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17-19 May 2013, Rende , Italy. Mycorrhiza activity in Cypripedium calceolus roots. Ieva Druva-Lūsīte , Dace Kļaviņa National Botanic Garden , Latvia. C ypripedium c alceolus is included in R ed D ata B ook of Latvia as vulnerable species and listed on Annexes II and IV
17-19 May 2013, Rende, Italy Mycorrhiza activity in Cypripedium calceolus roots IevaDruva-Lūsīte, Dace Kļaviņa NationalBotanicGarden, Latvia
Cypripediumcalceolusis included in RedDataBookof Latvia as vulnerable species and listed on Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive and Appendix II of the Berne Convention.
Backgroundofstudy Imature seeds Seedling Mycorrhization Seedling after cold storage Second season after ex vitro Seedlings with first leaves
TheObjective To evaluate the seasonal dynamic of mycorrhiza activity in C.calceolus roots in natural habitats and in NationalBotanicGarden area.
SpreadofC.calceolusandsamplingplaces 1. Sloka 2. Ķemeri 3. NBG 4. Silzemnieki
Sloka pHHCl 5.1 Organicmatter: 37% Vitalityofpopulation: poor Habitat: mixedbroad-leaved - coniferousforest
Ķemeri pHHCl7.1 Organicmatter: 20% Vitalityofpopulation: good Habitat: broad-leaveddeciduousforest
Silzemnieki pHHCl6.4 Organicmatter: 19% Vitalityofpopulation: excellent Habitat: broad-leaveddeciduousforest
ArboretumofNationalBotanicGarden pHHCl6.3 3-4 yearsoldseedlings Habitat: arboretumwithCorylusavelana
Methodofmycorrhizaestimation • Mycorrhiza Manual 2001, www2.dijon.inra.fr/mychintec/Protocole/protoframe.html • Valuesput into thecomputer program “Mycocalc” to calculate M% - intensityoractivity of the mycorrhizalcolonisation in the root system. • N=50 eyeshotsinonerepeat, minimum – threerepeats. • Rootsclearedin 10% KOH for 1h; roots rinsed with water; stainedin 0.05% trypanbluefor 5 min; storedinlactoglicerol.
Conclusions • Mycorrhizaactivitywashigherinthebeginingofvegetationseasoningoodandexcellentorchidpopulations. Then it slowly decreased till August. • MycorrhizaactivityshowedstabilityofhabitatandorchidpopulationinSilzemnieki. • Inaveragemycorrhizaactivityin Sloka was a comparativelyhigherthaninarboretumofNationalBotanicGarden. • Nextstep – to investigatemycorrhizaspeciesinC.calceolusroots.
Cypripediumcalceolus 200x 400x 200x
Acknowledgements Thisstudywasfundedby LatvianEnvironmentalProtectionFund. SoilchemicalanalysesmadeatLaboratory of Plant Mineral Nutrition,InstituteofBiology, UniversityofLatvia. Thanksforpermission to usemicroscope to LaboratoryofMycologyandPlantPathology, Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava“.