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PARTY SYSTEM CHANGE AND ELECTORAL VOLATILITY. Readings: Ware C 7, Pedersen, Mair. Guiding Questions . How do we identify party system change? Why do we care? How do we measure party system change? What is volatility? Total volatility? Inter-area volatility?.
Guiding Questions • How do we identify party system change? • Why do we care? • How do we measure party system change? • What is volatility? Total volatility? Inter-area volatility?
Party System Change: Why Care? • Provides a snapshot of the political system within a given country. • Number and types of parties tell us something about the political systems. • Some argue that party systems reflect major divisions within society • That is, when the system changes, society has changed. • Some suggest systemic change indicates a weakening of political parties as socially based entities. • Debate over whether or not this is troubling for democracy. • Others contend that systemic change may result in the strengthening of extreme parties.
Durability of Party Systems • Many party systems in the 1970’s and 1980’s looked similar to their 1950’s counterparts. • Party system change following “earthquake elections” turned out to be temporary. • But the 1980’s and the 1990’s were associated with: • 1) The rise of Green parties and the “New Right” challenging existing party systems. • 2) Advances in technology, improved education, and a reliance on media and interest groups • 3) A decline in the vote share received by major parties. • And the 2000’s have seen the rise of populist extreme right and anti-capitalist parties • This rise of new parties and new movements not associated with a change in institutions. • Radical institutional change is rare. • Something else seemed to be happening. • Fosters debate over whether or not party systems have permanentlychanged in advanced industrial democracies
What Constitutes Systemic Change? • Question: What constitutes party system change? • No widespread agreement. • Explanations focus on: • 1) Changes in the composition of the electorate. • 2) Increased levels of electoral volatility. • 3) Shifts in values (realignment vs. dealignment).
Composition of the Electorate • Ware 1996 • Changes in the electorate can shape the party system. • Electorate can change in three ways: • 1)migration to and from the state • 2) territorial changes • 3) generational changes • But these types of changes are rare.
Volatility and Party System Change • Volatility: measures the change in vote from one election to the next. • Are voters shifting their votes between elections? • Raises several questions: • 1) Have electorates become more volatile? • Dalton and Wattenberg et al:. Yes. • Ware: not a universal phenomenon. • Some systems appear to be stable while others appear to be volatile.
How Are Voters Changing? • Ware 1996 • 2) If voters are shifting their votes, where are their votes going? • Are voters • 1) Turning to new political parties? • 2) Switching to similar political parties? • 3) Switching to older parties which are very different to their old party? • Mair: most voters are switching to parties with similar outlooks as their previous party. • Probably not systemic change
Does Volatility = Change? • 3) What does an increase in electoral volatility mean? • Lipset and Rokkan suggest that party systems/cleavage patterns are “frozen” • Some argue that increased volatility is a sign of“thawing” • By definition, evidence of change. • Does volatility indicate systemic change? • Jury is out. • Pedersen • Electoral volatility can indicate party system change. • Mair: • Volatility in and of itself is not suggestive of systemic change.
Freezing? Not So Fast… • Pedersen 1979 • Events of the mid 1970’s challenge Lipset and Rokkan’sfreezing hypothesis. • Cites elections in the US, UK, and Denmark as evidence. • Focus on changes in the party system in terms of “format”: • 1) the number of parties in the system • 2) the distribution of electoral strength.
Freezing? Not So Fast… • Pedersen 1979 • Electoral volatility (net change within the electoral party system from vote transfers) is the key variable. • Volatility gauges shifts in vote strength between parties in between elections. • Disaggregates party systems. • Methodology allows for the model to discriminate between types of party systems. • Contends that there are multiple types of systems. • Some are relatively stable and others that are remarkably volatile.
Volatility and Societal Shifts • Mair 1983 • Party system change involves changes in primary conflicts within the system. • Requires looking beyond changes in number and vote share of political parties. • Understanding and identifying systemic change requires an understanding of the direction of electoral volatility • Not just a focus on total volatility
Total vs. Inter Area Volatility • Mair 1983 • Pedersen’s volatility levels are associated with total or electoral volatility. • Good measure for identifying short term trends (i.e. durability of specific parties). • Not suited for identifying long terms trends. • Inter area volatility: measures volatility across primary conflicts (i.e. between parties of the left and the right). • Captures systemic change by focusing on shifts in primary conflicts (i.e. persistence/change within cleavages). • Well suited to explaining long term trends. • Finds inter area volatility to be lower than total volatility. • Mair 1987 • Duration of change is also relevant • Requires examination of individual party systems. • Opens up the door for an examination of changing values as an explanation for party system change.
Conclusion: Ireland and System Change? • Prior to 1989, the system revolved around Fianna Fail and “the rest” • Pattern of governance: Fianna Fail majority or minority government or FG/Labour“Rainbow coalition”. • Voting structured around whether or not to place (or return) Fianna Fail to office. • Ended in 1989 • Splits in FF led to a breakaway party: Progressive Democrats. • 1989 elections: coalition of FF and PD
Conclusion: Ireland and Systemic Change • Mair 1997 • 1992: Elections made a minority Fianna Fail government non viable. • Formed a coalition with Labour; coalition fell in 1994. • Pattern has been maintained. • Fianna Fail has not governed in a single party cabinet in the post 1989 era. • Prior to 2011, Irish parties receive roughly the same vote share has they had previously. • BUT, parties compete for very different groups in society. • AND, patterns of competition have changed. • This would not be picked up by examining total volatility. • But inter area volatility would pick this up.
Next Unit • Theme: • Party System Change-The Freezing of Party Systems and Realignment • Readings: • Reserves: Flanagan and Dalton, Inglehart and Flanagan, Shamir, Mair