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IRC Business Meeting Montreal, Canada 24 July 2009. IRC Business Meeting Agenda. Welcome - Introduction of New Members - Introduction of New Website ( www.irc-iamas.org ) Thanks to Webmaster Paul Przyborski Approval of Agenda
IRC Business Meeting Montreal, Canada 24 July 2009
IRC Business Meeting Agenda • Welcome - Introduction of New Members - Introduction of New Website (www.irc-iamas.org) Thanks to Webmaster Paul Przyborski • Approval of Agenda • President’s Report - Proposal to appoint Zhang Hua (China) and Alexei Rublev (Russia) to membership - Future Schedule of IRC Business Meetings - Bremen 2010, Melbourne 2011 - Proposals for special sessions at IUGG 2011 (Melbourne) - Financial Report - Recent IRC Activities (Publications, Meetings, Recommendations, Concerns, IRC-sponsored sessions) - Report of IRS2008 - Heads Up - Bids for IRS2012 • Discussion and Adoption of Rules - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Members - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Officers • Working Group Presentations - ASA Bob Cahalan (for Rothman) - 3DRT Jean-Luc Widlowski (for Marshak) - CIRC Eli Mlawer (for Oreopolous) - ITWG Allen Larar (for English and Huang) - LASR Terry Nakajima (for Hayasaka) - BSRN Bruce McArthur - GRP Byung-Ju Sohn (for Kummerow) - Proposal for New Global Energy Balance WG Martin Wild • Solicitations for New Working Groups/Future Research Priorities • Next Proposed IRC Business Meeting - 2010, Bremen (concurrent with COSPAR) • Other business In keeping with eco-friendly best practices, this meeting will be PAPER-FREE
New members - Working Group Co-Chairs Jean-Luc Widlowski Eli Mlawer Gert Koenig-Langlo
IRC Business Meeting Agenda • Welcome - Introduction of New Members - Introduction of New Website (www.irc-iamas.org) Thanks to Webmaster Paul Przyborski • Approval of Agenda • President’s Report - Proposal to appoint Zhang Hua (China) and Alexei Rublev (Russia) to membership - Future Schedule of IRC Business Meetings - Bremen 2010, Melbourne 2011 - Proposals for special sessions at IUGG 2011 (Melbourne) - Financial Report - Recent IRC Activities (Publications, Meetings, Recommendations, Concerns, IRC-sponsored sessions) - Report of IRS2008 - Heads Up - Bids for IRS2012 • Discussion and Adoption of Rules - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Members - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Officers • Working Group Presentations - ASA Bob Cahalan (for Rothman) - 3DRT Jean-Luc Widlowski (for Marshak) - CIRC Eli Mlawer (for Oreopolous) - ITWG Allen Larar (for English and Huang) - LASR Terry Nakajima (for Hayasaka) - BSRN Bruce McArthur - GRP Byung-Ju Sohn (for Kummerow) - Proposal for New Global Energy Balance WG Martin Wild • Solicitations for New Working Groups/Future Research Priorities • Next Proposed IRC Business Meeting - 2010, Bremen (concurrent with COSPAR) • Other business In keeping with eco-friendly best practices, this meeting will be PAPER-FREE
President’s Report - Proposal to appoint Zhang Hua (China) and Alexei Rublev (Russia) to membership - Future Schedule of IRC Business Meetings - (Bremen 2010), Melbourne 2011 - Proposals for special sessions at IUGG 2011 (Melbourne) - Financial Report (see following slide) - Recent IRC Activities (Publications, Meetings, Recommendations, Concerns, IRC-sponsored sessions) - Report of IRS2008 - Heads Up - Bids for IRS2012
President’s Report - Proposal to appoint Zhang Hua (China) and Alexei Rublev (Russia) to membership - Future Schedule of IRC Business Meetings - (Bremen 2010), Melbourne 2011 - Proposals for special sessions at IUGG 2011 (Melbourne) - Financial Report - Recent IRC Activities (Publications, Meetings, Recommendations, Concerns, IRC-sponsored sessions) - Report of IRS2008 - Heads Up - Bids for IRS2012
Upcoming Meetings GEWEX Radiation Panel Meeting 13-16 October 2009 Rostock,Germany GRP web site http://rain.atmos.colostate.edu/GRP 13th Conference on Cloud Physics and 13th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, jointly 28 June - 2 July 2010 Doubletree Hotel, Portland Lloyd Center 3rd APRS (Asia Pacific Radiation Symposium) 26-28 August 2010 Seoul, South Korea
