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Prof. Dr. Christine Kohlert. CampusAnalyst Towards a spatial benchmarking system for university campuses A case study of the university Hamm-Lippstadt . Santiago de Chile – Space Syntax Symposium 8 January 2012. Holistic planning process for lively universities. University planning.
Prof. Dr. Christine Kohlert CampusAnalystTowards a spatial benchmarking system for university campuses A case study of the university Hamm-Lippstadt Santiago de Chile – Space Syntax Symposium 8 January 2012
Holisticplanningprocessforlivelyuniversities University planning
Patterns in behaviourchange The internet affects our perception of space and time New learning methods evolve, which are based on new ways of acquiring knowledge Demographic change of the population Lifelong learning Financial context changes, higher level of competition, pressure on resources The role of public buildings in the community changes, higher participation Mixture of life, learning and leisure University planning
University planning • … therightspace • In this context it is no longer enough to provide any university spaces • As a growing challenge it is important, to create a consistent environment • An holistic concept is necessary to generate places for essential and inspiring communication and to make sure the required work / study can be done in the right environment • Thereby space has a crucial role • most important the right in-between space
In-betweenspaces University planning • Contact/exchange • Cooperation • Time betweenactivities • Transfer betweendifferent areas, exchangebetweendepartments • Work, eat, talk, rest • Natural trafficareaschange, ad hoc theycouldbecomeworkspaces In-betweenspace
Integral planningapproach Holisticmethod - Connection andlinkingof all processes method • Functionalandcreativerequirements • Structuralbase • Functionscheme • Space scheme • Structuralrequirements • Analysis • spaceschemes • Constructionalplanning • buildingstructure • Efficiency • Costfixation • Sustainability HSEP PPD Preliminarydesign Structuralbase Communication / Project ManagementDefinition ofprojectgoalsfunction, form, time, costs Design Completion NQM FMQ
RequirementPlanning Continuoussupportofourclientstostrengthenuserandoperator method Investment and operational costsMio € User and Quality management FM - Qualification Competitionmanagement Equipment andfurnitureplanning Project information Project profiledefiniton Development planning Costinfluence t Decision Planning Execution Operation
Tools foractiveuserinvolvement Space Syntax in the planning process
Key Issues Problems in University Locational Development Strategies Space Syntax in the planning process Urban fabric Way finding Movement Communication Street SegmentAnalysis Campus StructureAnalysis Agent Analysis VisibilityGraphAnalysis Kommunikationspotential
Goal forthenewuniversities in Hamm and in Lippstadt Integration ofthecampus in the urban fabric Linkagesbetween different disciplinestoincreasechangeencounterandencourage informal communication Flexibilityandvariabilityofthebuildingstructure Space Syntax in the planning process
Question: connectiontotowncenter, stationandindustries Catchmentarea – red = 400m blue > 6km Space Syntax in the planning process – Road/StreetSegmentAnalysis – metricdistance River Lippe Industry Industry Campus Town Centre Industry Station Motorway Industry Town Centre River Lippe Campus Station Industry A2 Hamm Lippstadt Motorway A44 Motorway
Goal: goodconnectiontotowncenter, stationandsurroundingindustries Bothcampusarelocatedequallywellwithinurbanisedarea, thecitycenter + industries Thereis a good potential forextensionclosetoattractors townsmaller, campusclosertocenter + station closertotown 1km strong link toindustries (7-10 km) 1,5 km eastoftowncenter center + trainstationcanbereached (car) in 5 min aswellastoindustries (1 to 5 km) Hamm Lippstadt Space Syntax in the planning process – Road/Street Segment Analysis – metricdistance River Lippe Industry Industry Campus Town Centre Industry Station Motorway Industry Town Centre River Lippe Campus Station Industry A2 Hamm Lippstadt Motorway A44 Motorway
Question: Integration valuesof Hamm and Lippstadt Space Syntax in the planning process - RoadSegmentAnalysis – global integration Hamm Lippstadt River Lippe B55 B63 Town Centre B61 Campus Town Centre River Lippe Campus B55 B1 B63 A2 Lippstadt Hamm
Goal: Integration tostreets / town Space Syntax in the planning process - RoadSegmentAnalysis – global integration medivalcitycenter, pedestrianarea, blockedforcars trafficshifttotheeastintegrationnorth/southaxis towncenterdisconnectedbyparc campusconnectedtohighway but disconnectedtotown In comparisonthe Hamm campusismore an integral partoftown, an anchoruniversity. The Lippstadt campusismoreindependent, not so much an urban catalyst. Hamm campusis on a secondaryroadpartofthe urban grid, while Lippstadt campusis on a global link andmoreaccessiblethanthetowncenter. citycenterisverywellintegrated north-southandeast-west links cross moreanchoruniversityclosetocity River Lippe B55 B63 Town Centre B61 Campus Town Centre River Lippe Campus B55 B1 B63 A2 Lippstadt Hamm
Spatialstructureofthecampus Historiccorelessintegrated in surroundingcampusseparatedatsecondaryeast-west routelinks withstation + commercialarea,but bypassesthetown Hamm is in morefavourablelocation in termsofthe urban structure, combininglocaland global accessibility, while Lippstadt isgoodglobally but lackslocalintegration. Medivalstructure, crossroad, closetobridgeurban extension: gridstructure in thesouthhighestintegrationattransitionnewdevelopmentaxis: campus – court- station Space Syntax in the planning process - Street Segment Analysis – localintegration Axis bypassestown Ostenallee Beckumer Str. Nordstr. Oststr. Marker Allee Weststr. Cappellstr. highest integration Campus Lange Str. Esbecker Str. Court Campus Soeststr. Station Klosterstr.. Goethestr. Rixbecker Str. Hansastr. Südenstr. Axis separeted In front ofstation Station Südertor Alleestr. Hamm Lippstadt
