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New Rules for 2009. Einar Bolstad, IFAF Officiating Committee. New Rules for 2009. IFAF changes from NCAA 2008 rules Rule Changes (except instant replay) Important Editorial Changes Signaling Changes Important New/Changed Approved Rulings and Interpretations (Bulletins) .
New Rules for 2009 Einar Bolstad, IFAF Officiating Committee
New Rules for 2009 • IFAF changes from NCAA 2008 rules • Rule Changes (except instant replay) • Important Editorial Changes • Signaling Changes • Important New/Changed Approved Rulings and Interpretations (Bulletins)
IFAF Rules Changes from NCAA 2008 • Tournament Committee (TC) will decide on which balls are to be used in both WJC qualifiers and the WJC tournament. Decision to be made 30 days before qualifier/start of tournament. • Fields may be shortened max 10 yds – shorten from middle. Rest of rule 1-2 applies. • Length of periods is 12 minutes. • High socks must be worn by all players. • Visiting team may wear light colored jerseys. • A disqualified player is suspended for the next full game.
Rule 1-4-9-d, 11-2-1-d: Microphones for Referees Mandatory in 2011. • Microphones already strongly recommended. • Should be of the lapel-type. • Microphone must be controlled by the referee, can not be used if referee does not have a mute or on/off switch – no exceptions.
1-4-9-g: Recording Opponents Signals Prohibited. • Any attempt to record, either through audio or video means, any signals given by an opposing player, coach, or other team personnel is prohibited. • No yardage penalty, report to Tournament Committee. • Not likely to be discovered by officials.
2-2-4, 2-29-2, 3-2-4, 4-1-5: 40/25-Second Play Clock Instituted. • Major change in play clock rules, very similar to the NFL rule. • Two intervals on play clock: 40 seconds from when the ball becomes dead on normal plays and 25 seconds from the RFP on plays following an ''administrative stoppage.'' • This rule will apply to all IFAF games, also those without visible arena play clocks. • Three new signals introduced.
40/25 Second Clock – The 40- Second Interval. • When an official signals that a live ball has become dead, the 40-second play clock is to be started. Examples of when the 40-second interval is used: • Team A makes the line to gain • Runnes loses helmet completely • Fumble forward out of bounds • Fumble backwards out of bounds • Runner out of bounds • Backward pass out of bounds • Incomplete pass • Ball dead inbounds
40/25 Second Clock – The 40- Second Interval. • Covering offical ruling that the ball is dead will always give one of the following signals, whichever appropriate: • S2 – Start clock (wind close to the sideline) • S3 – Time-out (runner/ball out of bounds, 1st down...) • S7 – Dead ball. This is a new use of this signal for us, will be used as in the NFL. • S10 – Incomplete pass. • In other words: If you blow your whistle to kill the play – you always have to signal too. • Any one of these signals starts the 40-second clock – there will be no ready for play signal or whistle!
40/25 Second Clock – The 25- Second Interval. • The 25-second interval will be used after any of the following situations, and will start on the referee's ready for play signal and whistle: • Penalty administration • Team timeout • Media timeout • Measurement • Change of possession • After a kick down (scrimmage and free kicks) • Score • Start of each period, also start of team series in EP • Instant replay • Other administrative stoppages
40/25 Second Clock – Injury Timeouts. • The play clock interval after an injury timeout depends on which team the injured player belongs to: • 40 seconds for injury to a Team B player or players on both teams; • 25 seconds for injury to a Team A player. • This is independent of what the status of the game clock was when the injury timeout was declared. • An attempt was made to create a list of exceptions but this proved to be too long and complicated. Therefore this applies without exception.
40/25 Second Clock – Injury Timeouts. • Play 1: 2nd down. The ball carrier is tackled inbounds short of the LTG. There's an injury timeout for an injury to (a) A88; (b) B77. • RULING: Play clock is set to (a) 25 seconds; (b) 40 seconds. Both play clock and game clock will start simultaneously on the referee's ready for play signal. • Play 2: 2nd down. Incomplete pass. Injury timeout for injury to (a) A88; (b) B77. • RULING: Play clock is set to (a) 25 seconds; (b) 40 seconds. Play clock starts on the referee's RFP, game clock starts on the snap.
