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Mercredi , le 30 octobre

Mercredi , le 30 octobre. F 3. Donnez-moi APT 20-21 Regardez - Les Choristes ! 3. *** Le po ème -Le dormeur du val : 11/11/13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruQAr8qgmu0 https://vimeo.com/10820756 4. Page pg. 44-54 dans vos livres et faites ex. 6 pg. 45, ex. 1 pg. 49.

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Mercredi , le 30 octobre

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mercredi, le 30 octobre

  2. F 3 Donnez-moi APT 20-21 Regardez- Les Choristes! 3. *** Le poème -Le dormeur du val: 11/11/13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruQAr8qgmu0 https://vimeo.com/10820756 4. Page pg. 44-54 dansvoslivres et faites ex. 6 pg. 45, ex. 1 pg. 49. 5. Le jeu!! les devoirs-APT 23-24 (demain, nous allonscorrigez 21-21) & Le Voyage virtuel!

  3. F 2 PreAP • Du: APT 25-27, B/W “H” sentences-100% • Les 5 visages--80% -dans LMS--7:30 du matin • Les cartesvirtuels-100%--LMS--7:30 du matin • Dans le livre- Pg. 58-59 ex. 4,6 pg. 67 ex. 1 & 3 & pg. 68 ex. 5 & 6 orally H/W:Catch up! (APT &B/W “H” sentences) & virtual flashcards Thurs. for 70, Fri. for 50), 5 faces =last day is tomorrow 70% by 7:30 a.m.!

  4. F 2 R ***Get your notebook! DUE: APT 25-26 • Les 5 visages--80% -dans LMS--7:30 du matin • Les cartes virtuels-100%--LMS--7:30 du matin • Text-oral practice (Start with pg. 44+) Also go to: 56, 58, 67, & 68 2. Finish ALL projects!

  5. F 2 Venir-to come. Aller-to go VENIR DE + INF> HAVE JUST VERBED. (Je viens de regarder le match. I have just watched the game) (Nous venons de faire les courses. We’ve just gone grocery shopping) ALLER + INF. : GOING TO VERB. (Je vais manger. I’m going to eat). ALLER CHERCHER: GOING TO PICK UP/GET. (Je vaischercherune pizza. I’m going to pick up a pizza)

  6. F 1 • 1. Canada project check-in-80% today! • 2. Time review-see next two slides! • 3. Handouts: Le tour de France & Borrowed words “B”. Tour due: 12/9 ! “B” due next Wed! • 3. APT due 19-22 by bell. Tomorrow is LAST day for Canada projects! DUE THIS COMING MONDAY: MENU! Specs are on LMS! H/W: GET CAUGHT UP!!! Canada due for 70% tomorrow. APT for 50% unless absent.

  7. C:\Users\dmccage\Desktop\F 1 Telling Time.ppt F 1-TIME http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjvuY887mXI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBEnwYzV72M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB6Y1DqY1rU

  8. F 1 more time videos • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNGMUHAKWLQ&feature=related • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJvDhXqSJMQ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMCQRkJYWXQ&list=PLZNV0gmRjgU_zi8S0EDookplIT_2cmHfV

  9. Oct. 28th-Nov. 1st 2013 (4th week)

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