IRC Sponsored Sessions MOCA-09 IAMAS-IAPSO-IACS Joint Assembly 19-29 July 2009 Montreal, Canada M03 The Impact of Solar Variability on Earth M04 Solar UV Radiation M13 Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation-Precipitation Interactions M14 3D Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere IAMAS 2011 Melbourne - session proposalsdue August 2009
President’s Report - Proposal to appoint Zhang Hua (China) and Alexei Rublev (Russia) to membership - Future Schedule of IRC Business Meetings - (Bremen 2010), Melbourne 2011 - Special sessions to be proposed for IUGG 2011 (Melbourne) - Financial Report - Recent IRC Activities (Publications, Meetings, Recommendations, Concerns, IRC-sponsored sessions) - Report of IRS2008 - Heads Up - Bids for IRS2012
IRC Business Meeting Agenda • Welcome - Introduction of New Members - Introduction of New Website (www.irc-iamas.org) • Approval of Agenda • President’s Report - Proposal to appoint Zhang Hua (China) and Alexei Rublev (Russia) to membership - Future Schedule of IRC Business Meetings - Bremen 2010, Melbourne 2011 - Proposals for special sessions at IUGG 2011 (Melbourne) - Financial Report - Recent IRC Activities (Publications, Meetings, Recommendations, Concerns, IRC-sponsored sessions) - Report of IRS2008 - Heads Up - Bids for IRS2012 • Discussion and Adoption of Rules - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Members - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Officers • Working Group Presentations - ASA Bob Cahalan (for Rothman) - 3DRT Jean-Luc Widlowski (for Marshak) - CIRC Eli Mlawer (for Oreopolous) - ITWG Allen Larar (for English and Huang) - LASR Terry Nakajima (for Hayasaka) - BSRN Bruce McArthur - GRP Byung-Ju Sohn (for Kummerow) - Proposal for New Global Energy Balance WG Martin Wild • Solicitations for New Working Groups/Future Research Priorities • Next Proposed IRC Business Meeting - 2010, Bremen (concurrent with COSPAR) • Other business In keeping with eco-friendly best practices, this meeting will be PAPER-FREE
International Radiation Commission [DRAFT Version 2] 15.July.2009 • I. Rules for the Selection of IRC Members • A. Nomination and Election Timeline • 1. As soon as possible after selection of the new President-Elect, in the last year of the membership term, a call for nominations for new IRC members to replace members whose terms are expiring is distributed by the IRC Secretary to current IRC members. Anyone nominated by an IRC member is included on the ballot. • a. Guidelines for nominating individuals for IRC membership are as follows: • Geographic and other diversity. The Commission must reflect its international status, and aim to capture a diversity of disciplines and other aspects of scientists engaged in atmospheric radiation studies. • 2. Recommendation of scientists actively engaged in IRC pursuits • and interests. • 3. Recommendation of scientists who demonstrate outstanding • academic achievement. The Secretary will assemble a ballot of nominees from the responses by members.
The IRC Secretary will distribute the ballot of nominees for new membership to the voting members, and will specify a maximum number of votes, and a time window in which to vote, each to be determined as follows. Members, including those whose terms are expiring, may vote for as many of the nominees as they choose. Only “affirmative” votes are counted; votes “against” are not accepted. Voting will take place in a time window specified by the IRC President. B. Election Requirements, Special Considerations and Appointments 1. To be elected, nominees must satisfy two criteria. Election is by (a) simple majority (the integer part of 50% + 1 of the total votes cast), and (b) ranking within the top three per country/area. 2. Only nominated individuals can be elected. Write-in votes are not accepted. 3. There is no vested right regarding an allocated number of IRC members for any given nation. 4. The President may specify the maximum number of new members for each country or area, typically 3, in order to maintain a relatively stable membership size. 5. Representation from adhering nations is encouraged but not required. 6. The outgoing President may choose to appoint one or more nominees from any country/area considered to be underrepresented in the IRC who did not otherwise satisfy the election requirements.
