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Marketing Analysis for Brand X Southwest Sales Improvement

The analysis aims to identify untapped market potential for Brand X and evaluate Marcom elements to boost product sales. Explore product history, market size, competitive landscape, sales trends, distribution, consumer demographics, advertising expenditures, and creative requirements.

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Marketing Analysis for Brand X Southwest Sales Improvement

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  1. Situation Aanalysis:SB 7, A1, & more • Objective of the analysis is to find opportunity areas to exploit or problem areas to correct • __________: a medium or market (consumer segment or geographic area) that has not been tapped by the competition that shows great potential • __________: Sales are declining in the Southwest for Brand X • It is necessary to assess marketing 4Ps, esp. Marcom elements (sales promo, personal selling, PR, advertising) that will contribute to product sales (long- or short-term)

  2. Situation Aanalysis:SB 7 & more • Essential Parts • The Product/Brand:history, product packaging, sizes/flavors/features, price, PLC (market position), brand image, • The Market: history, size in $ & units, competitive brands/market share, cost/profit structure, Seasonality of sales (yours and competitors), any pricing trends, • Seasonal sales by month, quarters for your brand as well as the competition • Sales changes over two or more years

  3. Situation Aanalysis:SB 7 & more • Distribution & Market Sales/Potential Analysis: geographic distribution, type of retail outlets, shelf-spacing, any modes of selling (POP displays, merchandising, in-store promotions, etc.) • To determine market’s sales potential and campaign’s geographic emphasis, • start with BDI/BPI analysis (TBD) • Year-to-year % change in sales by market (TBD) • Any market developments, if useful in assessing the potential can be analyzed

  4. Situation Aanalysis:SB 7 & more • The Consumer:who (demography, geography, psychographics/lifestyle) -- current and potential), where (retail outlets), when and how often (buying & use cycle and habits), user vs. buyer distinction, if warranted, who (and how much) influences the purchase, & what media they use • MRI analysis is basic (TBD) – for Who, Where Users Live and What Media • Other primary research data (for purchasing cycle, when they use a given medium most heavily, purchase influence, etc.) may be helpful • VALS II, PRIZM, etc. provide additional psychographics info

  5. Situation Analysis:SB 7 & more • Competitive Advertising and Media Analysis: your (and competition) expenditure history (% increase/decrease), competitive media expenditure analysis (CMR) for the past few years, (media types/classes, individual vehicles, no. of ads used, scheduling of ads) and $ & % allocation across markets, quarters/seasons, and relationship of ad $ to sales or other com effects (via research sources, e.g., Allison-Fisher awareness and attitudes surveys, J.D. Power analysis of branding measures for the auto industry) - competitive media analysis with LNA/Media Watch Data – TBD - Relative Advertising Effects on Sales – TBD (A8)

  6. Situation Aanalysis:SB 7 & more • Essential Parts (continued) • Creative Requirement: any information on the message (what is said/shown and how it’s said/shown) that points to specific media choices • e.g., rational vs. emotional appeal used, needs for visual media, importance of color and ad reproduction quality, message centered around a specific seasonal theme,

  7. For Your Brand: • Have you addressed all the important issues in each of the essential parts? • In addition, have you considered your marketing objectives, advertising objectives? • Have you assessed the strengths and weaknesses to identify opportunities to capitalize and the threats to be conscious of in tapping opportunities?

  8. Situation Aanalysis:Avery Ch. 1 • Essential Parts • The Product/Brand:history, product packaging, sizes/flavors, price, , PLC, PC, image, • The Market: history, size in $ & units, competitive brands/market share, cost/profit structure, Seasonality of sales (yours and competitors), any pricing trends,

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