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Education Laws Impacting Children with Dyslexia in the State of Oregon ORBIDA LECTURE SERIES – Oct. 14, 2008 "School and Government Relations" Betsy Ramsey ramruff@comcast.net. STATE LEVEL ACTIVITIES . ORBIDA ORPTI Board President IEP Partners Project PDC subcommittee of SACSE
Education Laws Impacting Children with Dyslexia in the State of OregonORBIDALECTURE SERIES – Oct. 14, 2008 "School and Government Relations"Betsy Ramsey ramruff@comcast.net
STATE LEVEL ACTIVITIES • ORBIDA • ORPTI Board President • IEP Partners Project • PDC subcommittee of SACSE • Accommodations Panel • EBISS Advisory Panel • Scaling - Up Project • LLSSC
NO CHILD LEFT BEHINDJanuary 8, 2002 • Stronger Accountability AYP Disaggregating of at risk groups Highly qualified teachers • Proven Educational methods SRB (scientific researched based)
OREGON READING FIRST GRANTS • 31 districts,52 schools, 700 teachers, 10,000 students • English and Spanish • End of six years • Oregon Reading First Resources and Links http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1965 Contact: Russel Sweet, education specialist (503) 947-5638
READING FIRST GRANTS • Goal: To insure that every child reads at grade level or above by the end of third grade • Beginning reading K-3. Title 1 schools • Seven essentials: • School-wide focus on reading • Regular use of reliable and valid assessments • Protected time for reading instruction • Data-based leadership (includes the principal &reading coaches) • High quality professional development • Research-based instructional programs and materials • Differentiated instruction to optimize learning for all students
RESULTS • Consistent growth in student achievement • Significant number of teachers found Reading First the most comprehensive and effective federal initiative they had participated in • Knowledge and skills are being generalized to other grades, programs and subject areas • Forced behavioral changes on part of school staffs • National Reading First Impact Study : Interim Report Critique in the Context of Oregon Reading First, Scott Baker and Hank Fein, May 13, 2008 . http://oregonreadingfirst.uoregon.edu/downloads/other/nrfis_orrf_talking_points.pdf
SUSTAINABILITY EFFORTS • Website with hundreds of resources for teachers, schools and districts http://oregonreadingfirst.uoregon.edu/ • Beacon School – demonstration schools project • Bell School ( cohort B-ELL) support • Reading First Trainer expertise • Schools have impact in district – Beaverton • Leadership development – LLSSC • Literacy Framework model
CHALLENGES • Limited continued national funding • National changes because of presidential election? • Continued need for training and coaching • Inadequate pre-service preparation • Fidelity • Leadership • Adequate Interventions?
OREGON LITERACY FRAMEWORK • LLSSC Literacy Leadership State Steering Com. • The Oregon Literacy Framework is designed to provide teachers, administrators, parents, state and school district board members, and other stakeholders with a strategic "blueprint" of what schools in the State of Oregon can and must do to help students build and use reading skills. It sets the stage for students to make the often treacherous transition from “learning to read” in K-3, to “reading to learn” in grades 4 12. • Major Components of the Oregon Literacy Framework 1. Reading Goals 2. Assessment 3. Reading Instruction 4. Leadership 5. Professional Development 6. Commitment • Hillsboro SD Project Literacy
IDEA 2004 • Alignment with NCLB • HR 1350 The Improving Educational Results for Children with Disabilities Act • S 1248 The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act • IEP • Discipline • Research • LD identification • Funds for early intervening services (prevention)
SLD - IDENTIFICATION • OAR 581-015-2170 (i): Specific Learning Disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do mathematical calculations. Specific learning disability includes conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, dyslexia, minimal brain dysfunction and developmental aphasia. The term does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, mental retardation, emotional disturbance, or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.
COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION • Determines eligibility • Determines needs to improve outcomes • SLD resources website: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1374 Colleen Stover, Education Specialist (503) 947-5705
CHANGES TO SLD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • Observation – before or during • Changed “severe discrepancy “ to “pattern of strengths and weaknesses” • Added progress monitoring component • Added RTI A determination of whether the primary basis for the suspected disability is:(A) lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math; or (B) limited English proficiency
RTI DEFINITION • RTI is • The practice of providing high-quality instruction and intervention • matched to student need, • monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about change in instruction or goals • and applying child response data to important educational decisions. (NASDSE, 2005)
RTI CORE PRICIPLES Comprehensive, school-wide, data based problem solving and decision making Strong instruction for general education students(Research – Based, Differentiated, High Impact) Assumption that student difficulty is with instruction Identification of struggling students before they fall behind Teachers engaged in high quality professional development programs (Teams, Continuous, Ongoing, Collaborative)
Academic Systems Behavioral Systems • Intensive, Individual • Increased amount of time • Instruction meets unique needs • Targeted Group • Some students (at-risk) • High efficiency • More frequent data • Targeted Group • Some students (at-risk) • High efficiency • More frequent data • Universal • All students • Preventive, proactive • Universal • All settings, all • Preventive,proactive 75-85% 75-85% School-Wide Systems for Student Success • Intensive, Individual • Increased amount of time • Instruction meets unique needs 5-10% 5-10% 10-15% 10-15%
OREGON RTI INITIATIVE • Oregon RTI Initiative - Grant IDEA Funds – State Improvement, supports 29 school districts • Tigard-Tualatin contract with ODE early reading – Erin Lolich • Bethel SD contract with ODE 4-12 model – Drew Braun • Technical assistance from U of O and PSU Scott Baker, Carrie Thomas-Beck, Hank Fein, Amanda Sanford • Oregon Parent Training and Information Center parent training • Oregon RTI Initiative Website: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=315
EBISSState Personnel Development Grant • Effective Behavior and Instructional Support Systems (EBISS):The Department was recently awarded a five year federal grant to support districts in a larger system change development of merging a behavior (PBS) and instructional (RTI) system into a single district wide model. Guidance and support will be offered to those selected school districts interested in adopting an EBISS model with support over a period of 3-5 years. Selected districts will be provided training tools for implementation of an integrated model, consultation regarding practical considerations, and guiding the effectiveness of the district plan for implementation.