C. Election Results and Member Terms 1. Final election results will be announced on the IRC website and by email as soon as possible after the election results are determined. Letters will be sent to all new members informing them of their election to the IRC. 2. The results of membership elections and any appointments will be reported to the IAMAS General Assembly. 3. Members may serve two consecutive terms. After two terms a membership normally expires, with the exception of past Presidents who remain honorary members, and Chairs of Working Groups that continue to be active. II. Start Date of the Following IRC Term A. After finalization of the new member voting results, the outgoing President will send a formal letter to the incoming President-Elect transferring leadership to the latter. The outgoing President, in consultation with the President-Elect, specifies the start of the new term.
International Radiation Commission [DRAFT Version 2] 15.July.2009 I. Rules for the Selection of IRC Officers [From IAMAS Statures and Regulations] Each Commission will elect a President and a Secretary from among their membership; and a Vice President may also be elected if the Commission desires; their terms of office will normally be for one four-year term. They will be eligible for re-election for one additional term. Officers will be from Adhering Countries. A. Nomination of a Candidate for President 1. IRC Presidents normally serve for a single four-year term. During the first month of the fourth and last year of a term, the sitting IRC President forms a Nominating Committee of two or more additional individuals consisting of Honorary members who are past Presidents of the IRC. If there is not a sufficient number of Honorary members, the President can invite regular members to serve on the Nominating Committee with the provision that they recuse themselves as potential candidates. 2. The sitting IRC President and the Nominating Committee select one new candidate for President. Their selection is made by consensus. If consensus is not possible, then the President and the Nominating Committee vote on a specific potential candidate and the selection is by simple majority of the committee. In the case of a tie, the vote of the sitting President determines the outcome for that specific potential candidate.
B. Nomination of a Candidate for Vice-President and a Candidate for Secretary 1. Once a candidate for President has been determined, the Nominee for President joins with the sitting President and the Nominating Committee to select a Nominee for Vice-President and a Nominee for Secretary. Their selections are made by consensus if possible, or by vote if necessary. In the case of a tie, the Nominee for President determines the candidate for the role under consideration. C. Election of the President and His or Her Slate of Vice-President and Secretary 1. Business Meeting Election Rule. The election of a new President of the IRC must be an item on the agenda of the last IRC business meeting of a membership term, held normally during the International Radiation Symposium of that year. The Nominee for President is presented to members in attendance at the IRC business meeting. The Nominee for President in turn presents his or her “slate” of nominees for Vice-President and Secretary, followed by discussion and then a vote of all members present at the business meeting for or against electing the Nominee as the new President for the following term. Each member has one vote. The new President is elected by a simple majority of affirmative votes. In the case of a tie, the vote of the sitting IRC president decides the outcome of the election.
2. President-Elect Declaration and Transfer. If the Nominee for President is elected, then his or her nominees for Vice-President and Secretary are automatically elected. If the Nominee for President is not elected, then his or her nominees are also not elected. There are no separate votes for Vice-President and Secretary.3. Contingency Election. If the Nominee for President is not approved then steps I.A.1, I.A.2 and I.B.1 above must be reiterated at a time subsequent to the business meeting. Once a new Nominee for President and his or her slate of Nominees for Vice-President and Secretary are determined, the slate must be presented to the full membership for a vote. Votes may be collected by any effective means of communication. This process must occur In a timely manner, with the announcement of a new slate and election window taking Place as soon as possible after the IRC Business Meeting. D. Officers of the IRC Board 1. The full slate of officers selected by the above process (outlined in I.A, I.B, and I.C) shall be declared elected, and announced to the full membership and to the officers of IAMAS by any effective means of communication.
