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IEEE Standards Association Marketing Overview

IEEE Standards Association Marketing Overview. Marketing Definition. Marketing is the art of making someone want something that you have.

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IEEE Standards Association Marketing Overview

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  1. IEEE Standards Association Marketing Overview

  2. MarketingDefinition Marketing is the art of making someone want something that you have. “Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individuals and organizational objectives.” American Marketing Association

  3. MarketingIEEE-SA Objectives • Build brand awareness & image • Create demand for products & services • Increase sales/revenue • Increase participation in program • Change attitudes & perceptions • Secure new standards work • Gain new IEEE-SA members • Retain IEEE-SA members

  4. MarketingIEEE-SA Functions • Research • Direct marketing/promotion of products/program and services • Indirect marketing/image building • Public relations • Advertising

  5. MarketingDirect Marketing Tactics • Direct mail campaigns (email and print) • Website presence • Develop & use of media lists & news wires • Targeted collateral at trade events/exhibits

  6. MarketingIndirect Marketing Tactics • Lectures & guest speaking engagements • Articles/papers • Author a book (Standards Information Network) • E-mail news letter or bulletin • Surveys

  7. MarketingWhat we can do for you • Understand needs • Define clear marketing objective(s) • Create defined strategies • Outline tasks & timelines • Coordinate marketing efforts

  8. MarketingStanding Activities Promotion of standards and activities in: • IEEE Online Store • IEEE-SA website/IEEE website • IEEE news vehicles • External news vehicles • Targeted, topical direct mailings (IEEE and via distributors) • IEEE Standards Online Subscriptions • IEEE VuSpec™CD-ROM products

  9. MarketingStanding Activities • News release development and dissemination • Key milestones, events, activities • Call for participation/interest • Collateral material development • Flyers, brochures • Research

  10. MarketingStanding Activities Thank You! Marketing contact: Karen McCabe Senior Marketing Manager k.mccabe@ieee.org 732 562 3824

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