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Dorothy Mae Ann Wordsworth. (1771 – 1855). Dorothy Wordsworth born December 25, 1771 born in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England Born to John Wordsworth an Attorney, and Ann Cookson of Penrith Third of five children born to John Wordsworth and Ann Cookson.
Dorothy Mae Ann Wordsworth (1771 – 1855)
Dorothy Wordsworth born December 25, 1771 born in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England • Born to John Wordsworth an Attorney, and Ann Cookson of Penrith • Third of five children born to John Wordsworth and Ann Cookson
William Wordsworth(Olderbrother to Dorothy Wordsworth) • Author of Tintern Abbey • I Wandered as Lonely as a Cloud • Lines • To My Sister • Beggars’ and Daffodils’
Dorothy’s Grasmere Journal 1st published in 1897 by William Knight • Dove Cottage – 1931 • The Lake District – 1931 • The Grasmere Journal – published in 1933 “She did not cultivate the graces which preside over the person and its carriage. But, on the other hand, she was a person of very remarkable endowments intellectually…Her knowledge of literature was irregular, and thoroughly unsystematic. She was content to be ignorant of many things; but what she knew and had really mastered lay where it could not be disturbed – in the temple of her own most fervid heart.” (Thomas De Quincey in Reminiscenes of the Lake Poets, 1961
Dorothy Wordsworth began her journal in the late 1790s, recording walks, visits, conversations and above all the natural world. Her ALFOXDEN JOURNAL 1798 and GRASMERE JOURNALS 1800-03 were published posthumously. Among her other works are VISIT TO HAMBURGH AND A JOURNEY TO ... GOSLAR 1798-99, the memoir RECOLLECTIONS OF A TOUR MADE IN SCOTLAND (1804), JOURNAL OF A TOUR MADE IN SCOTLAND (1803), AN EXCURSION ON THE BANKS OF ULLSWATER 1805, JOURNAL OF A TOUR ON THE CONTINENT (1820), which includes her irritated views of William on their journey in Switzerland, AN EXCURSION UP SCAWFELL PIKE (1818), and JOURNAL OF A TOUR IN THE ISLE OF MAN (1828).
Died at age 83 on January 25, 1855 Dove Cottage
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