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Theory of Scouting

Theory of Scouting. Danny Blau AFM, Rocket Scientist. Breakdown. Theory Scouting styles Pros and cons Design of a complete scouting system. Flow Charting. Designing a True System. Design from events observed to taking action

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Theory of Scouting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Theory of Scouting Danny Blau AFM, Rocket Scientist

  2. Breakdown Theory Scouting styles Pros and cons Design of a complete scouting system

  3. Flow Charting

  4. Designing a True System Design from events observed to taking action Consider each step and design in efficiency, simplicity (for the users) and reliability Design must consider team resources and goals Money Personnel Equipment Usage

  5. Requirements Before we can design, we need a set of Requirements The goals of the program Motivations for scouting and desired outputs What do you want to give the drive crew…

  6. Human Machine Interface Deep Blue (1997) Free-style chess tournament (2005) Man AND Machine, Together! Winners: 2 Armatures with 3 laptops Changing and addapting

  7. Data Choices What data to collect? What are you looking for? Performance vs. Strategy Qualitative vs. Quantitative General vs. Particular Pit vs. Match vs. Both Number of people available to scout Scouting team budget

  8. Collection How do you collect the data? Paper: match sheets, team sheets Direct to computer Tablets (FRC 93) Wii: (see Chief Delphi for this system) First human machine interface (HMI)

  9. Collection Paper:

  10. Collection Direct to Computer:

  11. Outputs What the strategy and drive personnel want! Main purposes: Pre-match briefings Elims pick list Technical data for future years

  12. Output (HMI) Pick lists

  13. Better Output (HMI)

  14. Briefings

  15. Pick lists

  16. Data Handling Bridging the gap from collection to output By team, by match, according to some parameter (strategy) Computer, no computer Computers = software choices (Excel, VBA, true coding skills?)

  17. Things computers are good at Intuition Vs. Number Crunching Statistics Fast calculations Trends Streaks

  18. Statistics You, Math and Why its Important What do statistics show about your data/system? How do statistics effect Scouting? How do statistics effect Alliance Selection? Finding luck in your picks

  19. Date Base Analysis Actual Error

  20. Construction Start from the ends and work to the middle How are you going to organize the data? What connections do you build into the data? What analysis do you perform?

  21. Helpful Commands Sum() Count(value 1, value 2,…) Countif(Criteria, range) Vlookup(value, range, column #, FALSE) If(test, true, false) Iferror(do this, do this if that failed) Stdev.p() Offset() Slop(X’s, Y’s) Conditional Formatting Filters and Sorts Macros

  22. Helpful Hints Use other people’s ideas and data (1114!) Prior years results don’t affect this year’s Avoid reputation scouting Data is your friend! And a crouching tiger!

  23. Thanks Danny Blau dannymblau@gmail.com

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