40/25 Second Clock – Referee's Signals. • Two new signals are instituted to allow the referee to quickly inform the PCO of which interval to be used if necessary: • Set play clock to 25 seconds: One hand over the head with an open palm facing up in a pumping motion. • Set play clock to 40 seconds: Two hands over the head with open palms facing up in a pumping motion. • Other officials may ''ask'' the referee if the play clock is to be reset to 40 or 25 by using these signals, but the PCO may only reset on a signal from the referee.
40/25 Second Clock – Mechanics If No Visual Play Clocks • The Back Judge will be responsible for timing the 40/25 second clock if there are no visual play clocks. • The BJ will raise and hold one arm straight up when 10 seconds remain on the play clock. • If the play clock expires: Blow whistle (funny whistle), throw flag high into the air, give the time-out signal [S3]. Run a few steps towards the R and give the DOG signal [S21] – no need to come all the way in.
2-2-4: Ball Ready For Play. • A ball is ready for play when: • With the 40-second play clock running, an official places the ball at an inbounds mark or between the inbounds marks and steps away to his position. • With the play clock set at 25 seconds, the referee sounds his whistle and either signals to start the game clock [S2] or signals that the ball is ready for play [S1]. • That means that there will be no whistle declaring the ball ready for play when the 40-second interval is used, only when the 25-second interval is used.
3-2-4-b-2: Interruption Of The 40-Second Clock. • If the 40-second count is interrupted for reasons beyond the control of the officials or clock operator (clock malfunction), the referee will stop the game clock and signal the play clock to be reset to 40 seconds. • Same applies if the 25-second closk is interrupted, with a reset to 25 seconds. • A new 40/25 countdown will start on the referee’s whistle and ready for play signal.
3-2-4-b-3: Delay In Spotting The Ball. • The officials must make the ball ready to be snapped before the 40-second clock reaches 20 seconds. • If the ball is not ready, the referee will stop the game clock and signal the play clock to be set to 25 seconds. The play clock will start on the ready for play signal. • If the game clock was running when it was stopped, it will start on the referee's ready for play signal. Otherwise it will start on the snap.
2-3-3: Chop Block Redefined. • A new definition replaces all previous definitions of a chop block: • A chop block is a high-low or low-high combination block by any two players against an opponent (not the runner) anywhere on the field, with or without delay between contacts; the ''low'' component is at the opponent's thigh or below. • This new definition will be simpler to officiate, simpler to coach and simpler to understand for everyone.
3-2-2-h: 15-Second Play Clock Eliminated. • The 15-second play clock that was used after a TV timeout is deleted. • The 25-second interval will be used here.
3-2-2-i: Clock Adjustment After IW Deleted. • An inadvertant whistle can no longer result in time being put back on the clock – this rule is deleted and reverts to the old rule.
3-2-5-a-12: Clock Starts When Ball Ready For Play After Ball Goes OOB. • Major timing rule change: • When a ball carrier, a fumble or a backward pass goes out of bounds, the clock will start when the ball is ready for play. • Exception: Clock will start on the snap within the last two minutes in each half (1:59 on clock or less). • The referee will blow his whistle and signal [S2] to start the clock when the ball is spotted. Note that this is not a ready for play signal (unless in conjunction with a 25-second clock)!
6-2-1: Penalty For A Free Kick Out Of Bounds. • One of the penalty options changed back to B's ball 30 yards (changed from 35) beyond Team A's restraining line. • This would be Team B's 40-yard line on a ''normal'' free kick. • All other aspects of this rule remains unchanged.
9-1-2-p: ''Horse Collar'' Tackle Illegal. • Grabbing the inside back or side collar of the shoulder pads or jersey, and immediately pulling the runner down, is a personal foul. • No foul if the runner tackled is inside the ''tackle box'' (area between the normal tackle positions and behind the line) or if the quarterback is tackled this way while in the pocket. • New signal (no number): Grabbing motion of the side collar preceeded by S38, foul announced as ''Personal Foul – Horse Collar Tackle.''
