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hic vir est Aristo. Aristo est amicus Barbilli. in villā magnificā habitat, sed miserrimus est.

Stage 19 Model Sentences quis- who (s) qui/quae – who (pl) quo- to where, whither? qualis- what kind. These model sentences will introduce you to the forms of “hic, haec, hoc” which means “this” or “these”…. e.g. hi iuvenes- these young men hanc puellam- this girl.

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hic vir est Aristo. Aristo est amicus Barbilli. in villā magnificā habitat, sed miserrimus est.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stage 19 Model Sentencesquis- who (s) qui/quae – who (pl)quo- to where, whither?qualis- what kind

  2. These model sentences will introduce you to the forms of “hic, haec, hoc” which means“this” or “these”….e.g.hi iuvenes- these young menhanc puellam- this girl

  3. hic vir est Aristo. Aristo est amicus Barbilli. in villā magnificā habitat,sed miserrimus est.

  4. haecfeminaest Galatea. Galatea est uxor Aristonis. Galatea sempermaritumcastigat, numquamlaudat.castigo- to nag

  5. haec puella est Helena. Helena est filia Aristonis et Galateae. multi iuvenes hanc puellam amant, quod pulcherrima est.Yes, I know it looks like she has a lazy eye. But the book says she is “pulcherrima,” so you are just going to have to accept this fact and move on.

  6. pompa splendida per vias Alexandriae procedit. omnes Alexandrini hanc pompam spectare volunt.

  7. hi virisuntsacerdotesdeaeIsidis. Aristohosvirosintentespectat. sacerdotesstatuamdeae per viasportant.

  8. hae puellae pro pompa currunt. Helena has puellas intente spectat.puellae coronas rosarum gerunt.

  9. pompa ad templumAugustiadvenit. prope hoc templumstant duo iuvenes.hi iuvenestamenpompam non spectant.

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