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Carlos Posada Vice Minister of Commerce. L ogistics and new challenges for Exports Promotion. May , 2013. Macroeconomic Peruvian Framework. Outstanding Economic Performance. Peru : Average Tariff % . Source : BCRP. Source : MEF.
Carlos Posada Vice Minister of Commerce Logistics and new challenges for Exports Promotion May, 2013
Outstanding Economic Performance • Peru: AverageTariff % Source: BCRP Source: MEF • Peru has been liberalizing external trade through tariff reductions in recent years • Enhanced market access through new bilateral agreements with strategic trade partners. • Thirteen years with positive GDP. • Growth led by private investment, domestic consumption and recovery of public investment. • 2013 Estimated GDP: 6.3% (BCRP)
Peru will continue leading regional growth LA Economic Forecast Real GDP Growth (2013-2015) PrivateInvestment 2002-2012(Billion U.S. $) Source: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas y Fondo Monetario Internacional. Source : IMF, CEPAL, World Bank
Improving Business Indicators to boost Exports LA Doing Business 2013 Source: Doing Business Source: Doing Business
And improving Investment grade ratingsto give the best investment environment Countries as a priority destinationFor FDI 2011-2013 Latin America Investmentgrade rating (World Ranking 21 countries)) 4 Brazil (Baa2) 3 16 Perú (Baa3) 21 18 18 Chile (Aa3) 2011 2010 Source: Standard & Poor `s, Fitch Ratings and Moody's. UNCTAD (WIR 2012)
PERÚ: HUB OF BUSINESS IN SOUTH AMERICAN PACIFIC Gateway to South America, Exit door to the world!
SOURCE: MTC-Ministry of Transport and CommunicationsNot including committed investments in existing concessions and Private Initiatives (IP) to be granted.
Road Infrastructure Infrastructure Concession Before After
CONCESSION OF PORTS IN PERU (1999 – 2013) Source: Supervisory Agency of investment in transport infrastructure for public use - OSITRAN
MAJOR INVESTMENT COMMITMENTS Terminal North Multipurpose Five Stages of execution Construction Optimization of new docks and procurement of equipmentModernization of other docks and container yard to have a first-class multipurpose terminal Paita Port Terminal Construction of a container dock, Dredging of 13 meters. Additional port equipment and reinforcement of existing piers. New Container Terminal Callao DPW Phase one (complete) Phase two (in progress) Land reclaimed from the ocean
CONCESSIONS PROCESSES IN EVALUATION IQUITOS SALAVERRY PUCALLPA Source: Ministry of Transports and Comunications. SAN MARTIN Progress:In 2012 Transport and Comunicating Minister, acted as a facilitator of investment in 113 Mill USD in the concessions.Remaining investment by executing: 1,527 Mill USD. MARCONA ILO Investments 2013 - 2016
AirportInfrastructure New Terminal Jorge Chavez International Airport. February 2001 • Concession in 2001 for a period of 30 years.- Investment: $ 1 061 millions in the long term. • Construction, improvement and operating of the AIJCH • In 2013 has been chosen for fifth time in a row as the Best Airport in South America. May 2013
AIRPORT INFRASTRUCTURE New Terminal NEW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTOF CHINCHERO-CUSCO Progress:Pre-investment studies in preparationGrant Awarding Concession: Dec-2013
Government Role and Strategic Development Policy Challenges
2011 – 2016 Objectives and strategies OBJECTIVES. • Duplicate total exports (USD 86,000 million). • Triplicate Non – Traditional exports (USD 7,600 to USD 21,000 million). • Duplicate the number of exporters (+ 15,600 companies). SME Export Internationalization of Peruvian companies Utilisation with Social Inclusion Trade Facilitation Building Trade Capacity
Strategies to increase exports • Promote Peruvian non traditional exports to markets with FTA. • Promote and support SME- participation at PROMPERU’s activities. • Market Diversification for products prioritized. • Promote export development of valued-addedproducts. • Distribute specialized information: to exporters and different stakeholders. • Promote decentralizedactivities in Peru.
Mainly increase non traditional exports in markets with FTA US$ 11,194 millionsexported 9.8% Growth 12/11 7,890exporters 6,570 SME 43 +60% EFTA 330 -2% China 105 +9% Canada 93 -1% South Korea 2,615 +12% UnitedStates 49 +68% Thailand 243 +11% Mexico 15 +147% Singapur 584 +13% MERCOSUR 3,197 +15% AndeanCommunity 1,897 -4% EuropeanUnion 705 +16% Chile 124 +36% Panama 131 -2% Japan 10 -3% Cuba
Actively participate in the regional group Alianza del Pacifico Members Chile Colombia Perú México • Built a free trade area for goods, services and persons. • Boost growth, development and competitiveness among members. • Be the platform for trade and policy integration to the world, and specifically to Asian-Pacific markets Objetives Source: Euromonitor, IMF Data ElaborationPromperú PBI Chile: 268, Colombia: 370, México: 1,178, Perú: 200 Var. % del PBI Real, crecimientos individuales: Chile, 5.6%; Colombia, 4%; México, 3.9%; Perú: 6.3% Importance 8th economy of the world. 5th major market at the world (213 million people). 4.1% average exports growth.
Development of PeruvianExports2003 – 2012 (MillionsUS$) (-0.7%) 46,008 Source: SUNAT. Elaboration: PROMPERÚ
World Leader: Traditional and Non Traditional Products Traditional . Non Traditional .
ChallengesAhead Strength and Develop Peruvian commercial offices in relevant markets
Challenges Ahead • Consolidate Trade Promotion of Peruvian Products • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJmygV1054U