Campus Structure Analysis centralisedstructure in shapeofstareverybuildinghasonlyoneentrancetocourtyardcentralstructure, moreencountersmoredepth, meanslongerways gridstructurewithcentral + decentralelementsstarshapedaroundcentralcourtyard +additional ring circulation: maininternalcorridormultiple entrances, variouschoicesofroutesstairscentral, easy wayfinding Contrasting organisational structures, Hamm: grid-shaped, Lippstadt: star-shapedFrompreviousresearchitisexpectedthatthere will bemorechanceencounter on the open courtyard in Lippstadt, but increaseddistancewiththemorecentralisedstructure Space Syntax in the planning process - Micro analysis – closeness, centrality and hierarchy buildingshierarchicallyorganised Institutes Laboratories Laboratories Auditorium Institutes Info Auditorium Info Canteen = rooms = connections Canteen Library
Institutes Visual Integration – toidentifylocationsthatarehighlyvisible bothcourtyardsarethespacewiththehighestvisualintegrationall entrancesaregoodintegratedaswellasthestaircases, goodorientationinsidebuildings visualintegration in institutebuildingsislowseminarsclosetoinstitutesstudentsgotherelabsisolated goodprivacy, lessinteraction Space Syntax in the planning process - Visibility Graph Analysis Laboratories labsandinstitutesshareonecorridoregoodforinteractionbetween different institutesseminarrooms in auditoriumbuildingstrongerseparationbetweenstudentsandstaff Laboratories Auditorium Institutes Info Auditorium Canteen Info Library Canteen Laboratories Lippstadt Hamm
high visibilityspaces theseareusedfor informal communication + breaks Lots of different kindsofspaces, possibilityforgoodmeetingpointsi.e. cafeteria, auditorium, entrances due togrid-likeorganisation Space Syntax in the planning process - Visibility Graph Analysis - Clustering hierarchicalstructure fewerjunctionpoints lessspacesfor informal meetings Visibilityproperties in Hamm provide a higherdiversityofspatialqualities In Lippstadt thereisintegration in fewerjunctionsandmoresegregation in theclusters
Simulatedmovementpaths – shownatnoon Space Syntax in the planning process - Agent Analysis Institutes Laboratories Laboratories highestdensity highestdensity Auditorium Institutes Auditorium Canteen Library Canteen quiet Laboratories Lippstadt Hamm Two different campusconceptshave different userpattern: Hamm: widecourtyard, distributedentrances spread out movementoverentirecampusLippstadt: compactcourtyard, centralisedentrances concentratedmovementpattern
Pattern ofmobilityanswersquestionsoffuturemovements… Space Syntax in the planning process - Agent Analysis Wherearethemainentrancesofthecampusandtheonesmostlyused? Whererestpeoplemostlikely? Where will peoplemovebetweenactivities andthe different spaces ? Where will peoplemeetbyaccident? Whichpaths will peopleuseas startingandendingpoints? Auditorium Institutes Canteen Library Laboratories Hamm
Movement density Path overlap shows the movements many persons will use in red and those only few people might walk along in blue. Space Syntax in the planning process- Agent Analysis Institutes Laboratories Laboratories Auditorium Institutes Auditorium Canteen Library Canteen Laboratories Lippstadt Hamm
Main findingsforthesetwouniversities The studyshowsthatthetwocampusperformverydifferently The campus Hamm ismoreintegratedintothe urban fabric itis on a secondaryroadpartofthe urban grid Ithas a grid-likeinternalstructure widecourtyard, distributedentrances spread out movementoverentirecampus The spaces in thebuildingsprovidea higherdiversityofspatialqualitiesforcommunication Hamm is an anchoruniversity The campus Lippstadt ismoregloballyconnected andisevenmoreaccessiblethanthetowncenter Ithas a centralised star-shapedstructure compactcourtyard, centralisedentrances concentratedmovementpattern Itisexpectedthatthere will bemorechanceencounter on the open courtyard Lippstadt ismoreindependent Space Syntax in the planning process
Space Syntax helpsto find theright in-betweenspaces Study spaces Spaces forrest Informal spaces Meeting spaces Lounges … Space Syntax in the planning process
In-betweenspaces in Hamm and Lippstadt Study spacesaloneand in groups Lively learning spaces
In-betweenspaces in Hamm andLippstadt Learning spacesand informal meetingareas Lively learning spaces
In-betweenspaces in Hamm and Lippstadt Learning andmeeting Lively learning spaces
Outlook: Research on universitycampus Campus location Space Syntax research for campus planning Paderborn Bordeaux Stuttgart Cottbus Hohenheim Tübingen Ulm Innsbruck
Outlook: Research on universitycampus Campus structure Space Syntax research for campus planning Bordeaux Stuttgart Hohenheim Tübingen Paderborn
Main fieldofapplicationforuniversityplanning Holistic planning process without loosing track of the first idea Methodshowstheperformanceoftheuniversitiy + theoverallnetworkingpossibilities theaccessabilityofthe different buildings + how easy theyareto find thestrategicvisibilities thepatternsofmovementat different timesoftheday to find out aboutthepossibilitiesfor informal changeencounters +communication andtheright in-betweenspaces to find thebestfittinglayout in competitions Space Syntax in the planning process
Prof. Dr. ChristineKohlert Christine.kohlert@rheform.de