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Getting Started on Your Project. General Lab Guidelines. Be respectful and courteous to others Listen when others are speaking Turn cell phones off please! Come to the labs and be on time
General Lab Guidelines • Be respectful and courteous to others • Listen when others are speaking • Turn cell phones off please! • Come to the labs and be on time • Email Questions: expect at least 2 days to respond (i.e., don’t send the night before something is due!)
Academic Integrity • http://www.vpacademic.ubc.ca/integrity/policies.htm • Plagiarism: This includes but is not limited to the presentation or submission of the work of another person, without citation or credits, as the student's own work. When a member of faculty suspects that misconduct has occurred, he / she shall investigate it immediately. If satisfied that the misconduct did occur, he / she shall notify the student at once that he plans to report the incident, and he/she shall then report it immediately to the department head, or to the appropriate person in the faculty, who in turn shall notify the dean of that faculty or designate without delay. If after thorough investigation, during which the student shall be given an opportunity to explain the incident, the misconduct has been established, the academic aspects of the matter may be dealt with, and appropriate academic action taken by the department or faculty concerned. When the misconduct consists of cheating as described above, zero credit or some other mark may be assigned by the faculty for the examination or test in which the cheating occurred. When the misconduct consists of plagiarism as described above, zero credit or some other mark may be assigned by the faculty for the plagiarized submission. The action thus taken shall be reported immediately to the President's Advisory Committee on Student Discipline by the dean of the faculty in which the misconduct occurred, together with a complete description of the evidence upon which the faculty action was based.
Disciplinary Measures which may be imposed, singly or in combination, for Academic Misconduct or Non-Academic Misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. A letter of reprimand. 2. A failing grade or mark of zero in the course in which the Academic Misconduct occurred. 3. Suspension or cancellation of any scholarships, bursaries or prizes. 4. Suspension from the University for a specified or indefinite period of time. Students will not receive credit for courses taken at another institution during a suspension. 5. Expulsion from the University. 6. A notation of discipline on the student's record in the Student Information System, which will appear on the student's Transcript of Academic Record. 7. Revocation of a degree or other academic credentials dishonestly or improperly obtained.
Variable Check! (IV or DV?) • 1. Study examining if t.v. violence increases aggression in children. • 2. Study predicting that alcohol drinking will decrease people's reaction time while driving. • 3. Study examining if perspective taking improves with age. • 4. Study predicting that high school sports build character. • 5. How do changes in work space affect employee reaction?
Terminology Check! 1. _____ refers to the requirement that observations made under prescribed conditions must be repeatable. • In sampling, the goal is to achieve _______. • ____ involves assigning subjects to groups such that each subject has an equal chance of being assigned to any of the groups. 4. An investigator might prefer a field study over a laboratory study to increase____. 5. An experiment in which neither the experimenter nor the subject knows to which treatment group the subject belongs employs the ___________ technique. 6. _____ is the term applied to the responsibility of researchers to protect information gathered about subjects from being shared with others without their consent. 7. A ____consists of people from the local community who determine the merit vs the risks of research before its conduct is permitted.
Phases of Research • Idea-generating phase • Problem-definition phase • Procedures-design phase • Observation phase • Data-analysis phase • Interpretation phase • Communication phase
Project Idea and Scope: • Include the following: • Background about Project • Clear Hypothesis • Method • Possible results (what you expect to observe) • What those results would mean • Formatting • Max 2 pages double spaced • Use same general format guidelines as full paper (APA) • described in research project details • Use subheadings for organization! • Marked out of /10 (5% of your *project grade*) • DUE: 4pm Wednesday November 4th, 2009 (mailbox)
Start thinking about when you want to give your short presentation! We will schedule them next lab.
Resource Materials on Website • Websites about research, APA style writing • Library resources – APA style, tools to find articles and books, tutorials • http://www.library.ubc.ca/clc/citation.html • http://assignmentcalculator.olt.ubc.ca/ • PDF’s – how to use electronic databases, how to decide on what statistical tests to use, guide to powerpoint presentations • Student faculty agreement