did have weapons) = cost American lives.
7. The Lusitania (1915) Passenger ship (think Titanic), that was torpedoed off the coast of Ireland.
129 American men, women, and children died.
Many Consider this the ‘last straw’.
8. U.S. Swings the Tide of War US Pres. Woodrow Wilson declares war on April 6, 1917… The U.S. changes the momentum of the war with fresh troops, supplies, resources, and equipment
Germany would eventually be done in by the entrance of the United States aiding the Allied Powers
Riots in Germany about food shortages and lies from the government that they were winning the war causes Kaiser Wilhelm to abdicate (give up or step down from) the throne.
9. Cease Fire On the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of November 1918, the new German government agrees to an armistice (halt to fighting) to end the war… The “Peace” process begins.
The war is over as the Great Powers agree to meet in Paris in January 1919 to create a peace treaty that would bring an official end to the war.
Both Germans and Allies agreed to use US President Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points as a starting off point for negotiations.
11. The Peace Talks Everyone comes to the table wanting something different…
US: Wanted to make the World Safe for Democracy
Britain & France: Wanted Germany to suffer for the War
Italy: Been promised parts of the Austro-Hungarian land
Germany: Doesn’t want to get shafted
Russia: Busy with Revolution
Everyone wants to see to it that a War like this never occurs again
12. Woodrow Wilson’s Idealism Wilson wanted this to be the last great war and tried to pull the world around his ideals to stop future conflicts.
He developed the 14 Points Plan which was admirable, but many had a difficult time accepting it- including those in the U.S.
Many criticized Wilson because the U.S. did not lose like the other European nations.
13. Overview of the 14 Points Plan Creation of the League of Nations: Similar to the UN, countries work together through diplomacy to avoid war
This was Wilson’s hope, creating a “general association of nations” that would protect the “great and small states alike.”
Five Nations (The US, Britain, France, Japan, and Italy) would be permanent members of its Executive Council
Would have a general council where reps. from 42 Allied and neutral powers would meet
Self-determination: Countries have a right to their own land. (see Balkans)
Get rid of weapons of war
Eliminate colonies
Free Trade and open seas without interference
14. Allies Dictate Peace Terms Peace talks held at Versailles, the same palace Louis XIV had built
27 countries represented at the peace talks, but the negotiating done by the big three: Woodrow Wilson (US), Georges Clemenceau (France), David Lloyd George (GB)
No defeated countries allowed to participate in Peace Treaty
16. Old Empires are no More Ottoman Empire
Forced to give up nearly all of old empire which became the nations of the modern Middle East and Turkey. Allied powers would oversee the independence of various nations.
Austria & Hungary become independent nations
Trieste given to Italy; Romania given land that would double it’s size
Despite the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk being repealed, the Russians still lost more land than Germany as Allies, afraid of the Russian Revolution, wanted to protect Russian neighbors.
17. Emergence of New Nations Gives birth to way to new countries:
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania all recognized as independent Nations
Poland again becomes an independent nation. Received strip of Land known as the Polish Corridor, giving Poland Access to the Baltic Sea
Romania would nearly double in size
18. The $(#^*ing of Germany Germany, seen as aggressor (who started the conflict), would be hit the hardest…
Forced to give up:
13 percent of their land, conceding it to Belgium, Denmark and France (given Alsace-Lorraine, which Germany had taken in 1871)
Land acquired in Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
All territories in Africa & the Pacific to Britain, France, & Japan; lands would be ruled by Allies until deemed fit for independence
Size of German army restricted to 100,000 men… Germany could not manufacture war material: Subs, Planes, munitions, etc. Could not place troops in the Rhineland, area between Rhine River and France
Forced to sign “War Guilt” Clause. Entire blame placed on Germany, therefore they had to pay reparations, in total $31 BILLION to the Allies
19. Treatment of Germany This was the most controversial issue of the Peace talks… Wilson did not want the Germans to pay for the war and all their land to be taken away.
France and GB held great resentment and wanted to destroy the Germans as well as get revenge, but… their actions would bankrupt the German economy and cause bitter resentment in the proud country
While the treaty they created would bring an end to fighting, it failed in its attempt to create lasting peace, and this point along with the anger it created among the German people was one of the strongest in creating the atmosphere that would cause WWII.
20. What of The League of Nations? This was created, however, it was an extremely weak organization
Wilson spent an entire year going across the U.S. trying to win support for it… but in the end the Senate refused to ratify the League of Nations or sign the Treaty of Versailles
The U.S. lack of involvement in the L.O.N. was the main cause of its weakness.
The U.S. wanted to remain isolated and stay out of any further European or international squabbles thinking that was the best hope for ongoing peace
Russians and Germans intentionally left out of L.O.N.
U.S. would work out a separate treaty with Germany and its allies several years later
21. The End of WWI=…Beginning of WWII? The war ended but the problems of the Great War continued to be unsolved.
For 20 years, Europe would be in a tumultuous “peace”.
The Worldwide Depression of the 1930s would cause issues and problems to again bubble to the surface to be dealt with in WWII.
22. More Qs: 5) Could War have been avoided if the Philosophies in the 14 Points and League of Nations (Self Determination, World protecting body) would have been presented before 1914; why or why not?
6) How do you think the provisions in the Treaty of Versailles could have led to World War II?