CHALLENGES • Readiness of districts • Training Rural districts • Lack of understanding of infrastructure needs for systems change • Balance between prescriptive and hands-off • Professional development time • Funding Streams • Years to full implementationneeded 8-14 • EBISS website: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1389 Kimberly Ingram - Intervention Specialist (503) 947-5611
EVIDENCE - BASED PRACTICESGOING TO SCALE • SISEP – State Implementation & Scaling Up of Evidence Based Practices • www.scalingup.org • Oregon has selected EBISS to scale-up • Oregon is 1 of 4 states out of 34 application • PBS and RTI initiative successes were central to this opportunity National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) http://nirm.fmhi.usf.edu/
WEBSITES OREGON READING • http://oregonreadingfirst.uoregon.edu/ • http://www.ttsd.k12.or.us/district/student-services/orrti • http://www.ode.state.or.us/
OREGON STANDARD DIPLOMAOAR 581-022-1130 • Increase Credit Requirements 3 credits at Algebra I-level and above 3 credits, scientific inquiry-based, lab expierience • Credit for Proficiency standards based proficiency sufficiency
OREGON STANDARD DIPLOMA • Essential SkillsPhase-in Fall 2008/Required 2012 • Read and comprehend a variety of text • Write clearly and accurately • Speak clearly and coherently • Apply mathematics in a variety of settings • Think critically and analytically • Use technology to learn , live, and work • Demonstrate civic and community engagement • Demonstrate global literacy • Demonstrate personal management and teamwork skills
OREGON STANDARD DIPLOMA • Assessment of Essential Skills • State Test or • Local assessment consistent with state criteria (work samples or other determined by district) • Approved national Standardized test • Accommodations Table for the assessment of Essential Skills – March 2009 • IEP team involvement in determining assessments based on individual needs and State Board criteria
OREGON STANDARD DIPLOMA • Additional Requirements • Career-Related Learning Experiences • Extended Application • Oregon Diploma Website: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=368 • Contact: Theresa Levy, project coordinator (503) 947-5736
MODIFIED DIPLOMA • How will students obtain a modified diploma? Students may obtain a modified diploma by earning units of credit through regular education with or without accommodations or modifications and/or through modified courses. Students also shall have the option to earn credit by demonstrating proficiency. The units of credit requirements for students graduating with a modified diploma include: • (a) To receive a modified diploma a student must earn 24 units of credit, between grade 9 and the end of their high school career with at least 12 of those credits to include: • (A) English Language Arts—3; (B) Mathematics—2;(C) Science—2;(D) Social Sciences [which may include history, civics, geography and economics (including personal finance)] —2;(E) Health Education —1;(F) Physical Education—1; and(G) Career Technical Education, the Arts or Second Languages (units may be earned in any one or a combination)—1.
MODIFIED DIPLOMA • Will the modified diploma be accepted by the military?Some branches of the military may accept a modified diploma. Acceptance depends on the current needs of the military and criteria may change quickly. Students and their parents should check with recruiters to determine if a modified diploma is currently being accepted.
MODIFIED DIPLOMA • Is there a specific level of proficiency in math a student needs to acquire or just the required number of credits?For a modified diploma, the student would not have to reach a specific level of proficiency. Credit could be earned in such courses as consumer math, business math or basic math. Credit could also be earned in courses at a higher level of proficiency, but with significant modifications.
MODIFIED DIPLOMA • Will the modified diploma be accepted by four-year universities or Community colleges? Most four-year universities do not accept a modified diploma. Most community colleges will accept a modified diploma providing the student is able to pass an entrance exam
MODIFIED DIPLOMA • Will students who receive a modified diploma be eligible for financial aid at a post-secondary institution?Students who receive a modified diploma are not eligible for federal financial aid; however, some state and private financial aid and scholarships are available. • Modified Diploma website: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=2047 ODE : Jackie Burr, Transition Specialist (503) 947-5639