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CO Work for Shutdown 2006/2007 (1 st part of presentation)

CO Work for Shutdown 2006/2007 (1 st part of presentation). CO-TC 23.11.06 E. Hatziangeli. Setting the scene. The presentation is in two parts 1st part contains shutdown work which MUST be completed before the start-up

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CO Work for Shutdown 2006/2007 (1 st part of presentation)

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  1. CO Work for Shutdown 2006/2007(1st part of presentation) CO-TC 23.11.06 E. Hatziangeli

  2. Setting the scene • The presentation is in two parts • 1st part contains shutdown work which MUST be completed before the start-up • 2nd part focuses mainly on work on FEs and Timing, provoked by equipment groups requests • There are 2 sources of the information presented here: • CO wiki page for shutdown (1st part) • CO3 web page (2nd part) • Major CO work during the shutdown is taking place in planned activities of current projects. Full list for these activities are maintained under the individual projects pages and are not sited here. • The information presented was selected for: • Being applicable to the reference period • Having a significant impact to many CO sections or users outside CO • Having unclear responsibility boundaries • Having high or no resource count

  3. Shutdown work • The list is a compilation of: • requests from OP, equipment group or CO itself • scheduled yearly maintenance work done during shutdown • activities which can only be performed during shutdown • It is separated in 2 domains • Infrastructure oriented • Applications • This presentation will self-destruct after the end of the TC • Full detailed listing is maintained in CO wiki page and only there

  4. Infrastructure Oriented Work 1/2 • OS • Move to SLC4 for Linux consoles and ProLiants servers • JDK • Move to JDK1.5 • All public libraries must be recompiled before mid January (TGM ready in March?) • Switch to a single IN supported distribution for all platforms • PS “old” java environment will be cleaned-up (remove wrappers, use default installation) • TGM lib will not work (RMI permissions problem) • Oracle • Move all DB servers to 10g - clients already there • CMW RDA 2.5 proudly announces • JacORB as CORBA implementation for Java • Omniorb as CORBA implementation for FESA, GM, SL-Equip, PVSS • Fast Update for composite data in FESA servers • Fast Update in current Windows RDA implementation (Passerelle)

  5. Infrastructure Oriented Work 2/2 • Timing • Timing not available in January • Remove access to timing databases via the DBRT library • LHC telegram layout will change extensively • Temp change of CTIMs name in CTF3 MTG • New Java TimDiag application • FESA 2.9 non-backward compatible release • PLC Integration • New Alarm implementation • MCS implementation • Bug fixes • On-change mode (TBC) • Standard properties (TBC) • Diagnostics • Integration of Timing and WFIP diagnostics in clic • CommonBuild/PCROPS • CommonBuild-Release with support for management of obsolete product versions • Cleanup the PCROPS repository of obsolete versions - Might affectusers

  6. Applications for CPS • Current measurement devices will go to FESA • AP: Provide properties used by current measurements • FE/IN(?): Provide GM adaptor for existing applications • Knobs for MTV (BTVI) & Transverse Damper • DB configuration (OP?/Equip?) • Complete migration of CPS applications to new Directory Service/JAPC • Critical applications have been migrated Eric , OP • Remaining OP applications contain orphans. If not converted, will not work! • Stop support of old DS end 2006 • New applications to replace Xmotif. Priority 1: • Q measurement (BBQ) ? • Q Q’ Application (replace B. Vandorpe application?) ? • Application for transverse emittance or beam size measurements ? • Implementation of CPS logging – Marine, OP (Herve) • Implement PSX Statistics and allow inter-machines statistic– Marine, OP (Anthony), DM, FE: publish beamStamp with the value in addition to cycleStamp and log both • ISOLDE • SEM Grid and Beam profile applications • FESA SW ready. Applications required for startup. ? • Fixed Displays for Isolde separators HRS & GPS - Philippe, OP (Emiliano) • New synoptic application - Eric ?: No Name

  7. SPS Work for Shutdown 1/2 • LSA in SPS • Improvements in Settings (automated copy), Trim (point, discreet, failed group trims), Steering (TT10-Ring combination, TT10 SEMs, Radial steering automated, Trajectory fits) • TZ/CTREE eradication • Wire scanners to FESA • Movable devices: BTVs, SEMs SEM grid in/out + stepping motors access from CMW via gateway (IN) • Eradication of NODAL machine mode • New mode needed for SIS and LASER • MCS for Kicker, girders, BLMs, beam position interlocks • Eradicate Device explorer • MKE extraction kicker Pt4 and septa girders position control to FESA • North extraction septa Pt2 girders position control to FESA • KE/MSE basic control by LSA core, dedicated application will be provided by LSA/OP • Specific applications • Main power supply control CIS (?) • Beam loss (OP)

  8. SPS Work for Shutdown 2/2 • SIS replaces SSIS for SPS Ring • Integration of interlocks for stoppers and dumps (first turn, TEDs, TBSEs) • Should SSIS be kept alive for 2007? TBC by OP • CESAR • Replacement of the XDOORS controls chain. TS/CSE ready to upgrade to "standard CO" PLCs. Need FESA device to be written (FE?/TS?) • Targets controls renovation: Profibus gateway PC to be replaced by PLC/FESA • Implement new GUI for Cedar counters (server side OK, GUI?),XDWC(?) & XEMC(?) • Migration of Netbeans? • CNGS • Applications for Scans and Movable Muon Monitor Scans (Min funct OK) • LASER • Replacement of PS Alarm Tree • Propose a solution by end 06, to provide the functionality of the PS Alarm Tree based on a combination of CO tools (knobs, xcluc?) • OASIS • Move from OC4J/EBJ to stand-alone/Spring- 1st step to higher reliability

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