1. State of ReadinessNSC 2010 Presentation to the
Select Committee on Educationand Recreation25 August 2010
Vijayen D Naidoo
Vijayen D Naidoo
Quality Assurance of the 2010 National Senior Certificate Examination
3. Regulatory Framework
NQF Act Section 27 (h)
The QC must develop and implement policy and criteria for assessment for the qualifications on its sub-framework.
4. Section17 of the GENFETQA Act
(5) The Council must, with the concurrence of the Director-General and
after consultation with the relevant assessment body or education
institution, approve the publication of the results of learners if the
Council is satisfied that the assessment body or education institution
(i) conducted the assessment free from any irregularity that may
jeopardise the integrity of the assessment or its outcomes;
(ii) complied with the requirements prescribed by the Council for
conducting assessments;
(iii) applied the standards prescribed by the Council which a learner is
required to comply with in order to obtain a certificate; and
(iv) complied with every other condition determined by the Council.
5. Framework for QA of Learner Achievement
Based on established and existing practices in assessment for certification
Prescribed components of External assessment (examinations) and Site based/ internal / continuous assessment
Use of systems, processes, and procedures to evaluate, inspect, monitor and report on examination systems, processes and procedures of public and private assessment bodies.
6. Framework for Quality Assurance of Assessment
Evaluation and /or accreditation of assessment bodies
Periodic inspection of assessment bodies
Ongoing monitoring of assessment bodies
Quality assurance of external examinations through:
Moderation of examination question papers
Monitoring the conduct of examinations
Moderation of marking
Standardization of assessment outcomes
7. Framework for Quality Assurance of Assessment
Quality assurance of internal assessment through:
Monitoring the implementation of internal assessment
Moderation of learner tasks and educator portfolios
Statistical moderation of internal assessment results.
8. Approval of Results
Compliance with minimum requirements
Shift from Moderation to Verification (Moderation for verification)
Emphasis on Assessment Body reports
The monitoring of the conduct of examinations and the moderation of marking as well as the monitoring of the implementation of internal assessment and the moderation of internal assessment is undertaken by Umalusi to verify the veracity of the assessment body reports in respect of these process.
Broadened definition of irregularities.
to ensure that the question papers are of the required standard
To ensure that the question papers are relatively:
- fair
- reliable
- representative of an adequate sample of the curriculum
- representative of relevant conceptual domains
- representative of relevant levels of cognitive challenge
External moderators
Moderation of question papers
10. Scope of the quality assurance processes
Number of NSC 2010 question papers moderated
11. Internal assessment refers to any assessment conducted by the provider, the outcomes of which count towards the achievement of the qualification
panels of moderators / subject specialists
Moderation at all levels
Directives for internal assessment
Prescribed criteria
- Educator Portfolios
- Learner portfolios
Moderation of internal /continuous assessment
12. Ascertain the appropriateness and standard of the assessment tasks being developed within colleges
Ascertain the degree to which assessment bodies/provinces are attempting to ensure standardisation across
Determine the extent and quality of internal moderation and educator development
Determine the reliability and validity of the assessment outcomes
Moderation of internal assessment cont
13. Moderation of SBA
Previous model - moderation of learner and educator portfolios at the end of the year.
Implementation of new model in 2010 –focus on tasks rather than on portfolios
Ongoing – 3 moderations across 9 PDE’s, IEB & ERCO
Feed back to educators
Improvement in SBA implementation
15. Policy development and implementation
Systems, processes and procedures
Plan for assessment and moderation
Availability and training of staff
Planning for the development of learner portfolios and educator portfolios
Focus of the monitoring visits
16. Monitoring of Examinations
Moderation of marking determines the standard and quality of marking and ensures that marking is conducted in accordance with agreed practices
Umalusi engages the following during the moderation of marking
1. Pre-marking/memorandum discussion: centralised memo discussions recommended - this will ensure consistency across marking centres
2. Off-site moderation of marking
3. On-site moderation of marking
Verification of marking
18. Verification of Marking
19. Verification of the Resulting Process
20. Monitoring the State of Readiness New approach
One Assessment body (DBE) with 9 provincial arms vs. 9 separate assessment bodies.
Avoid duplication (parallel processes)and burden on provincial authorities
“Lift” the system – Umalusi to assume a verification role.
“Shadowing” the DBE team to establish the veracity of the DBE monitoring processes and to authenticate DBE reports.
21. The DBE Monitoring Process PDE’s required to complete a self-evaluation instrument.
DBE analysis of the responses informs DBE presentation and discussion with the PDE’s
Monitoring visits to Head Office, District & Exam Centers- monitored against Management Plan for Examinations and Assessment.
Initial impression report back to PDE’s
Submission of composite report to relevant authorities (Umalusi included)
Comprehensive approach that monitors exam systems (including SBA) as well as Annual National Assessments (ANA)
22. Umalusi findings-Western Cape Compliance / Strong points
Adequate provincial structure
District offices well resourced with expertise
Capturing of marks (per question)
Diagnosis of poor performance and implementation of remedial/intervention programmes.
Use of courier services for the delivery of question papers
Use of community members as invigilators
23. Umalusi findings-KZN Compliance / Strong points
Adequate provincial structure
District offices well resourced with expertise
Registration of Candidates
Security of the printing process
Unavailability of secure facilities at exam centers (outlying areas)
24. Umalusi findings-EC Compliance / Strong points
Adequate provincial structure
Province conducts state of readiness visits to Districts
Printing of Question Papers
No centralised moderation of SBA
Candidate registration not complete at time of Monitoring
25. Umalusi findings-Mpumalanga Compliance / Strong points
Task team appointed to manage 2010 examinations.
Experts appointed to implement revised exam system.
DBE responsible for printing question papers. Registration of Candidates
De-registration of private examination centers.
Major threat if no “buy in” is secured from Mpumalanga staff.
Staffing at Regional and District levels
New question paper distribution nodes
Unavailability of secure facilities at exam centers (outlying areas)
26. Umalusi findings-Mpumalanga Umalusi Council received the DBE report on the Management of Public Examinations in Mpumalanga Province (dated 21 June 2010)
Council acknowledges the interventions but remains concerned with the “new” challenges emanating from these interventions.
Council requested DBE to submit a further report by 3rd September 2010.
27. Way forward Awaiting further DBE report on the Management of Public Examinations in Mpumalanga Province.
Awaiting DBE composite “State of readiness” report.
Independent Umalusi monitoring.
Report to Umalusi Council.
Thank you!