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American Colonies Emerge

American Colonies Emerge. Chapter 2. Spain’s Empire in the Americas. Section 1. Spain’s Empire in the Americas. Spanish claim the new lands Conquistadores (Spanish explorers) In search of….. Gold Silver Conquered the Aztec empire. Spanish Pattern of Conquest. Colony of New Spain

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American Colonies Emerge

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  1. American Colonies Emerge Chapter 2

  2. Spain’s Empire in the Americas Section 1

  3. Spain’s Empire in the Americas • Spanish claim the new lands • Conquistadores(Spanish explorers) • In search of….. • Gold • Silver • Conquered the Aztec empire

  4. Spanish Pattern of Conquest • Colony of New Spain • Peninsulares& Native women • Mestizo • Forced Natives into encomiendas • Spain enters golden age of wealth • Conquer Mayans & Incas

  5. Conquistadores Push North • Land in Florida, not as rich • Founded St. Augustine (originally a fort) • Leave FL – French then claim it • Spain wants to reclaim

  6. Settling the Southwest • Francisco Vasquez de Coronado claims the Southwest • Priests look for converts in congregaciones • Treated much better • Inhabited New Mexico

  7. Resistance to Spain Natives resist Spanish culture/religion Rebelled & punished Successful rebellion led by Pope which lasted 14 years Spain begins to lose dominance

  8. English Settlement at Jamestown Section 2

  9. English Colonization • 1606 – King James I grants charters • Virginia Company of London • Wealth and fortune • Arrive on Virginia coast • New settlement: Jamestown

  10. Disastrous Start • John Smith: Leader of VA Co. • Unprepared, Greed • Energy put on Gold ONLY • Smith warned, nobody listened • Disease, hunger ruin start • Colonist die quickly • Chief Powhatan aides Smith • Jamestown begins to grow • Smith burned in accident • Smith returns to England • Jamestown disintegrates • Powhatan, fearful, kills colonists’ livestock • Famine sets in

  11. “Brown Gold” • New English settlers arrive • New leaders have a plan, organized • Colony rises • Valuable crop: Tobacco • John Rolfe’s experiment • High demand for tobacco • Colony now flourishes

  12. Labor Supply • Labor needed to plant tobacco • Headright system • 50 acres of land, plus 50 to families • Immigration rises • Indentured servants • 4-7 years of service • Exchange for food/shelter • Nothing to lose by leaving

  13. Clashes w/ Natives • English wanted Natives off the land • Burned Powhatan villages • Chief Powhatan’s daughter, Pocahontas, is kidnapped • She married John Rolfe, peace was near • Powhatan decides to rid the colonists • Slaughters hundreds of colonists • Virginia becomes a royal colony

  14. Bacon’s Rebellion • Native American and Frontier colonists • Frontiersmen wanted support • William Berkeley (VA Governor) refused • Nathaniel Bacon, a frontiersmen, raises an army • Bacon protests Berkeley • Bacon and his men attack Jamestown • Bacon dies shortly after • Berkeley returns, rids frontiersmen • Consequences felt 100 years later

  15. Puritan New England Section 3

  16. Puritans Create “New England” Look to build model society Believed in Faith, Prayer & Bible John Winthrop becomes first governor Puritans wanted complete separation from Catholic church Separatists want to keep some Catholic traditions Found Plymouth colony

  17. Massachusetts Bay Colony Massachusetts Bay Company = joint-stock enterprise Thousands follow Winthrop Well planned Great Migration 1630-1640 20,000 migrate

  18. The Founding of Providence • Roger Williams • Banished from MA Bay Colony • Went against Puritan beliefs • Williams fled in 1636 • Est. Colony of Providence • Guaranteed: Separation of church and state… • Promised religious freedom

  19. Dissent in Puritan Community • Threatened by two: • Roger Williams • Favored Natives • Freedom of beliefs • Establishes new colony • Anne Hutchinson • Bigger threat • No need for Church or leaders

  20. Natives Resistance Expansion Land/religion Different views on land Natives = heathens Conflicts lead to Pequot War Horrific outcome Pequot tribe destroyed

  21. Is There Peace? 40 years no conflicts Natives unite under Metacom Eruption of King Philip’s War Natives flee/surrender but English suffer major casualties

  22. Settlement of Middle Colonies Section 4

  23. New Netherland Dutch settle new colony Henry Hudson Fur trade w/ Iroquois Trading posts along Hudson River Trade not conflict Expands to Delaware River

  24. Diverse Colony Slow to attract people Open doors to immigrants German, French, Scandinavian Africans, both free & enslaved Religious tolerance Kept peace w/ Iroquois

  25. English Takeover English seize colony James, Duke of York Ordered to drive out Dutch Dutch governor surrenders New proprietor Renames it New York

  26. Lovely Pennsylvania English want to expand empire King Charles II debts Grants William Penn’s father land Pennsylvania is colonized Acquires Delaware

  27. Quakers in PA Believed in God’s “inner light” No formal ministers Dressed plain Refused military Disliked by Puritans “City of Brotherly Love” Philadelphia(capital)

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