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The Pygmy Hippopotamus

The Pygmy Hippopotamus. By: Kaitlynn Lanter. General Info. Pygmy Hippopotami are much like their cousin, common hippopotamus. A adult Pygmy is about half as tall as the hippopotamus and weighs less than 1/3 of their cousin

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The Pygmy Hippopotamus

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  1. The Pygmy Hippopotamus By: KaitlynnLanter

  2. General Info • Pygmy Hippopotami are much like their cousin, common hippopotamus. • A adult Pygmy is about half as tall as the hippopotamus and weighs less than 1/3 of their cousin • They’re diet is also similar consisting of ferns, plants, grass and fruits • Pygmy’s are semi-aquatic relaying on water to cool them and keep their skin moist. • They’re main predator is the leopard.

  3. Affects on enviornment • The Pygmy hippo keeps to itself and its family. • They consume the plants in the area but don’t really alter it in a significant way • Even if they were gone not much would change.

  4. Protection • The biggest threat to their continued existence is the destruction of their environment. • The most that they can do to help them is to breed them in captivity . • In the wild they do not last long. • In order to increase they’re numbers in the environment it’d be best to make their homes into nature preserves. • If they’re habitat is no longer destroyed they are more likely to survive

  5. More • Pygmy hippos have the same unusual sweat as common hippos. • It gives a pinkish tinge to their bodies, and is described as "blood sweat" although it is not sweat or blood. • The “blood sweat seems to have antiseptic and sun screening abilities.

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