9-1-2-q: Five-Yard Facemask Foul Eliminated. • The action previously penalized as ''incidental facemask'' is no longer a foul. • If there is a grasping of an opponents facemask, but there is no twisting, pulling or turning – there is no foul. • Penalized as a personal foul, both T38 and T45 to be used.
9-1-3: Helmet Contact/Targeting An Opponent Rule Redefined. • No player shall initiate contact and target an opponent with the crown (top) of his helmet. When in question, it is foul. • No player shall initiate contact and target a defenseless opponent above the shoulders. When in question, it is a foul. • A ''defenseless player'' is defined as:
Defenseless Players • The quarterback moving down the line of scrimmage who has handed or pitched the ball to a teammate, and then makes no attempt to participate further in the play. • The kicker who is in the act of kicking the ball, or who has not had a reasonable length of time to regain his balance after the kick. • The passer who is in the act of throwing the ball, or who has not had a reasonable length of time to participate in the play again after releasing the ball.
Defenseless Players, Continued... • The pass receiver whose concentration is on the ball. • The pass receiver who has clearly relaxed when the pass is no longer catchable. • The kick receiver whose attention is on the downward flight of the ball. • The kick receiver who has just touched the ball. • The player who has relaxed once the ball has become dead. • The player who is obviously out of the play.
9-1-6: Sideline Warning Changed To Sideline Interference. • Sideline warnings deleted, will now result in a penalty for first foul. This foul now also covers being on the field (may still be penalized as USC or illegal interference – situation dictates). • First and second infraction: Delay of game for sideline interference, five yards from the succeding spot [S21 and S29]. • Third and subsequent: Unsportsmanlike conduct for sideline interference, 15 yards from the succeding spot [S27 and S29]. • Administer as a dead-ball foul.
EDITORIAL CHANGES • Selected editorial changes. Please see the rulebook for all editorial changes.
EdChg 2-15-10-b: Scrimmage Kick Formation. • If Team A is in a scrimmage kick formation at the snap, any action by Team A during the down is deemed to be from a scrimmage kick formation. • This eliminates the previous interpretation that a block below the waist could be legal when a player lined up as a punter rolled out and kicked.
EdChg 2-19-3-b: Player Crossed The Neutral Zone. • A player has crossed the neutral zone if his entire body has been beyond the neutral zone.
EdChg 2-27-6-c: Departing Player. • New definition: A departing player is a player leaving the field, having been replaced by a substitute. • Different from a ''replaced player'' as that is one that has left the field.
EdChg 2-27-7: Runner And Ball Carrier. • The runner is a player in possession of a live ball or simulating possession of a live ball. • New: A ball carrier is a runner in possession of a live ball.
EdChg 2-30-4-d: Definition Of A Running Play. • A new running play begins when a player gains or regains possession. • That means that you now can have more than one running play behind the line of scrimmage. • Play: Second and 10 from A's 20. A12, in shotgun formation, muffs the snap. A12 attempts to recover the loose ball, but B67 tackles him on A's 11. A34 recovers the ball on A's 14 and advances to A's 28 where he is downed. • Ruling: A 1/10 A30. The foul occurred during the first running play in which the basic spot is the previous spot. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot, A's 20. The penalty would be enforced from the end of A34's run, A's 28, if the foul occurred after A34 got possession.
EdChg 3-1-3-g-1: Fouls In EP's After A Change Of Possession. • Flagrant personal fouls after a change of possession in an extra period are once again carried over to the succeding play. • As in 2008, so are also dead-ball fouls and live-ball fouls treated as dead-ball fouls.
EdChg 3-2-1-b: Length Of Half Time Intermission. • The 20 minute intermission is to begin immediately after the second period ends. • Clock should be set to 20:00 immediately after the referee declares the first half for over. • The referee will signal the intermission to start by signalling to start the game clock [S2] as soon as the clock is reset.
EdChg 3-2-5-e: Starting The Clock. • When Team B is awarded a first down and will next snap the ball, the clock will be stopped and will start on the snap. • Play. 4th and 4 on B's 24 or 4th and 6 on B's 26. A84 is downed inbounds on B's 22. B96 was offside. • Ruling: Clock was stopped for the penalty and to give B a first down. But as B will not get a first down due to the penalty, the penalty is the only remaining reason to stop the clock; Start the clock on the ready for play.
