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Towards climate services in the context of UNEP/MAP. H. Ravenel, N. Rousset. CLIM RUN Third Governing Board. Roma, 8-10 July 2013.
Towardsclimate services in the context of UNEP/MAP H. Ravenel, N. Rousset CLIM RUN ThirdGoverningBoard Roma, 8-10 July 2013
1. UNEP/MAP and the Mediterraneanstrategy for SustainableDevelopment2. project on climatevariability and change and ICZM (UNEP/MAP)3. The PRESANORD/MEDCOF process in the context of the GFCS
UNEP/MAP and the MediterraneanStrategy for SustainableDevelopment An institutional and legalframework for sustainabledevelopment in the Mediterranean 1975 : Barcelona Convention, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) creation Plan Bleu : 1 the 5 RegionalActivity Centre of the MAP 2005 : MediterraneanStrategy for SustainableDevelopment (MSSD) 2015? : Revised MSSD
UNEP/MAP and the MediterraneanStrategy for SustainableDevelopment The MediterraneanStrategy for SustainableDevelopment 1.0 : Priorityfields of action 1. Better management of water resources and demand; 2. improved rational use of energy, increased renewable energy use and mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. 3. Sustainable mobility through appropriate transport management; 4. Sustainable tourism as a leading economic sector; 5. Sustainable agriculture and rural development; 6. Sustainable urban development; and 7. Sustainable management of the sea, coastal areas and marine resources. Approachmostly sectoral, Monitoring withindicators of environmentdegradation or of use of natural ressources
UNEP/MAP and the MediterraneanStrategy for SustainableDevelopment Directions for MSSD revision (MSSD 2.0) 4 transversal axes : - Aïchi objectives, good environmentalstatus (EcAp) - ICZM - Green Economy, sustainableconsumption and production - Adaptation to Climate Change More action-orientedthan MSSD 1.0 : data, products, tools to support action Adaptation to climate change axe wouldbebased on the existingRegional Adaptation Frameworkdrafted for the MediterraneanComission on SustainableDevelopment (MCSD) of the UNEP/MAP in 2011
UNEP/MAP and the MediterraneanStrategy for SustainableDevelopment Climate services in the context of the revised MSSD Adaptation to climate change as one of the transversal axes + action-oriented SMDD Climate services mightbe one major tool to support decision-making and participate to the implementation of the revised MSSD Moreover, climate information systems have also been alreadyidentified as a priority for action by the draftRegional Adaptation Framework of UNEP/MAP Initiative thatwouldreinforceprogressregarding the GFCS initiatedby the WMO in the Mediterraneanregion
UNEP/MAP project on climatevariability and change and ICZM « Integration of climatevariability and change into national strategies to implement ICZM Protocol » (UNEP/MAP project, co-financed by the GEF) Main objectives : Create a platform of climaterelated information for coastal areas - identification of existingclimate data/products/information in countries, centralizing data on the Med-CCRISP platform, capacity-building of countries to help them to update data on a regular basis This climate information platformisintended to support the elaboration of ICZM local plan, and then ICZM national strategies This project show the stronginterest and the active support of the UNEP/MAP in the development of climate information system to promote adaptation to climate change, here in the ICZM protocolcontext, one of the mostproeminent area of work of the UNEP/MAP
The PRESANORD/MedCOF process in the context of the GFCS PRESANORD/MedCOF : Mediterranean Climate Outlook Forum (WMO) - Main objective : operational generation of seasonal forecasts for the Mediterranean region to support adaptation to climate variability and change of socio-economic sectors To promote GFCS approach, Plan Bleu has pushed to involve team of usersfromsocioeconomicsectors in these forum Organization of back to back workshop involving sectoral stakeholders, meteo/climaticcommunity and insurancerepresentatives + participation at the Forum - PRESANORD3/MedCOF2, Tunis 2012 : Tourism - PRESANORD4/MedCOF3, Cairo 2013 : Coastalcities