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INTRODUCTION TO GNOSTIC MEDITATION. Homo Nosce te ipsum. Man Know thyself and thou will know the Universe and the Gods – Oracle of Delphi. The Steps of Meditation. Ethics ( Yama & Niyama ) Posture (Asana) Breath ( Pranayama ) Silence ( Pratyahara ) Concentration ( Dharana )

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  2. Homo Nosceteipsum Man Know thyself and thou will know the Universe and the Gods – Oracle of Delphi

  3. The Steps of Meditation Ethics (Yama & Niyama) Posture (Asana) Breath (Pranayama) Silence (Pratyahara) Concentration (Dharana) Meditation (Dhyana) Ecstasy (Samadhi)

  4. The knowing of oneself, that Gnosis, begins with watchfulness, vigilance, with paying attention. This is the foundation of all the systems of Ethics and Morality. These are codified rules that are designed to help a practitioner accomplish two things. The first is to be aware of themselves, and the second is to stop creating karma. Ethics and moral codes exist so that we may stop harmful action. Ethics and morality (yama & niyama)

  5. The most common ethics are summarized in the most basic of Buddhist vows: To abstain from killing any creature. To abstain from stealing. To abstain from sexual misconduct. To abstain from false speech. (lying, gossip, sarcasm, criticism, etc) To abstain from intoxicants. (alcohol, drugs, etc)

  6. Posture (Asana) • In Gnosis we understand that meditation can be practiced in numerous postures; you can utilize whatever posture is comfortable so long as you can be relaxed and attentive. In the books of SamaelAunWeor, he teaches that we can sit in a chair, lie on the ground or on the bed, or in the form of a star, or you can lie on a couch. The key is to have a combination of relaxation and attentiveness; to relax fully, and to be attentive.

  7. The Breath (pranayama) • Inhale deeply, very slowly, and imagine that the creative energy rises through the spermatic channels up to the brain; mentally pronounce the mantra HAM like this: HAAAAAAAMM. Exhale, short and quick, as you pronounce aloud the mantra SAH: SAAAAHH... Undoubtedly, you inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. While inhaling, you "mantralize" the sacred syllable HAM (mentally, since you are inhaling through the nose); but you can articulate the syllable SAH with sound while you exhale. • - SamaelAunWeor

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