EdChg 3-2-5-e: Starting The Clock. • Another example: • 3rd and 7 on A's 20. B21 intercepts A16's legal forward pass and returns the ball (a) to A's 7; (b) for a touchdown. B91 was offside. • In (a), the clock is again stopped for two reasons, the penalty and to give Team B the ball. As B will not get the ball, the clock starts on the ready for play. In (b) it was also stopped due to a score in addition to the two reasons above – start the clock on the snap. • Also see NCAA Bulletin play 1-5 in this presentation.
EdChg 6-1-2: Ball Declared Ready For Play On A Free Kick. • The referee will declare the ball ready for play when the officials are in position after the kicker has received the ball.
EdChg 8-3-4-a: Fouls On Trys After A Change Of Possession. • Flagrant personal fouls after a change of possession on a try are once again carried over to the succeding play, free kick or succeding spot in extra periods. • As in 2008, so are also dead-ball fouls and live-ball fouls treated as dead-ball fouls.
EdChg 8-3-5: Fouls After A Try With A Replay Of The Try. • If there is a foul or fouls after the try is over, but the try is to be replayed, the penalties for these fouls must be enforced before the replay.
EdChg 9-1-2-d Exc. 1-c: The Rectangular Area. • Backward passes that goes outside the area are now included as one of the actions that disintegrates the area. • The others are the ball being touched outside the area, or a fumble or muff that goes outside the area.
EdChg 9-1-5-a: Illegal Interference. • Interfering with an official is added to acts listed as illegal inteference. • The penalty is 15 yards from the basic spot, or any penalty the referee deems equitable. This would often be to treat this as a dead ball foul and enforce 15 yards from the succeding spot.
EdChg 9-3-4-e: Fouls Against Receivers And Automatic First Downs. • For the penalty for a contact foul committed against an eligible receiver to include an automatic first down, the foul must be committed beyond the neutral zone. • This would mostly concern penalties for defensive holding.
Changes In Signaling. • The signal for personal foul [S38] should preceed the following signals: • Roughing the passer • Face mask • Horse collar tackle (new signal) • Roughing the kicker/holder • Chop block
APPROVED RULINGS • Please note that not all new A.R.’s are included. Please consult the rulebook for all new/changed A.R.’s.
A.R. 6-3-2-VII: Scrimmage Kicks With A Violation, Fouls And COP’s • Team A’s punt goes beyond the neutral zone and is first touched by A80, then picked up by B40, who runs five yards and fumbles. B70 holds during B40’s run. A20 picks up the fumble and scores. • RULING: Five- and 10-yard penalties are not administered on the try or the succeding kickoff. The penalty for Team B’s foul may be enforced, per Rule 5-2-4. The ball belongs to Team B, either at the spot of illegal touching if Team A declines the penalty, or at the spot resulting from enforcement of the penalty (Rule 10-2-2-g-1-b).
A.R. 6-5-3-VI: ”Get Away Signal” Is An Invalid Fair Catch Signal • Team A’s scrimmage kick is rolling beyond the neutral zone when B17 alerts his teammates to stay away from the ball by a ”get away” signal at his waist or below. • RULING: Invalid signal. The ball is dead by rule when either team recovers.
A.R. 7-3-6-XVI: Complete/Incomplete Pass • Eligible A80 is airborne when he receives a legal forward pass. He grasps the ball firmly in his hands, and as he is returning toward the ground, the nose of the football touches the ground before any part of his body. A80 retains his firm control of the ball and it does not move during this action. A80’s knees then touch the ground and he maintains control of the ball. • RULING: Completed pass.
A.R. 8-3-3-IV: Fouls On A Try With A COP • During a try, both teams foul before Team B intercepts a forward pass. On the return, (a) B23 clips or (b) A18 tackles the ball carrier by twisting his face mask. • RULING: (a) and (b) The fouls offset and the down is replayed.
A.R. 8-3-3-V: Fouls During A Try With A COP • During a try, B79 is in the neutral zone at the snap. B20 intercepts a forward pass and A55 tackles him by pulling the face mask. • RULING: The fouls offset and the try is replayed.