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Parallel Fault Simulation Using Verilog PLI

Parallel Fault Simulation Using Verilog PLI. Sara Karamati CAD Lab, Department of electrical and computer engineering, university of Tehran. Outline. Fault Simulation Parallel Fault Simulation Parallelism Implementation Parallel Fault Injection & Removal A Case Study Speed Up Analysis

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Parallel Fault Simulation Using Verilog PLI

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  1. Parallel Fault Simulation Using Verilog PLI Sara Karamati CAD Lab, Department of electrical and computer engineering, university of Tehran

  2. Outline • Fault Simulation • Parallel Fault Simulation • Parallelism Implementation • Parallel Fault Injection & Removal • A Case Study • Speed Up Analysis • Conclusion

  3. Fault Simulation • Fault collapsing • For all faults • Fault injection • Simulation in presence of faults • Fault removal • Fault coverage

  4. Parallel Fault Simulation • Collapse faults based on DUT • Provide Nf circuits, working in parallel ?!?! • While there is a fault • Inject Nf faults into Nf circuits ?!?! • Simulate all Nfcircuits simultaneously ?!?! • Compare golden model with Nffaulty circuits • Remove Nf faults • Coverage factor

  5. Several techniques for reducing fault simulation time • The multiprocessor Fault Simulation Techniques[1]-[4]. • Test set partitioning • Fault list partitioning • Circuit partitioning • Parallel Fault Simulation Method Based on Structurally Synthesized BDDs (SSBDD) [8]. • Hierarchical Parallel Fault Simulation Method [10]

  6. Parallel Fault Simulation Engine Problems • Specific Simulation Engines • Several Workstations • Unfamiliar from Designers Point of View • No Integration of HDL & Fault Simulation Specific Simulation Engine COST

  7. Who Says “There is no free lunch?” • PLI Approach • No Specific Simulation Engine • Utilization of RTL CAD Tools • HDL & Fault Simulation Integration • The Same Steps as Serial Fault Simulation • Its Free, Why not use it?

  8. Parallelism Implementation • Trivial solution • Generate Nf real circuits, using “generate” statement • Lots of PLI & tracing • More realizable solution • Pack Nf inputs of all Nf circuits into a vector • One single circuit, with vectorized inputs • A vectorizable library of components

  9. Trivial Solution • Generation of ordinary DUT

  10. More Realizable Solution • New Configured DUT

  11. Configurable Components module and_n #(parameter n = 2, tphl = 1, tplh = 1, nf=3) (out,in); input [(n*nf)-1:0] in; output [nf-1:0]out; reg [nf-1:0]val; integer i; always@(in) begin val = in[nf-1:0]; for(i=1; i<n; i=i+1) begin val=val & in[(nf*i)+:nf]; end end assign out=val; endmodule

  12. Parallel Fault Injection • Read Nf fault strings from fault list • While (counter < Nf) • Modify each string in order to match the vectorized circuit • char * str_modifier (…) • Inject modified fault into vectorized circuit • ParInjectFault ()

  13. Parallel Fault Removal • While (counter < Nf) • Modify each string in order to match the vectorized circuit • char * str_modifier (…) • Remove modified fault from vectorized circuit • ParRemoveFault ()

  14. Parallel Circuit Simulation • Simulate vectorized circuit • Nothing more !!! • Different bits of the inputs instead of inputs to different simulation runs • Different bits of the outputs instead of outputs of different simulation runs

  15. A Sample Parallel Fault Simulation • The “c499” Benchmark as DUT • Fanout Insertion via New Components • 50 Parallel Faults, i.e. Nf =50 • Some Modifications to Testbench • ParFaultInjection.dll • Faster Simulation

  16. C499 Parallel Fault Simulation module c499PSF #(parameter nf = 50); integer status[nf-1:0]; reg [nf-1:0] stuckAtVal; reg [500:0] wireName [nf-1:0]; … wire [nf-1:0]N724G,N725G,N726G,N727G,… … c499_fo #(nf)FUT(N1,N5,N9,N13,N17,N21,… … $ParInjectFault (nf, wireName[0], wireName[1], …, wireName[50], stuckAtVal[0], stuckAtVal[1], …, stuckAtVal[50]); … $ParRemoveFault( nf, wireName[0] , wireName[1], …, wireName[50]); …

  17. Speed Up vs. Nf

  18. Speed Up for ISCAS Benchmarks Nf=50

  19. Conclusion • Fault Simulation Significance • Parallel Fault Simulation Engine, a Drawback • PLI Approach as a Free Lunch • Simulate Nf Circuits in Parallel • Parallelism via Vectorized Circuit • Inject & remove Nf Faults • Speed up Saturation over Nf • Speed up Analysis for ISCAS Benchmarks

  20. References • [1] D. Krishnaswamy, E.M. Rudnick, J.H. Patel and P. • Banejee, " SPITFIRE: scalable parallel algorithms for test set partitioned fault simulation," in Proc.VLSI Test Symposium 1997.  • [2] M. B. Amin and B. Vinnakota, “Data Parallel-Fault Simulation”, in IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 183-190, Jun. 1999.  • [3] Amit K. Varshney, Eric Skuldt, “High Performance Parallel Fault Simulation”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers & Processors, 2001.  • [4] Steven Parkes, PrithvirajBanerjee, Janak Patel, “A Parallel Algorithm for Fault Simulation based on PROOFS”, International Conference on Computer Design, 1995.  • [5] Raja Daoud, FusonOzguner, “Highly Vectorizable Fault Simulation on the Cray X-MP Supercomputer”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, December 1989.  • [6] S. Seshu, “On an improved diagnosis program”, IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, vol. 14, pp. 76–79, 1965. 

  21. References • [7] M. Nadjarbashi, Z. Navabi and M. R. Movahedin, “Line Oriented Structural Equivalence Fault Collapsing” Proceedings of Workshop on Model and Test, Germany, 2000.  • [8] R. Ubar, S. Devadze, J. Raik and A. Jutman, “Ultra Fast Parallel Fault Analysis on Structurally Synthesized BDDs”, 12th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), 20-24 May 2007, pp. 131 – 136.  • [9] H. Kyunghwan and L. Soo-Young, “A parallel implementation of fault simulation on a cluster of workstations”, IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 14-18 April 2008, pp. 1-8.  • [10] S. Misera and H. T. Vierhaus, “FIT - A Parallel Hierarchical Fault Simulation Environment”, IEEE International Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC), 7-10 Sept. 2004, pp. 289-294.

  22. Thanks for Your Attention

  23. Specific Simulation Engine vs. PLI Approach Cont.

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