IRC Business Meeting Agenda • Welcome - Introduction of New Members - Introduction of New Website (www.irc-iamas.org) Thanks to Webmaster Paul Przyborski • Approval of Agenda • President’s Report - Proposal to appoint Zhang Hua (China) and Alexei Rublev (Russia) to membership - Future Schedule of IRC Business Meetings - Bremen 2010, Melbourne 2011 - Proposals for special sessions at IUGG 2011 (Melbourne) - Financial Report - Recent IRC Activities (Publications, Meetings, Recommendations, Concerns, IRC-sponsored sessions) - Report of IRS2008 - Heads Up - Bids for IRS2012 • Discussion and Adoption of Rules - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Members - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Officers • Working Group Presentations - ASA Bob Cahalan (for Rothman) - 3DRT Jean-Luc Widlowski (for Marshak) - CIRC Eli Mlawer (for Oreopolous) - ITWG Allen Larar (for English and Huang) - LASR Terry Nakajima (for Hayasaka) - BSRN Bruce McArthur - GRP Byung-Ju Sohn (for Kummerow) - Proposal for New Global Energy Balance WG Martin Wild • Solicitations for New Working Groups/Future Research Priorities • Next Proposed IRC Business Meeting - 2010, Bremen (concurrent with COSPAR) • Other business In keeping with eco-friendly best practices, this meeting will be PAPER-FREE
Working Group Presentations - WG ASA Bob Cahalan (for Larry Rothman) - WG3DRT Jean-Luc Widlowski, Alexander Marshak - WG CIRC Eli Mlawer, Lazarus Oreopolous - WGITWG Allen Larar, Stephen English and Allen Huang - WGLASR Terry Nakajima, Tadahiro Hayasaka - RP BSRN Bruce McArthur, Gert Koenig-Langlo - RP GRP Byung-Ju Sohn, Chris Kummerow - Proposal for a New Global Energy Balance WG Martin Wild
Status of ASA Working Group Chair: Larry Rothman 23 June 09 - Prof. Alain Barbe and Larry met to discuss a number of issues with regard to the future of the ASA working group, and also with respect to the merging of the ASA meeting with the HITRAN meeting. They discussed the formulation of the International Steering Committee of the merged meetings. They also addressed the issue of getting some new, young and active members on the committee to replace several members who have retired or who cannot be as active anymore. In addition, they are seeking to strengthen ASA in one of the areas of concern: planetary atmospheres. The six principal topics of ASA are: - Line shape, Line-coupling, and Continua - Atmospheric Observations - Experimental Techniques - Laboratory Data - Databases - Non-local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Processes
IRC Business Meeting Agenda • Welcome - Introduction of New Members - Introduction of New Website (www.irc-iamas.org) Thanks to Webmaster Paul Przyborski • Approval of Agenda • President’s Report - Proposal to appoint Zhang Hua (China) and Alexei Rublev (Russia) to membership - Future Schedule of IRC Business Meetings - Bremen 2010, Melbourne 2011 - Proposals for special sessions at IUGG 2011 (Melbourne) - Financial Report - Recent IRC Activities (Publications, Meetings, Recommendations, Concerns, IRC-sponsored sessions) - Report of IRS2008 - Heads Up - Bids for IRS2012 • Discussion and Adoption of Rules - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Members - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Officers • Working Group Presentations - ASA Bob Cahalan (for Rothman) - 3DRT Jean-Luc Widlowski (for Marshak) - CIRC Eli Mlawer (for Oreopolous) - ITWG Allen Larar (for English and Huang) - LASR Terry Nakajima (for Hayasaka) - BSRN Bruce McArthur - GRP Byung-Ju Sohn (for Kummerow) - Proposal for New Global Energy Balance WG Martin Wild • Solicitations for New Working Groups/Future Research Priorities • Next Proposed IRC Business Meeting - 2010, Bremen (concurrent with COSPAR) • Other business In keeping with eco-friendly best practices, this meeting will be PAPER-FREE
Next Proposed IRC Business Meeting 2010 - Bremen (concurrent with COSPAR)
IRC Business Meeting Agenda • Welcome - Introduction of New Members - Introduction of New Website (www.irc-iamas.org) Thanks to Webmaster Paul Przyborski • Approval of Agenda • President’s Report - Proposal to appoint Zhang Hua (China) and Alexei Rublev (Russia) to membership - Future Schedule of IRC Business Meetings - Bremen 2010, Melbourne 2011 - Proposals for special sessions at IUGG 2011 (Melbourne) - Financial Report - Recent IRC Activities (Publications, Meetings, Recommendations, Concerns, IRC-sponsored sessions) - Report of IRS2008 - Heads Up - Bids for IRS2012 • Discussion and Adoption of Rules - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Members - Voting Procedures for the Selection of IRC Officers • Working Group Presentations - ASA Bob Cahalan (for Rothman) - 3DRT Jean-Luc Widlowski (for Marshak) - CIRC Eli Mlawer (for Oreopolous) - ITWG Allen Larar (for English and Huang) - LASR Terry Nakajima (for Hayasaka) - BSRN Bruce McArthur - GRP Byung-Ju Sohn (for Kummerow) - Proposal for New Global Energy Balance WG Martin Wild • Solicitations for New Working Groups/Future Research Priorities • Next Proposed IRC Business Meeting - 2010, Bremen (concurrent with COSPAR) • Other business In keeping with eco-friendly best practices, this meeting will be PAPER-FREE