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BU EE Department Control Systems and Robotics Option. May 29th 2011. Faculty Members. Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Akar Prof. Işıl Bozma Prof. Kemal Cılız Assoc. Prof. Yağmur Denizhan Prof. Kadri Özçaldıran (Rector) Prof. Okyay Kaynak. Mehmet Akar. Associate Professor
BU EE DepartmentControlSystemsandRoboticsOption May 29th 2011
Faculty Members • Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Akar • Prof. Işıl Bozma • Prof. Kemal Cılız • Assoc. Prof. Yağmur Denizhan • Prof. Kadri Özçaldıran (Rector) • Prof. Okyay Kaynak
Mehmet Akar Associate Professor B.S.1994, Bilkent University M.S.1996, Bilkent University Ph.D.1999, The Ohio State University Research Interests Mathematical system theory, control systems, control theory applications in automotive, wireless resource allocation, distributed decision making in sensor/actuator networks, stability and control of hybrid systems
H. Işıl Bozma Professor B.S.1983, Boğaziçi University M.S.1985, Case Western Reserve University M.S.1986, Yale University M.Phil., 1987, Ph.D. 1992, Yale University Research interests: Intelligent systems and sensors, biologically motivated vision, mobile robots and navigation, game theory, reactive systems, decentralized decision making and game theory
M. Kemal Cılız Professor B.S.1985, Middle East Technical University M.A.1994, Economics, Yale University M.S.1987, EE, Syracuse University Ph.D.1990, Syracuse University Research interests: Nonlinear Systems, Robotics, Artificial Neural Networks, Information and Network Security
Yağmur Denizhan Associate Professor: B.S., Bogazici University M.S. Bogazici University Ph.D. EE, Bogazici University Research interests: Robotics, Chaos Control, Nonlinear Dynamics, Modelling of System Dynamics with special emphasis on biological systems
M. Okyay Kaynak Professor B.S.1969, University of Birmingham M.S. University of Birmingham Ph.D.1972, University of Birmingham Research interests: Intelligent control, robotics and mechatronics
Kadri Özçaldıran Professor(University Rector) B.S.1979, Middle East Technical University M.S.1980, EE, Georgia Institute of Technology M.S.1984, Math, Georgia Institute of Technology Ph.D.1985, Georgia Institute of Technology Research interests: His main interest lies in mathematical system theory. His main contribution to the literature has been in formulation and characterization of the structural properties of singular systems
Fractional Order Dynamics Investigation of the mathematical properties of fractional order differential equations Modelling and control of fractional order dynamic systems Chaos Control Detection and control of chaotic regimes in dynamic systems Modelling Dynamic Systems Modelling, simulation and analysis of dynamic systems (particularly biological systems) Dynamics Systems Lab
Renal sympathetic nerve activity Mean arterial pressure Autonomic multiplier effect Glomerular filtration rate Renal blood flow Renal vascular resistance Urine flow rate Arterial resistance Tubuloglomerular feedback signal Total peripheral resistance Filtered sodium load Proximal tubule sodium reabsorbtion Angiotensine concentration Venous return Resistance to venous return Renin concen-tration Macula densa sodium flow Aldosterone concentration Vascularity Cardiac output Distal tubule sodium outflow Distal tubule sodium reabsorbtion Sodium concentration Tubular water reab-sorbtion rate Right atrial pressure ADH concentration Total sodium amount Collecting duct sodium reabsorbtion Atrial natriuretic peptide Sodium intake Urine sodium flow Blood volume Extracellular fluid volume Mean filling pressure Water intake heart kidney Cardivascular System Simulation
Modelling Population Dynamics in Cell Cultures A snapshot of the cell culture taken under the microscope Processed image with counted cellsmarked in red - Experimental results - Simulation results
This Center is an interdisciplinary unit of Bogazici University, established in 1995, for research andapplications in the field of mechatronics. Mechatronics Research & Application Center • UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics • UNESCO has initiated UNESCO Chairs program for the promotion of international intellectual cooperation involving the establishment of International University Chairs. • UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics at Bogazici University was approved by UNESCO Headquarters during November 1993. • The activities of the chair is supported by "Mechatronics Research and Application Center". The director of the center and the holder of the UNESCO Chair is Prof. OkyayKaynak. mecha.ee.boun.edu.tr
Mechatronics Lab Recent Projects Development of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets Theory and Design (funded by Bogaziçi University Research Fund, 2009, project total about US$ 8.000). Contributions to Type-2 Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications in Control Engineering and Other Areas (funded by TÜBITAK - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) 2008 (project total about US$ 70.000) Development of Type-2 Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications in Control Engineering (funded by Bogaziçi University Research Fund, 2008, project total about US$ 10.000) Integration of Grey System Theory in Conventional Controllers and Performance Evaluation of Grey Predictive Controllers on an Antilock Braking System (funded by Bogaziçi University Research Fund, 2006, project total about US$ 15.000). European Mechatronics for a New Generation of Production Systems (funded by European Union- FP6, 2005, project total about US$ 20.000) Mechatronics Center (Turkish State Planning Organization, 2005, project total about US$ 500.000) mecha.ee.boun.edu.tr
SMC 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, October 10-13, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. ISOT 2009 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, September 21-23, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. ICONS 2009 The 2nd IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing, September 21-23, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. IEEE DEST 2009 Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, June 1-3, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. The 10th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems - VSS 2008, June 8-10, 2008, Antalya, Turkey. Mechatronics Lab Conference Activities mecha.ee.boun.edu.tr
ISL-Research Projects • Multi-Robots • Multi-Robot Coordination and CooperationSensory Data Fusion for Multi-Robot Teams • Robot Vision • Scene Representation and Recognition for Attentive Robots • Robot Behaviors • Vision-Based Map Building and Outdoor ExplorationCharacter-Based Robots and Navigation • Bio-Informatics • Protein Folding as Coordinated Linked Robot Navigation isl.ee.boun.edu.tr
ISL Robots APES G2 2006 APES G3 2009 APES G1 2002 I2DR 2004 EDAR G1 2000 EDAR G3 2009 EDAR G3T 2009 Minik 2009 isl.ee.boun.edu.tr
Networked & Embedded Control Systems NECS (Networked & Embedded Control Systems) Laboratory conducts interdisciplinary research primarily on mathematical system theory, networked control systems, wireless resource allocation and automotive control. Within the laboratory, a testbed is also setup to develop a team of robot players eligible to compete for the championship in the RoboCup Small-Size League (BRocks is the only SSL team from Turkey to participate in Robocup 2009 (Graz,Austria), 2010 (Singapore-see picture below) and 2011 (Istanbul) 20 necs.ee.boun.edu.tr
NECSLab Research Focus & Projects • Multi-Agent Systems • RoboCup Small Size League Platform • Organizer, RoboCup 2011, Istanbul • Distributed control and strategy development • Distributed synchronization • Automotive Control • Vehicle Parameter Identification • Rollover Prevention • Embedded Automotive Control Systems • Vehicle Emulation (past work with Daimler) 21 necs.ee.boun.edu.tr
NECSLab Research Focus & Projects • Wireless Resource Allocation • Distributed Power, Handoff, Rate, Control in Macro/Femtocells • Distributed Clock Synchronization Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks • Mathematical System Theory • Stability and Control of Hybrid/Switched Systems • Distributed Consensus Algorithms • Distributed Optimization • Decentralized Control 22 necs.ee.boun.edu.tr