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Library of Alexandria. By Sally Elkhatib. By Sally Elkhatib. Vision and Mission. Mubarak City for Scientific Research & Technology Applications (MuCSAT) is the newest addition of research institutes in Egypt that was directed to the development and renovation of industry.
Library of Alexandria BySally Elkhatib By Sally Elkhatib
Vision and Mission • Mubarak City for Scientific Research & Technology Applications (MuCSAT) is the newest addition of research institutes in Egypt that was directed to the development and renovation of industry. • A decision to develop a science park in Alexandria region was reached in 1993 in order to acquire and improve scientific technologies in different areas of human life. • The Mucsat occupies 250 acres in the industrial area located at New Borg El Arab City, west of Alexandria.
Research institutes
Genetic engineering & biotechnology research institut • The aim of this institute is to develop new solutions for medical, industrial and environmental problems such as: - Carrying out applied research in the field of biotechnology serving different industries. - Establishing strong links with industry by introducing biotechnological products and improvement of classical bio-products.
1-Proteins Research Department • PRD is specialized in executing researches related to proteins chemistry, structure, functions, purification obtain large quantities of it • modifying proteins structure aiming to increase the efficiency of their performed functions, to produce components with high economical values with preserving the efficiency of protein.
Bioactive proteins and peptides Thermostable proteins Protein biopolymers (proteins-like polymers) Protein-protein and protein membrane interaction Proteins structure and modeling Proteomics Protein expression system and affinity improvement Protein-Tagging Imaging, and microarrays Cell proteomics Expression and functional proteomics Biopharmaceutical products Protein downstream optimization and screening Bio-control proteins Peptide synthesis Research Areas
2-Nucleic Acid Research Department: • The department focuses on nucleic acids and research employing novel techniques for genomes studies, employing gene amplification, detection and transfer technology in different prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems, with the aim of optimization of the metabolic processes and traits of the organism. • Research in genetic maps and Bioinformatics.
Research Areas: • Molecular markers and their application in plant, animals, fungi, algae, bacteria and viruses • Molecular typing of different organisms • Designing genetic protocols for selection of important genes • DNA and RNA microarry studies • Engineering of vectors to fulfill requirements of biotechnology applications
3-Medical Biotechnology Department • Medical biotechnology department is the department dealing with biomedical research in the field of diagnostic, prognostics, therapeutics, vaccines, and stem cell research.
Research Areas: • Drug assessment of natural and synthetic compounds • Natural products and their bioassays • Immunological and molecular diagnosis of diseases • Monoclonal antibody production and assessment • Immunogenetics of diseases • Mammalian cell culture and stem cell line research
4-Bioprocess Development Department • BID focuses on the development of industrial process using different types of living organisms. These include, production of primary and secondary metabolites by microbial cells like enzymes, amino acids, polysaccharides, organic acids and antibiotics. • Moreover, the activity of BID is now extended to the production of therapeutic proteins by mammalian and insect cells in cooperation with medical biotechnology department. New trends for large scale cultivation of plant cell and mushrooms were recently developed
Research Areas: • Production of Enzymes, amino acids, organic acids, polysaccharides and antibiotics • Production of biological agents for biological control and bio-faming • Cultivation of mammalian cells for the production of therapeutic proteins using serum • Production of pharmaceutically important compounds using plant cell culture
5-Pharmaceutical Bioproducts Research Department • Pharmaceutical Bioproducts Research areas focus on using biotechnology techniques for the production of biopharmaceutical compounds from plant, microorganisms and algae. • The department contains a plant tissue culture lab. • This lab also used for gene transformation to enhance the production of pharmaceutical active ingredients from plant
Research Areas • Production of biopharmaceutical compounds from plant,microorganisms and aglae using biotechnology • Establishing plant transformation protocols for production of pharmaceutical active compounds • Using molecular genetic markers for somaclonal variation identification...etc. • Production and preservation of plant genetic resources endangered using biotechnology • scaling up and production of biopharmaceutical products using different typs of bioreactors
Arid lands cultivation and development institute • The impact of ALCDRI on the future agriculture will become evident and result in a wide range of products, processes and services for the development of the agricultural and integrated industries in Egypt.
1-Land and Water Technologies Department • Soil chemistry, physics, and fertility and plant nutrition , Irrigation and drainage technologies • Arid lands reclamation • Soil and water environmental studies • Remote sensing and geographical information system
2-Molecular Plant Pathology Department • Viral diseases • Bacterial diseases • Insects and biological control
3-Animal Livestock and Fisheries Research Department • Animal Production • Poultry production • Fish production
4-Agricultural Industries and Food Technology Department • Chemical food analysis • Packaging and processing of foods • Dairy processing • Sea food research • Microbiological food analysis • Nanofood research • Sensory, chemical and nutritional evaluation • Food quality control
5-Plant Genetic Resources Department • Maximizing economic laboratory of plants using tissue culture techniques
6-Project Management and Sustainable Development Department • Department aims to undertake a series of research and studies in Economics of agricultural production plant or animal • Developed programs using computer technology, Economics and agricultural marketing systems • Studying marketing of agricultural products as well as, estimating marketing margins, study the problems of marketing the agricultural products, examine the current status of product marketing
Advanced technology & new material research institute • The mission of the institute is to promote the understanding, manufacturing, production, utilization and manipulation of new materials • Adopting advanced technologies utilized for production and processing of nano-materials, composites, electronic materials and polymers through industry-driven applied research.
ُEnviromental research & natural resources institute • ERENRI will be a leading for cleaning environment, preserving natural resources and protecting the natural environment for future generations.
Research Areas: • Molecular ecology, biodiversity, conservation and documentation of the Egyptian bioresources • Bio-monitoring and detection tools (biosensors, biomarkers, ecological indicators etc.) • Development and/or innovate environmentally friendly biotech products (Biodegradable plastics, Bio-based materials etc.) • Promotion of waste to wealth technologies aimed at cleaner environment and resource recovery
informatics research instite • IRI vision is to build the experience necessary to: • Provide technical consulting services, • Contribute in the fields of computer aided manufacturing, multimedia, artificial intelligence, high performance computing and to participate in creating technical and scientific expertise in different areas of Informatics.
Research Areas: • Data Networks • Wireless Networks • Data Networks Performance and Optimization • Mobile and Cellular Networks • Data Communications • Information Technology • Real-time Computer Graphics • Quality of Service • Robotics • Distributed Database Design
How to be a successful scientist?????????? 1.Do the experiment. It’s fun to sit around and talk about hypothetical data and all of the potential implications, but at some point, we have to test the hypothesis. The sooner the better. 2.Realize nobody knows the outcome. Science is exciting because we work at the edge of knowledge. The flip side of that is that it’s very hard to see where our project will lead. Recognize it’s a journey and we’re just following the data. 3.Don’t overthink it. There will always be reasons an experiment could fail. Lab experiments without risk are lab experiments without fun. 4.Experiments don’t fail. They give us information. Maybe that information is telling us that dropping our flask on the ground was not a good idea. Data collected. Lesson learned. Next experiment.
5.Don’t stop learning. Try a new technique. Consider switching fields. Scary? Absolutely. But it’s more fun to be scared than bored. And most of the time, we find our fear was irrational anyway. 6.Analyze the data and be confident. Second-guessing ourselves can be a killer. Make the best decision with the data at hand and move forward. Future lab experiments may disprove our hypotheses, but that’s how science works.
7.What will we really lose if it fails? Time, money? We knew these risks coming in. Double down and take a hit.
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